var search_data = {"ABDU American Black Duck":{"Result":"ABDU: American Black Duck
"},"ABFL Asian Brown Flycatcher":{"Result":"ABFL: Asian Brown Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"ABTO Abert's Towhee":{"Result":"ABTO: Abert's Towhee
"},"ACCA Audubon's Crested Caracara":{"Result":"ACCA: Audubon's Crested Caracara (BBL)
"},"ACFL Acadian Flycatcher":{"Result":"ACFL: Acadian Flycatcher
"},"ACGO Aleutian Cackling Goose":{"Result":"ACGO: Aleutian Cackling Goose
"},"ACHU Antillean Crested Hummingbird":{"Result":"ACHU: Antillean Crested Hummingbird (IBP: ANCH)
Confusion species:
AZCH: Azure-crowned Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"ACWO Acorn Woodpecker":{"Result":"ACWO: Acorn Woodpecker
"},"ADPE Adelie Penguin":{"Result":"ADPE: Adelie Penguin (BBL)
"},"ADWA Adelaide's Warbler":{"Result":"ADWA: Adelaide's Warbler
"},"AFCD African Collared-Dove":{"Result":"AFCD: African Collared-Dove
"},"AFOW Ashy-faced Owl":{"Result":"AFOW: Ashy-faced Owl
"},"AFPE African Penguin":{"Result":"AFPE: African Penguin (BBL)
"},"AFSI African Silverbill":{"Result":"AFSI: African Silverbill
"},"AGHE Agami Heron":{"Result":"AGHE: Agami Heron (IBP)
"},"AGWT American Green-winged Teal":{"Result":"AGWT: American Green-winged Teal
Confusion species:
GWTE: Green-winged Teal (IBP)
"},"AHJA Azure-hooded Jay":{"Result":"AHJA: Azure-hooded Jay (IBP)
"},"AISP Ainley's Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"AISP: Ainley's Storm-Petrel (IBP)
"},"AKEK Akekee":{"Result":"AKEK: Akekee
"},"AKEP Akepa":{"Result":"AKEP: Akepa (BBL)
"},"AKIA Akiapolaau":{"Result":"AKIA: Akiapolaau (BBL: AKIP)
"},"AKIK Akikiki":{"Result":"AKIK: Akikiki
"},"AKIP Akiapolaau":{"Result":"AKIP: Akiapolaau (IBP: AKIA)
"},"AKLW Arctic\/Kamchatka Leaf Warbler":{"Result":"AKLW: Arctic\/Kamchatka Leaf Warbler (IBP)
"},"AKOH Akohekohe":{"Result":"AKOH: Akohekohe
"},"ALFL Alder Flycatcher":{"Result":"ALFL: Alder Flycatcher
"},"ALHU Allen's Hummingbird":{"Result":"ALHU: Allen's Hummingbird
"},"ALOR Altamira Oriole":{"Result":"ALOR: Altamira Oriole
"},"ALSW Alpine Swift":{"Result":"ALSW: Alpine Swift (IBP)
"},"ALTE Aleutian Tern":{"Result":"ALTE: Aleutian Tern
"},"ALYE Altamira Yellowthroat":{"Result":"ALYE: Altamira Yellowthroat (IBP)
"},"AMAU Amaui":{"Result":"AMAU: Amaui (IBP)
"},"AMAV American Avocet":{"Result":"AMAV: American Avocet
"},"AMBI American Bittern":{"Result":"AMBI: American Bittern
"},"AMCO American Coot":{"Result":"AMCO: American Coot
"},"AMCR American Crow":{"Result":"AMCR: American Crow
"},"AMDI American Dipper":{"Result":"AMDI: American Dipper
"},"AMFL American Flamingo":{"Result":"AMFL: American Flamingo
"},"AMGO American Goldfinch":{"Result":"AMGO: American Goldfinch
"},"AMGP American Golden-Plover":{"Result":"AMGP: American Golden-Plover
"},"AMHU Amazilia Hummingbird":{"Result":"AMHU: Amazilia Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"AMKE American Kestrel":{"Result":"AMKE: American Kestrel
"},"AMKI Amazon Kingfisher":{"Result":"AMKI: Amazon Kingfisher (IBP)
"},"AMMU Alaska Marbled Murrelet":{"Result":"AMMU: Alaska Marbled Murrelet (BBL)
"},"AMOY American Oystercatcher":{"Result":"AMOY: American Oystercatcher
"},"AMPI American Pipit":{"Result":"AMPI: American Pipit
"},"AMRE American Redstart":{"Result":"AMRE: American Redstart
"},"AMRO American Robin":{"Result":"AMRO: American Robin
"},"AMWI American Wigeon":{"Result":"AMWI: American Wigeon
"},"AMWO American Woodcock":{"Result":"AMWO: American Woodcock
"},"ANCH Antillean Crested Hummingbird":{"Result":"ANCH: Antillean Crested Hummingbird (BBL: ACHU)
Confusion species:
AZCH: Azure-crowned Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"ANEU Antillean Euphonia":{"Result":"ANEU: Antillean Euphonia
"},"ANHI Anhinga":{"Result":"ANHI: Anhinga
"},"ANHU Anna's Hummingbird":{"Result":"ANHU: Anna's Hummingbird
"},"ANIA Anianiau":{"Result":"ANIA: Anianiau
"},"ANMA Antillean Mango":{"Result":"ANMA: Antillean Mango
"},"ANMU Ancient Murrelet":{"Result":"ANMU: Ancient Murrelet
"},"ANNI Antillean Nighthawk":{"Result":"ANNI: Antillean Nighthawk
"},"ANPE Antarctic Petrel":{"Result":"ANPE: Antarctic Petrel (BBL)
"},"ANPI Antillean Piculet":{"Result":"ANPI: Antillean Piculet (IBP)
"},"ANPS Antillean Palm-Swift":{"Result":"ANPS: Antillean Palm-Swift (IBP)
"},"ANSI Antillean Siskin":{"Result":"ANSI: Antillean Siskin (IBP)
"},"ANTE Antarctic Tern":{"Result":"ANTE: Antarctic Tern (BBL)
"},"APAP Apapane":{"Result":"APAP: Apapane
"},"APFA Aplomado Falcon":{"Result":"APFA: Aplomado Falcon
"},"APKI American Pygmy Kingfisher":{"Result":"APKI: American Pygmy Kingfisher (IBP)
"},"ARLO Arctic Loon":{"Result":"ARLO: Arctic Loon
"},"ARRW Arrowhead Warbler":{"Result":"ARRW: Arrowhead Warbler
Confusion species:
ARWA: Arctic Warbler
"},"ARTA Azure-rumped Tanager":{"Result":"ARTA: Azure-rumped Tanager (IBP)
"},"ARTE Arctic Tern":{"Result":"ARTE: Arctic Tern
"},"ARWA Arctic Warbler":{"Result":"ARWA: Arctic Warbler
Confusion species:
ARRW: Arrowhead Warbler
"},"ARWO Arizona Woodpecker":{"Result":"ARWO: Arizona Woodpecker
"},"ASRF Asian Rosy-Finch":{"Result":"ASRF: Asian Rosy-Finch (IBP)
"},"ASSP Ashy Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"ASSP: Ashy Storm-Petrel
"},"ATBR Atlantic Brant":{"Result":"ATBR: Atlantic Brant
"},"ATCH Ashy-throated Chlorospingus":{"Result":"ATCH: Ashy-throated Chlorospingus (IBP)
"},"ATFL Ash-throated Flycatcher":{"Result":"ATFL: Ash-throated Flycatcher
"},"ATGR Atitlan Grebe":{"Result":"ATGR: Atitlan Grebe (IBP)
"},"ATMG Amethyst-throated Mountain-gem":{"Result":"ATMG: Amethyst-throated Mountain-gem (IBP)
"},"ATPU Atlantic Puffin":{"Result":"ATPU: Atlantic Puffin
"},"ATSP American Tree Sparrow":{"Result":"ATSP: American Tree Sparrow
"},"ATTW American Three-toed Woodpecker":{"Result":"ATTW: American Three-toed Woodpecker
"},"AUOR Audubon's Oriole":{"Result":"AUOR: Audubon's Oriole
"},"AUSH Audubon's Shearwater":{"Result":"AUSH: Audubon's Shearwater
"},"AUWA Audubon's Warbler":{"Result":"AUWA: Audubon's Warbler
"},"AWPE American White Pelican":{"Result":"AWPE: American White Pelican
"},"AZCH Azure-crowned Hummingbird":{"Result":"AZCH: Azure-crowned Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
ANCH\/ACHU: Antillean Crested Hummingbird
"},"AZGA Azure Gallinule":{"Result":"AZGA: Azure Gallinule (IBP)
"},"AZRA Aztec Rail":{"Result":"AZRA: Aztec Rail (IBP)
"},"AZTH Aztec Thrush":{"Result":"AZTH: Aztec Thrush
"},"BAAN Barred Antshrike":{"Result":"BAAN: Barred Antshrike (IBP)
"},"BABE Barred Becard":{"Result":"BABE: Barred Becard (IBP)
"},"BABU Barbados Bullfinch":{"Result":"BABU: Barbados Bullfinch (IBP)
"},"BABW Band-backed Wren":{"Result":"BABW: Band-backed Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
BBEW: Black-bellied Wren (IBP)
BBRW: Buff-breasted Wren (IBP)
"},"BACA Bare-crowned Antbird":{"Result":"BACA: Bare-crowned Antbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCAP: Black-crowned Antpitta (IBP)
BCAS: Black-crowned Antshrike (IBP)
"},"BACG Baja Gnatcatcher":{"Result":"BACG: Baja Gnatcatcher (BBL)
"},"BACS Bachman's Sparrow":{"Result":"BACS: Bachman's Sparrow
Confusion species:
BAIS: Baird's Sparrow
"},"BADO Barred Owl":{"Result":"BADO: Barred Owl (BBL: BDOW)
Confusion species:
BANO\/BNOW: Barn Owl
"},"BAEA Bald Eagle":{"Result":"BAEA: Bald Eagle
"},"BAFA Bat Falcon":{"Result":"BAFA: Bat Falcon (IBP)
"},"BAFF Barred Forest-Falcon":{"Result":"BAFF: Barred Forest-Falcon (IBP)
"},"BAGN ":{"Result":"BAGN: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BACG: Baja Gnatcatcher (BBL)
"},"BAGO Barrow's Goldeneye":{"Result":"BAGO: Barrow's Goldeneye
Confusion species:
BARG\/BRNG: Barnacle Goose
"},"BAGT Blue-and-gold Tanager":{"Result":"BAGT: Blue-and-gold Tanager (IBP)
"},"BAHA Barred Hawk":{"Result":"BAHA: Barred Hawk (IBP)
"},"BAHO Bahama Oriole":{"Result":"BAHO: Bahama Oriole
Confusion species:
BAOR: Baltimore Oriole
"},"BAHS Bahama Swallow":{"Result":"BAHS: Bahama Swallow
Confusion species:
BANS: Bank Swallow
BARS: Barn Swallow
"},"BAHW Bahama Warbler":{"Result":"BAHW: Bahama Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
BAWA: Bachman's Warbler (IBP)
BARW: Barbuda Warbler
"},"BAIS Baird's Sparrow":{"Result":"BAIS: Baird's Sparrow
Confusion species:
BACS: Bachman's Sparrow
"},"BAJU Baird's Junco":{"Result":"BAJU: Baird's Junco (IBP)
"},"BAMO Bahama Mockingbird":{"Result":"BAMO: Bahama Mockingbird
"},"BANA Bananaquit":{"Result":"BANA: Bananaquit
"},"BANO Barn Owl":{"Result":"BANO: Barn Owl (BBL: BNOW)
Confusion species:
BADO\/BDOW: Barred Owl
"},"BANP Band-rumped Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"BANP: Band-rumped Storm-Petrel (IBP: BSTP)
Confusion species:
BRIS: Bridled Sparrow (IBP)
BRSP: Brewer's Sparrow
"},"BANS Bank Swallow":{"Result":"BANS: Bank Swallow
Confusion species:
BAHS: Bahama Swallow
BARS: Barn Swallow
"},"BANU Bahama Nuthatch":{"Result":"BANU: Bahama Nuthatch (IBP)
"},"BANW Banded Wren":{"Result":"BANW: Banded Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
BAYW: Bay Wren (IBP)
"},"BAOR Baltimore Oriole":{"Result":"BAOR: Baltimore Oriole
Confusion species:
BAHO: Bahama Oriole
"},"BAOW ":{"Result":"BAOW: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BANO\/BNOW: Barn Owl
BADO\/BDOW: Barred Owl
"},"BAPA Barred Parakeet":{"Result":"BAPA: Barred Parakeet (IBP)
"},"BAPU Barred Puffbird":{"Result":"BAPU: Barred Puffbird (IBP)
"},"BAQU Banded Quail":{"Result":"BAQU: Banded Quail (IBP)
"},"BARG ('Bar-tailed Godwit', 'Barnacle Goose')":{"Result":"BARG: Code refers to different taxa in BBL and IBP.
BARG: Bar-tailed Godwit (BBL)
BARG: Barnacle Goose (IBP)
Confusion species:
BAGO: Barrow's Goldeneye
BTRG: Blue-throated Goldentail (IBP)
BLTG\/BLAG: Black-tailed Godwit
"},"BARS Barn Swallow":{"Result":"BARS: Barn Swallow
Confusion species:
BANS: Bank Swallow
BAHS: Bahama Swallow
"},"BARW Barbuda Warbler":{"Result":"BARW: Barbuda Warbler
Confusion species:
BAWA: Bachman's Warbler (IBP)
BAHW: Bahama Warbler (IBP)
"},"BASA Baird's Sandpiper":{"Result":"BASA: Baird's Sandpiper
"},"BASH Barolo Shearwater":{"Result":"BASH: Barolo Shearwater (IBP)
"},"BASO Balsas Screech-Owl":{"Result":"BASO: Balsas Screech-Owl (IBP)
"},"BASP ":{"Result":"BASP: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BACS: Bachman's Sparrow
BAIS: Baird's Sparrow
"},"BASW ":{"Result":"BASW: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BANS: Bank Swallow
BAHS: Bahama Swallow
BARS: Barn Swallow
"},"BATE Baikal Teal":{"Result":"BATE: Baikal Teal
"},"BATR Baird's Trogon":{"Result":"BATR: Baird's Trogon (IBP)
"},"BAWA Bachman's Warbler":{"Result":"BAWA: Bachman's Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
BAHW: Bahama Warbler (IBP)
BARW: Barbuda Warbler
"},"BAWB Black-and-white Becard":{"Result":"BAWB: Black-and-white Becard (IBP)
"},"BAWH Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle":{"Result":"BAWH: Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle (IBP)
"},"BAWM Blue-and-white Mockingbird":{"Result":"BAWM: Blue-and-white Mockingbird (IBP)
"},"BAWO Bahama Woodstar":{"Result":"BAWO: Bahama Woodstar
Confusion species:
BLWO: Black-and-white Owl (IBP)
"},"BAWR ":{"Result":"BAWR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BANW: Banded Wren (IBP)
BAYW: Bay Wren (IBP)
"},"BAWS Blue-and-white Swallow":{"Result":"BAWS: Blue-and-white Swallow (IBP)
"},"BAWW Black-and-white Warbler":{"Result":"BAWW: Black-and-white Warbler
"},"BAYE Bahama Yellowthroat":{"Result":"BAYE: Bahama Yellowthroat
"},"BAYM Blue-and-yellow Macaw":{"Result":"BAYM: Blue-and-yellow Macaw (IBP)
"},"BAYS Black-and-yellow Silky-flycatcher":{"Result":"BAYS: Black-and-yellow Silky-flycatcher (IBP)
"},"BAYT Black-and-yellow Tanager":{"Result":"BAYT: Black-and-yellow Tanager (IBP)
"},"BAYW Bay Wren":{"Result":"BAYW: Bay Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
BANW: Banded Wren (IBP)
"},"BBAL Black-browed Albatross":{"Result":"BBAL: Black-browed Albatross
"},"BBCU Black-billed Cuckoo":{"Result":"BBCU: Black-billed Cuckoo
Confusion species:
BBRC: Bay-breasted Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"BBEH Buff-bellied Hummingbird":{"Result":"BBEH: Buff-bellied Hummingbird (BBL: BUFH)
Confusion species:
BBIH\/BBLH: Broad-billed Hummingbird
BLBH: Black-bellied Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"BBEW Black-bellied Wren":{"Result":"BBEW: Black-bellied Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
BABW: Band-backed Wren (IBP)
BBRW: Buff-breasted Wren (IBP)
"},"BBFL Buff-breasted Flycatcher":{"Result":"BBFL: Buff-breasted Flycatcher
Confusion species:
BOBF: Boat-billed Flycatcher (IBP)
BLBF: Black-billed Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"BBGR Blue-black Grassquit":{"Result":"BBGR: Blue-black Grassquit (IBP: BGRA)
Confusion species:
BGRO: Blue-black Grosbeak (IBP)
"},"BBHE Boat-billed Heron":{"Result":"BBHE: Boat-billed Heron (IBP)
"},"BBHU ":{"Result":"BBHU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BBIH\/BBLH: Broad-billed Hummingbird
BLBH: Black-bellied Hummingbird (IBP)
BBEH\/BUFH: Buff-bellied Hummingbird
"},"BBIH Broad-billed Hummingbird":{"Result":"BBIH: Broad-billed Hummingbird (BBL: BBLH)
Confusion species:
BLBH: Black-bellied Hummingbird (IBP)
BBEH\/BUFH: Buff-bellied Hummingbird
"},"BBIS Broad-billed Sandpiper":{"Result":"BBIS: Broad-billed Sandpiper (IBP)
Confusion species:
BBSA: Buff-breasted Sandpiper
"},"BBLH Broad-billed Hummingbird":{"Result":"BBLH: Broad-billed Hummingbird (IBP: BBIH)
Confusion species:
BLBH: Black-bellied Hummingbird (IBP)
BBEH\/BUFH: Buff-bellied Hummingbird
"},"BBMA Black-billed Magpie":{"Result":"BBMA: Black-billed Magpie
"},"BBMO Broad-billed Motmot":{"Result":"BBMO: Broad-billed Motmot (IBP)
"},"BBNT Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush":{"Result":"BBNT: Black-billed Nightingale-Thrush (IBP)
"},"BBNW Black-banded Woodcreeper":{"Result":"BBNW: Black-banded Woodcreeper (IBP)
Confusion species:
BBWO: Black-backed Woodpecker
"},"BBOR Black-backed Oriole":{"Result":"BBOR: Black-backed Oriole (IBP)
"},"BBPA Black-billed Parrot":{"Result":"BBPA: Black-billed Parrot (IBP)
"},"BBPL Black-bellied Plover":{"Result":"BBPL: Black-bellied Plover
"},"BBPR Broad-billed Prion":{"Result":"BBPR: Broad-billed Prion (BBL)
"},"BBPU Black-breasted Puffbird":{"Result":"BBPU: Black-breasted Puffbird (IBP)
"},"BBRA Buff-banded Rail":{"Result":"BBRA: Buff-banded Rail (BBL)
"},"BBRC Bay-breasted Cuckoo":{"Result":"BBRC: Bay-breasted Cuckoo (IBP)
Confusion species:
BBCU: Black-billed Cuckoo
"},"BBRW Buff-breasted Wren":{"Result":"BBRW: Buff-breasted Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
BABW: Band-backed Wren (IBP)
BBEW: Black-bellied Wren (IBP)
"},"BBSA Buff-breasted Sandpiper":{"Result":"BBSA: Buff-breasted Sandpiper
Confusion species:
BBIS: Broad-billed Sandpiper (IBP)
"},"BBSC Brown-billed Scythebill":{"Result":"BBSC: Brown-billed Scythebill (IBP)
"},"BBSO Brown-backed Solitaire":{"Result":"BBSO: Brown-backed Solitaire (IBP)
"},"BBSP Black-bellied Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"BBSP: Black-bellied Storm-Petrel (IBP)
"},"BBTO Broad-billed Tody":{"Result":"BBTO: Broad-billed Tody (IBP)
"},"BBWA Bay-breasted Warbler":{"Result":"BBWA: Bay-breasted Warbler
Confusion species:
BWAG: Black-backed Wagtail (BBL)
"},"BBWD Black-bellied Whistling-Duck":{"Result":"BBWD: Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
"},"BBWO Black-backed Woodpecker":{"Result":"BBWO: Black-backed Woodpecker
Confusion species:
BBNW: Black-banded Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"BBWQ Black-breasted Wood-Quail":{"Result":"BBWQ: Black-breasted Wood-Quail (IBP)
"},"BBWR ":{"Result":"BBWR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BABW: Band-backed Wren (IBP)
BBEW: Black-bellied Wren (IBP)
BBRW: Buff-breasted Wren (IBP)
"},"BCAF Black-capped Flycatcher":{"Result":"BCAF: Black-capped Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCFL: Brown-crested Flycatcher
BCOF: Bran-colored Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"BCAH Blue-capped Hummingbird":{"Result":"BCAH: Blue-capped Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCHU: Black-chinned Hummingbird
BCHH: Blue-chested Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"BCAN ":{"Result":"BCAN: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BCAP: Black-crowned Antpitta (IBP)
BCAS: Black-crowned Antshrike (IBP)
BACA: Bare-crowned Antbird (IBP)
"},"BCAP Black-crowned Antpitta":{"Result":"BCAP: Black-crowned Antpitta (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCAS: Black-crowned Antshrike (IBP)
BACA: Bare-crowned Antbird (IBP)
"},"BCAS Black-crowned Antshrike":{"Result":"BCAS: Black-crowned Antshrike (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCAP: Black-crowned Antpitta (IBP)
BACA: Bare-crowned Antbird (IBP)
"},"BCAT Black-cheeked Ant-Tanager":{"Result":"BCAT: Black-cheeked Ant-Tanager (IBP)
"},"BCAV Brown-capped Vireo":{"Result":"BCAV: Brown-capped Vireo (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCVI: Black-capped Vireo
"},"BCCH Black-capped Chickadee":{"Result":"BCCH: Black-capped Chickadee
Confusion species:
BCRC: Blue-crowned Chlorophonia (IBP)
"},"BCCO Black-crested Coquette":{"Result":"BCCO: Black-crested Coquette (IBP)
"},"BCDO Black-capped Donacobius":{"Result":"BCDO: Black-capped Donacobius (IBP)
"},"BCFL Brown-crested Flycatcher":{"Result":"BCFL: Brown-crested Flycatcher
Confusion species:
BCOF: Bran-colored Flycatcher (IBP)
BCAF: Black-capped Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"BCGN Black-capped Gnatcatcher":{"Result":"BCGN: Black-capped Gnatcatcher
"},"BCHA Black-collared Hawk":{"Result":"BCHA: Black-collared Hawk (IBP)
"},"BCHH Blue-chested Hummingbird":{"Result":"BCHH: Blue-chested Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCHU: Black-chinned Hummingbird
BCAH: Blue-capped Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"BCHJ Black-chested Jay":{"Result":"BCHJ: Black-chested Jay (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCRJ: Bushy-crested Jay (IBP)
"},"BCHS Black-chested Sparrow":{"Result":"BCHS: Black-chested Sparrow (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCSP: Black-chinned Sparrow
"},"BCHU Black-chinned Hummingbird":{"Result":"BCHU: Black-chinned Hummingbird
Confusion species:
BCAH: Blue-capped Hummingbird (IBP)
BCHH: Blue-chested Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"BCJA ":{"Result":"BCJA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BCHJ: Black-chested Jay (IBP)
BCRJ: Bushy-crested Jay (IBP)
"},"BCLO Blue-crowned Lorikeet":{"Result":"BCLO: Blue-crowned Lorikeet (BBL)
"},"BCMA Brown-chested Martin":{"Result":"BCMA: Brown-chested Martin (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCRM: Blue-crowned Manakin (IBP)
"},"BCMO Blue-capped Motmot":{"Result":"BCMO: Blue-capped Motmot (IBP)
"},"BCNH Black-crowned Night-Heron":{"Result":"BCNH: Black-crowned Night-Heron
"},"BCNI Buff-collared Nightjar":{"Result":"BCNI: Buff-collared Nightjar
"},"BCOF Bran-colored Flycatcher":{"Result":"BCOF: Bran-colored Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCFL: Brown-crested Flycatcher
BCAF: Black-capped Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"BCOR Black-cowled Oriole":{"Result":"BCOR: Black-cowled Oriole
"},"BCPE Black-capped Petrel":{"Result":"BCPE: Black-capped Petrel
"},"BCPT ":{"Result":"BCPT: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BPYT: Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant (IBP)
BPLT: Black-crowned Palm-Tanager (IBP)
"},"BCRC Blue-crowned Chlorophonia":{"Result":"BCRC: Blue-crowned Chlorophonia (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCCH: Black-capped Chickadee
"},"BCRF Brown-capped Rosy-Finch":{"Result":"BCRF: Brown-capped Rosy-Finch
"},"BCRJ Bushy-crested Jay":{"Result":"BCRJ: Bushy-crested Jay (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCHJ: Black-chested Jay (IBP)
"},"BCRM Blue-crowned Manakin":{"Result":"BCRM: Blue-crowned Manakin (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCMA: Brown-chested Martin (IBP)
"},"BCRT Black-crowned Tityra":{"Result":"BCRT: Black-crowned Tityra (IBP)
Confusion species:
BCTI: Black-crested Titmouse
"},"BCSI Black-capped Siskin":{"Result":"BCSI: Black-capped Siskin (IBP)
"},"BCSP Black-chinned Sparrow":{"Result":"BCSP: Black-chinned Sparrow
Confusion species:
BCHS: Black-chested Sparrow (IBP)
"},"BCSW Black-capped Swallow":{"Result":"BCSW: Black-capped Swallow (IBP)
"},"BCTE Blue-winged\/Cinnamon Teal":{"Result":"BCTE: Blue-winged\/Cinnamon Teal (IBP)
"},"BCTI Black-crested Titmouse":{"Result":"BCTI: Black-crested Titmouse
Confusion species:
BCRT: Black-crowned Tityra (IBP)
"},"BCTY Brown-capped Tyrannulet":{"Result":"BCTY: Brown-capped Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"BCVI Black-capped Vireo":{"Result":"BCVI: Black-capped Vireo
Confusion species:
BCAV: Brown-capped Vireo (IBP)
"},"BCWA Black-cheeked Warbler":{"Result":"BCWA: Black-cheeked Warbler (IBP)
"},"BCWO Black-cheeked Woodpecker":{"Result":"BCWO: Black-cheeked Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"BCWP Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge":{"Result":"BCWP: Buffy-crowned Wood-Partridge (IBP)
"},"BDOW Barred Owl":{"Result":"BDOW: Barred Owl (IBP: BADO)
Confusion species:
BANO\/BNOW: Barn Owl
"},"BEAH Beautiful Hummingbird":{"Result":"BEAH: Beautiful Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
BEEH: Bee Hummingbird (IBP)
BEHU: Berylline Hummingbird
"},"BECO Blue-eyed Cormorant":{"Result":"BECO: Blue-eyed Cormorant (BBL)
"},"BEEH Bee Hummingbird":{"Result":"BEEH: Bee Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
BEAH: Beautiful Hummingbird (IBP)
BEHU: Berylline Hummingbird
"},"BEFL Belted Flycatcher":{"Result":"BEFL: Belted Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"BEGU Belcher's Gull":{"Result":"BEGU: Belcher's Gull (IBP)
"},"BEHU Berylline Hummingbird":{"Result":"BEHU: Berylline Hummingbird
Confusion species:
BEAH: Beautiful Hummingbird (IBP)
BEEH: Bee Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"BEKI Belted Kingfisher":{"Result":"BEKI: Belted Kingfisher
"},"BEPE Bermuda Petrel":{"Result":"BEPE: Bermuda Petrel (IBP)
"},"BESO Bearded Screech-Owl":{"Result":"BESO: Bearded Screech-Owl (IBP)
"},"BESP Bell's Sparrow":{"Result":"BESP: Bell's Sparrow
"},"BESW Bewick's Swan":{"Result":"BESW: Bewick's Swan
"},"BETH Bendire's Thrasher":{"Result":"BETH: Bendire's Thrasher
"},"BETR Beautiful Treerunner":{"Result":"BETR: Beautiful Treerunner (IBP)
"},"BEVI Bell's Vireo":{"Result":"BEVI: Bell's Vireo
"},"BEWP Bearded Wood-Partridge":{"Result":"BEWP: Bearded Wood-Partridge (IBP)
"},"BEWQ Black-eared Wood-Quail":{"Result":"BEWQ: Black-eared Wood-Quail (IBP)
"},"BEWR Bewick's Wren":{"Result":"BEWR: Bewick's Wren
"},"BEYE Belding's Yellowthroat":{"Result":"BEYE: Belding's Yellowthroat (IBP)
"},"BFAG Black-faced Grosbeak":{"Result":"BFAG: Black-faced Grosbeak (IBP)
Confusion species:
BFGR: Black-faced Grassquit
"},"BFAL Black-footed Albatross":{"Result":"BFAL: Black-footed Albatross
"},"BFAN Black-faced Antthrush":{"Result":"BFAN: Black-faced Antthrush (IBP)
"},"BFBO Blue-footed Booby":{"Result":"BFBO: Blue-footed Booby
"},"BFFG Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner":{"Result":"BFFG: Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner (IBP)
"},"BFGR Black-faced Grassquit":{"Result":"BFGR: Black-faced Grassquit
Confusion species:
BFAG: Black-faced Grosbeak (IBP)
"},"BFPA Blue-fronted Parrotlet":{"Result":"BFPA: Blue-fronted Parrotlet (IBP)
"},"BFQD Buff-fronted Quail-Dove":{"Result":"BFQD: Buff-fronted Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"BFSO Black-faced Solitaire":{"Result":"BFSO: Black-faced Solitaire (IBP)
"},"BGDO Blue Ground Dove":{"Result":"BGDO: Blue Ground Dove (IBP)
"},"BGGN Blue-gray Gnatcatcher":{"Result":"BGGN: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
"},"BGNO Blue-gray Noddy":{"Result":"BGNO: Blue-gray Noddy
"},"BGRA Blue-black Grassquit":{"Result":"BGRA: Blue-black Grassquit (BBL: BBGR)
Confusion species:
BGRO: Blue-black Grosbeak (IBP)
"},"BGRO Blue-black Grosbeak":{"Result":"BGRO: Blue-black Grosbeak (IBP)
Confusion species:
BGRA\/BBGR: Blue-black Grassquit
"},"BGSG Blue Greater Snow Goose":{"Result":"BGSG: Blue Greater Snow Goose (BBL)
"},"BGTA Blue-gray Tanager":{"Result":"BGTA: Blue-gray Tanager (IBP)
"},"BHAN ":{"Result":"BHAN: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BHOA: Black-hooded Antshrike (IBP)
BHEA: Black-headed Antthrush (IBP)
"},"BHBR Black-headed Brushfinch":{"Result":"BHBR: Black-headed Brushfinch (IBP)
"},"BHCO Brown-headed Cowbird":{"Result":"BHCO: Brown-headed Cowbird
"},"BHEA Black-headed Antthrush":{"Result":"BHEA: Black-headed Antthrush (IBP)
Confusion species:
BHOA: Black-hooded Antshrike (IBP)
"},"BHEP Blue-headed Parrot":{"Result":"BHEP: Blue-headed Parrot (IBP)
Confusion species:
BHOP: Brown-hooded Parrot (IBP)
BHPA: Black-headed Parakeet (BBL)
"},"BHGR Black-headed Grosbeak":{"Result":"BHGR: Black-headed Grosbeak
"},"BHGU Black-headed Gull":{"Result":"BHGU: Black-headed Gull
"},"BHHU Blue-headed Hummingbird":{"Result":"BHHU: Blue-headed Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"BHNT Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush":{"Result":"BHNT: Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush (IBP)
"},"BHNU Brown-headed Nuthatch":{"Result":"BHNU: Brown-headed Nuthatch
"},"BHOA Black-hooded Antshrike":{"Result":"BHOA: Black-hooded Antshrike (IBP)
Confusion species:
BHEA: Black-headed Antthrush (IBP)
"},"BHOP Brown-hooded Parrot":{"Result":"BHOP: Brown-hooded Parrot (IBP)
Confusion species:
BHEP: Blue-headed Parrot (IBP)
BHPA: Black-headed Parakeet (BBL)
"},"BHPA Black-headed Parakeet":{"Result":"BHPA: Black-headed Parakeet (BBL)
Confusion species:
BHOP: Brown-hooded Parrot (IBP)
BHEP: Blue-headed Parrot (IBP)
"},"BHQD Blue-headed Quail-Dove":{"Result":"BHQD: Blue-headed Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"BHSA Black-headed Saltator":{"Result":"BHSA: Black-headed Saltator (IBP)
"},"BHSI Black-headed Siskin":{"Result":"BHSI: Black-headed Siskin (IBP)
"},"BHTA Bay-headed Tanager":{"Result":"BHTA: Bay-headed Tanager (IBP)
"},"BHTF Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher":{"Result":"BHTF: Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"BHTR Black-headed Trogon":{"Result":"BHTR: Black-headed Trogon (IBP)
"},"BHVI Blue-headed Vireo":{"Result":"BHVI: Blue-headed Vireo
"},"BIAN Bicolored Antbird":{"Result":"BIAN: Bicolored Antbird (IBP)
"},"BIHA Bicolored Hawk":{"Result":"BIHA: Bicolored Hawk (IBP)
"},"BIOO Bishop's Oo":{"Result":"BIOO: Bishop's Oo
"},"BITH Bicknell's Thrush":{"Result":"BITH: Bicknell's Thrush
"},"BIWR Bicolored Wren":{"Result":"BIWR: Bicolored Wren (IBP)
"},"BLAG ('Black-tailed Godwit', 'Black Guan')":{"Result":"BLAG: Code refers to different taxa in BBL and IBP.
BLAG: Black-tailed Godwit (BBL)
BLAG: Black Guan (IBP)
Confusion species:
BTRG: Blue-throated Goldentail (IBP)
BTGO\/BARG: Bar-tailed Godwit
BLGU: Black Guillemot
"},"BLAK Black Kite":{"Result":"BLAK: Black Kite (IBP)
Confusion species:
BLKI: Black-legged Kittiwake
"},"BLAN Black Antshrike":{"Result":"BLAN: Black Antshrike (IBP)
"},"BLBF Black-billed Flycatcher":{"Result":"BLBF: Black-billed Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
BOBF: Boat-billed Flycatcher (IBP)
BBFL: Buff-breasted Flycatcher
"},"BLBH Black-bellied Hummingbird":{"Result":"BLBH: Black-bellied Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
BBIH\/BBLH: Broad-billed Hummingbird
BBEH\/BUFH: Buff-bellied Hummingbird
"},"BLBR Black Brant":{"Result":"BLBR: Black Brant
"},"BLBU Blue Bunting":{"Result":"BLBU: Blue Bunting
"},"BLBW Blackburnian Warbler":{"Result":"BLBW: Blackburnian Warbler
Confusion species:
BLPW: Blackpoll Warbler
"},"BLCA Black Catbird":{"Result":"BLCA: Black Catbird (IBP)
"},"BLCO Blue Cotinga":{"Result":"BLCO: Blue Cotinga (IBP)
"},"BLDA Blue Dacnis":{"Result":"BLDA: Blue Dacnis (IBP)
"},"BLDR Black Drongo":{"Result":"BLDR: Black Drongo (BBL)
"},"BLFR Black Francolin":{"Result":"BLFR: Black Francolin (IBP)
"},"BLGO Blue Goose":{"Result":"BLGO: Blue Goose (BBL)
"},"BLGR Blue Grosbeak":{"Result":"BLGR: Blue Grosbeak
"},"BLGU Black Guillemot":{"Result":"BLGU: Black Guillemot
Confusion species:
BLAG: Black Guan (IBP)
"},"BLHE Black Hawk-Eagle":{"Result":"BLHE: Black Hawk-Eagle (IBP)
"},"BLJA Blue Jay":{"Result":"BLJA: Blue Jay
"},"BLKI Black-legged Kittiwake":{"Result":"BLKI: Black-legged Kittiwake
Confusion species:
BLAK: Black Kite (IBP)
"},"BLMA Black Mamo":{"Result":"BLMA: Black Mamo (IBP)
"},"BLMO Blue Mockingbird":{"Result":"BLMO: Blue Mockingbird
"},"BLNO Black Noddy":{"Result":"BLNO: Black Noddy
"},"BLOR Black Oropendola":{"Result":"BLOR: Black Oropendola (IBP)
"},"BLOW Bare-legged Owl":{"Result":"BLOW: Bare-legged Owl (IBP)
"},"BLOY Black Oystercatcher":{"Result":"BLOY: Black Oystercatcher
"},"BLPE Blue Petrel":{"Result":"BLPE: Blue Petrel (BBL)
"},"BLPH Black Phoebe":{"Result":"BLPH: Black Phoebe
"},"BLPW Blackpoll Warbler":{"Result":"BLPW: Blackpoll Warbler
Confusion species:
BLBW: Blackburnian Warbler
"},"BLRA Black Rail":{"Result":"BLRA: Black Rail
"},"BLRF Black Rosy-Finch":{"Result":"BLRF: Black Rosy-Finch
"},"BLRW Black-rumped Waxbill":{"Result":"BLRW: Black-rumped Waxbill (BBL: BRWX)
Confusion species:
BREW: Blyth's Reed Warbler (IBP)
BRWA: Brewster's Warbler
BURW: Buff-rumped Warbler (IBP)
"},"BLSC Black Scoter":{"Result":"BLSC: Black Scoter
"},"BLSE Blue Seedeater":{"Result":"BLSE: Blue Seedeater (IBP)
"},"BLSK Black Skimmer":{"Result":"BLSK: Black Skimmer
"},"BLSP Black Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"BLSP: Black Storm-Petrel
"},"BLSW Black Swift":{"Result":"BLSW: Black Swift
"},"BLTE Black Tern":{"Result":"BLTE: Black Tern
"},"BLTG Black-tailed Godwit":{"Result":"BLTG: Black-tailed Godwit (BBL: BLAG)
Confusion species:
BTRG: Blue-throated Goldentail (IBP)
BTGO\/BARG: Bar-tailed Godwit
"},"BLTH Black Thrush":{"Result":"BLTH: Black Thrush (IBP)
"},"BLTU Black Turnstone":{"Result":"BLTU: Black Turnstone
"},"BLUE Bluethroat":{"Result":"BLUE: Bluethroat
"},"BLUH Blue-throated Hummingbird":{"Result":"BLUH: Blue-throated Hummingbird (BBL)
Confusion species:
BTHU\/BTLH: Broad-tailed Hummingbird
BTAH: Blue-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"BLVU Black Vulture":{"Result":"BLVU: Black Vulture
"},"BLWA ":{"Result":"BLWA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BLBW: Blackburnian Warbler
BLPW: Blackpoll Warbler
"},"BLWO Black-and-white Owl":{"Result":"BLWO: Black-and-white Owl (IBP)
Confusion species:
BAWO: Bahama Woodstar
"},"BMVI Blue Mountain Vireo":{"Result":"BMVI: Blue Mountain Vireo (IBP)
"},"BNIB Buff-necked Ibis":{"Result":"BNIB: Buff-necked Ibis (IBP)
"},"BNOW Barn Owl":{"Result":"BNOW: Barn Owl (IBP: BANO)
Confusion species:
BADO\/BDOW: Barred Owl
"},"BNST Black-necked Stilt":{"Result":"BNST: Black-necked Stilt
"},"BNTE Black-naped Tern":{"Result":"BNTE: Black-naped Tern (BBL)
"},"BNUM Bare-necked Umbrellabird":{"Result":"BNUM: Bare-necked Umbrellabird (IBP)
"},"BOBF Boat-billed Flycatcher":{"Result":"BOBF: Boat-billed Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
BLBF: Black-billed Flycatcher (IBP)
BBFL: Buff-breasted Flycatcher
"},"BOBO Bobolink":{"Result":"BOBO: Bobolink
"},"BOCH Boreal Chickadee":{"Result":"BOCH: Boreal Chickadee
"},"BOGU Bonaparte's Gull":{"Result":"BOGU: Bonaparte's Gull
"},"BOOW Boreal Owl":{"Result":"BOOW: Boreal Owl
"},"BOPE Bonin Petrel":{"Result":"BOPE: Bonin Petrel
"},"BOPT Bronze-olive Pygmy-Tyrant":{"Result":"BOPT: Bronze-olive Pygmy-Tyrant (IBP)
"},"BOSP Botteri's Sparrow":{"Result":"BOSP: Botteri's Sparrow
"},"BOWA Bohemian Waxwing":{"Result":"BOWA: Bohemian Waxwing
"},"BOWR Boucard's Wren":{"Result":"BOWR: Boucard's Wren (IBP)
"},"BPLT Black-crowned Palm-Tanager":{"Result":"BPLT: Black-crowned Palm-Tanager (IBP)
Confusion species:
BPYT: Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant (IBP)
"},"BPYE Black-polled Yellowthroat":{"Result":"BPYE: Black-polled Yellowthroat (IBP)
"},"BPYT Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant":{"Result":"BPYT: Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant (IBP)
Confusion species:
BPLT: Black-crowned Palm-Tanager (IBP)
"},"BRAC Brandt's Cormorant":{"Result":"BRAC: Brandt's Cormorant
Confusion species:
BROC: Bronzed Cowbird
"},"BRAM Brambling":{"Result":"BRAM: Brambling
"},"BRAN Brant":{"Result":"BRAN: Brant (IBP)
"},"BRAT Bright-rumped Attila":{"Result":"BRAT: Bright-rumped Attila (IBP)
"},"BRBL Brewer's Blackbird":{"Result":"BRBL: Brewer's Blackbird
"},"BRBO Brown Booby":{"Result":"BRBO: Brown Booby
"},"BRCO ":{"Result":"BRCO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BRAC: Brandt's Cormorant
BROC: Bronzed Cowbird
"},"BRCR Brown Creeper":{"Result":"BRCR: Brown Creeper
"},"BREM Brace's Emerald":{"Result":"BREM: Brace's Emerald (IBP)
"},"BREW Blyth's Reed Warbler":{"Result":"BREW: Blyth's Reed Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
BLRW\/BRWX: Black-rumped Waxbill
BRWA: Brewster's Warbler
BURW: Buff-rumped Warbler (IBP)
"},"BRHE Bronzy Hermit":{"Result":"BRHE: Bronzy Hermit (IBP)
"},"BRIS Bridled Sparrow":{"Result":"BRIS: Bridled Sparrow (IBP)
Confusion species:
BSTP\/BANP: Band-rumped Storm-Petrel
BRSP: Brewer's Sparrow
"},"BRJA Brown Jay":{"Result":"BRJA: Brown Jay
"},"BRMA Bronze Mannikin":{"Result":"BRMA: Bronze Mannikin
"},"BRNG Barnacle Goose":{"Result":"BRNG: Barnacle Goose (IBP: BARG)
Confusion species:
BAGO: Barrow's Goldeneye
"},"BRNO Brown Noddy":{"Result":"BRNO: Brown Noddy
"},"BROC Bronzed Cowbird":{"Result":"BROC: Bronzed Cowbird
Confusion species:
BRAC: Brandt's Cormorant
"},"BROS Brown Shrike":{"Result":"BROS: Brown Shrike (BBL: BRSH)
Confusion species:
BRYS: Bryan's Shearwater (IBP)
"},"BRPE Brown Pelican":{"Result":"BRPE: Brown Pelican
"},"BRQD Bridled Quail-Dove":{"Result":"BRQD: Bridled Quail-Dove
"},"BRSH Brown Shrike":{"Result":"BRSH: Brown Shrike (IBP: BROS)
Confusion species:
BRYS: Bryan's Shearwater (IBP)
"},"BRSK Brown Skua":{"Result":"BRSK: Brown Skua (BBL)
"},"BRSP Brewer's Sparrow":{"Result":"BRSP: Brewer's Sparrow
Confusion species:
BSTP\/BANP: Band-rumped Storm-Petrel
BRIS: Bridled Sparrow (IBP)
"},"BRSW Band-rumped Swift":{"Result":"BRSW: Band-rumped Swift (IBP)
"},"BRTE Bridled Tern":{"Result":"BRTE: Bridled Tern
"},"BRTH Brown Thrasher":{"Result":"BRTH: Brown Thrasher
"},"BRTI Bridled Titmouse":{"Result":"BRTI: Bridled Titmouse
"},"BRTR Brown Trembler":{"Result":"BRTR: Brown Trembler
"},"BRTW Brownish Twistwing":{"Result":"BRTW: Brownish Twistwing (IBP)
"},"BRVI Brown Violetear":{"Result":"BRVI: Brown Violetear (IBP)
"},"BRWA Brewster's Warbler":{"Result":"BRWA: Brewster's Warbler
Confusion species:
BREW: Blyth's Reed Warbler (IBP)
BLRW\/BRWX: Black-rumped Waxbill
BURW: Buff-rumped Warbler (IBP)
"},"BRWE Bridled White-eye":{"Result":"BRWE: Bridled White-eye (BBL)
"},"BRWX Black-rumped Waxbill":{"Result":"BRWX: Black-rumped Waxbill (IBP: BLRW)
Confusion species:
BREW: Blyth's Reed Warbler (IBP)
BRWA: Brewster's Warbler
BURW: Buff-rumped Warbler (IBP)
"},"BRYS Bryan's Shearwater":{"Result":"BRYS: Bryan's Shearwater (IBP)
Confusion species:
BROS\/BRSH: Brown Shrike
"},"BSSO Bare-shanked Screech-Owl":{"Result":"BSSO: Bare-shanked Screech-Owl (IBP)
"},"BSSP Belding's Savannah Sparrow":{"Result":"BSSP: Belding's Savannah Sparrow
Confusion species:
BSTS: Black-striped Sparrow (IBP)
"},"BSTP Band-rumped Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"BSTP: Band-rumped Storm-Petrel (BBL: BANP)
Confusion species:
BRIS: Bridled Sparrow (IBP)
BRSP: Brewer's Sparrow
"},"BSTS Black-striped Sparrow":{"Result":"BSTS: Black-striped Sparrow (IBP)
Confusion species:
BSSP: Belding's Savannah Sparrow
"},"BSWO Black-striped Woodcreeper":{"Result":"BSWO: Black-striped Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"BTAH Blue-tailed Hummingbird":{"Result":"BTAH: Blue-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
BTHU\/BTLH: Broad-tailed Hummingbird
BLUH: Blue-throated Hummingbird (BBL)
"},"BTAT Black-tailed Trogon":{"Result":"BTAT: Black-tailed Trogon (IBP)
Confusion species:
BTHT: Black-throated Trogon (IBP)
"},"BTBA Band-tailed Barbthroat":{"Result":"BTBA: Band-tailed Barbthroat (IBP)
"},"BTBO Black-throated Bobwhite":{"Result":"BTBO: Black-throated Bobwhite (IBP)
"},"BTBW Black-throated Blue Warbler":{"Result":"BTBW: Black-throated Blue Warbler
"},"BTCO Black-tipped Cotinga":{"Result":"BTCO: Black-tipped Cotinga (IBP)
"},"BTCU Bristle-thighed Curlew":{"Result":"BTCU: Bristle-thighed Curlew
"},"BTFG Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner":{"Result":"BTFG: Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner (IBP)
"},"BTFL Black-tailed Flycatcher":{"Result":"BTFL: Black-tailed Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"BTGG Black-thighed Grosbeak":{"Result":"BTGG: Black-thighed Grosbeak (IBP)
Confusion species:
BTGR: Boat-tailed Grackle
"},"BTGN Black-tailed Gnatcatcher":{"Result":"BTGN: Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
"},"BTGO Bar-tailed Godwit":{"Result":"BTGO: Bar-tailed Godwit (BBL: BARG)
Confusion species:
BTRG: Blue-throated Goldentail (IBP)
BLTG\/BLAG: Black-tailed Godwit
"},"BTGR Boat-tailed Grackle":{"Result":"BTGR: Boat-tailed Grackle
Confusion species:
BTGG: Black-thighed Grosbeak (IBP)
"},"BTGU ('Band-tailed Gull', 'Black-tailed Gull')":{"Result":"BTGU: Code refers to different taxa in BBL and IBP.
BTGU: Band-tailed Gull (BBL)
BTGU: Black-tailed Gull (IBP)
"},"BTGW ":{"Result":"BTGW: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BTYW: Black-throated Gray Warbler
BTNW: Black-throated Green Warbler
"},"BTHT Black-throated Trogon":{"Result":"BTHT: Black-throated Trogon (IBP)
Confusion species:
BTAT: Black-tailed Trogon (IBP)
"},"BTHU Broad-tailed Hummingbird":{"Result":"BTHU: Broad-tailed Hummingbird (BBL: BTLH)
Confusion species:
BTAH: Blue-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
BLUH: Blue-throated Hummingbird (BBL)
"},"BTJA Black-throated Jay":{"Result":"BTJA: Black-throated Jay (IBP)
"},"BTLH Broad-tailed Hummingbird":{"Result":"BTLH: Broad-tailed Hummingbird (IBP: BTHU)
Confusion species:
BTAH: Blue-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
BLUH: Blue-throated Hummingbird (BBL)
"},"BTMA Black-throated Mango":{"Result":"BTMA: Black-throated Mango (IBP)
"},"BTMG Blue-throated Mountain-gem":{"Result":"BTMG: Blue-throated Mountain-gem (IBP)
"},"BTMJ Black-throated Magpie-Jay":{"Result":"BTMJ: Black-throated Magpie-Jay (IBP)
"},"BTMO Blue-throated Motmot":{"Result":"BTMO: Blue-throated Motmot (IBP)
"},"BTNW Black-throated Green Warbler":{"Result":"BTNW: Black-throated Green Warbler
Confusion species:
BTYW: Black-throated Gray Warbler
"},"BTPA Brown-throated Parakeet":{"Result":"BTPA: Brown-throated Parakeet
"},"BTPI Band-tailed Pigeon":{"Result":"BTPI: Band-tailed Pigeon
"},"BTPL Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer":{"Result":"BTPL: Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer (IBP)
"},"BTRG Blue-throated Goldentail":{"Result":"BTRG: Blue-throated Goldentail (IBP)
Confusion species:
BTGO\/BARG: Bar-tailed Godwit
BLTG\/BLAG: Black-tailed Godwit
"},"BTSA Buff-throated Saltator":{"Result":"BTSA: Buff-throated Saltator (IBP)
"},"BTSP Black-throated Sparrow":{"Result":"BTSP: Black-throated Sparrow
"},"BTST Black-throated Shrike-Tanager":{"Result":"BTST: Black-throated Shrike-Tanager (IBP)
"},"BTTH Bare-throated Tiger-Heron":{"Result":"BTTH: Bare-throated Tiger-Heron (IBP)
"},"BTTR ":{"Result":"BTTR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BTAT: Black-tailed Trogon (IBP)
BTHT: Black-throated Trogon (IBP)
"},"BTWR Black-throated Wren":{"Result":"BTWR: Black-throated Wren (IBP)
"},"BTYW Black-throated Gray Warbler":{"Result":"BTYW: Black-throated Gray Warbler
Confusion species:
BTNW: Black-throated Green Warbler
"},"BUAL Buller's Albatross":{"Result":"BUAL: Buller's Albatross (BBL)
"},"BUFF Bufflehead":{"Result":"BUFF: Bufflehead
"},"BUFH Buff-bellied Hummingbird":{"Result":"BUFH: Buff-bellied Hummingbird (IBP: BBEH)
Confusion species:
BBIH\/BBLH: Broad-billed Hummingbird
BLBH: Black-bellied Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"BUHU Bumblebee Hummingbird":{"Result":"BUHU: Bumblebee Hummingbird
"},"BULS Buller's Shearwater":{"Result":"BULS: Buller's Shearwater
Confusion species:
BUSH: Bushtit
"},"BUOR Bullock's Oriole":{"Result":"BUOR: Bullock's Oriole
"},"BUOW Burrowing Owl":{"Result":"BUOW: Burrowing Owl
"},"BUPE Bulwer's Petrel":{"Result":"BUPE: Bulwer's Petrel
"},"BURW Buff-rumped Warbler":{"Result":"BURW: Buff-rumped Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
BREW: Blyth's Reed Warbler (IBP)
BLRW\/BRWX: Black-rumped Waxbill
BRWA: Brewster's Warbler
"},"BUSH Bushtit":{"Result":"BUSH: Bushtit
Confusion species:
BULS: Buller's Shearwater
"},"BUTU Buffy Tuftedcheek":{"Result":"BUTU: Buffy Tuftedcheek (IBP)
"},"BVHU Blue-vented Hummingbird":{"Result":"BVHU: Blue-vented Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"BVOR Black-vented Oriole":{"Result":"BVOR: Black-vented Oriole
"},"BVSH Black-vented Shearwater":{"Result":"BVSH: Black-vented Shearwater
"},"BWAG Black-backed Wagtail":{"Result":"BWAG: Black-backed Wagtail (BBL)
Confusion species:
BBWA: Bay-breasted Warbler
"},"BWCT ":{"Result":"BWCT: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
BCTE: Blue-winged\/Cinnamon Teal (IBP)
"},"BWHA Broad-winged Hawk":{"Result":"BWHA: Broad-winged Hawk
"},"BWOR Bar-winged Oriole":{"Result":"BWOR: Bar-winged Oriole (IBP)
"},"BWPE Black-winged Petrel":{"Result":"BWPE: Black-winged Petrel
"},"BWST Black-winged Stilt":{"Result":"BWST: Black-winged Stilt
"},"BWTE Blue-winged Teal":{"Result":"BWTE: Blue-winged Teal
"},"BWVI Black-whiskered Vireo":{"Result":"BWVI: Black-whiskered Vireo
"},"BWWA Blue-winged Warbler":{"Result":"BWWA: Blue-winged Warbler
"},"CAAU Cassin's Auklet":{"Result":"CAAU: Cassin's Auklet
"},"CABW Cabanis's Wren":{"Result":"CABW: Cabanis's Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
CANW: Canyon Wren
CARW: Carolina Wren
CACW: Cactus Wren
CAKW: Canebrake Wren (IBP)
"},"CACG Cackling Goose":{"Result":"CACG: Cackling Goose
Confusion species:
CANG\/CAGO: Canada Goose
"},"CACH Carolina Chickadee":{"Result":"CACH: Carolina Chickadee
"},"CACO California Condor":{"Result":"CACO: California Condor (BBL: CALC)
Confusion species:
CARC: Caribbean Coot (BBL)
"},"CACR Cassia Crossbill":{"Result":"CACR: Cassia Crossbill
"},"CACW Cactus Wren":{"Result":"CACW: Cactus Wren
Confusion species:
CANW: Canyon Wren
CARW: Carolina Wren
CABW: Cabanis's Wren (IBP)
CAKW: Canebrake Wren (IBP)
"},"CADO Caribbean Dove":{"Result":"CADO: Caribbean Dove
"},"CAEG Cattle Egret":{"Result":"CAEG: Cattle Egret
"},"CAEL Caribbean Elaenia":{"Result":"CAEL: Caribbean Elaenia
"},"CAEM Canivet's Emerald":{"Result":"CAEM: Canivet's Emerald (IBP)
"},"CAFI Cassin's Finch":{"Result":"CAFI: Cassin's Finch
"},"CAGN California Gnatcatcher":{"Result":"CAGN: California Gnatcatcher
"},"CAGO Canada Goose":{"Result":"CAGO: Canada Goose (IBP: CANG)
Confusion species:
CACG: Cackling Goose
"},"CAGR Carib Grackle":{"Result":"CAGR: Carib Grackle (IBP)
"},"CAGS Cabanis's Ground-Sparrow":{"Result":"CAGS: Cabanis's Ground-Sparrow (IBP)
"},"CAGU California Gull":{"Result":"CAGU: California Gull
"},"CAHE Capped Heron":{"Result":"CAHE: Capped Heron (IBP)
"},"CAHO Cardinal Honeyeater":{"Result":"CAHO: Cardinal Honeyeater (BBL)
"},"CAHU Calliope Hummingbird":{"Result":"CAHU: Calliope Hummingbird
"},"CAJA Canada Jay":{"Result":"CAJA: Canada Jay
"},"CAKI Cassin's Kingbird":{"Result":"CAKI: Cassin's Kingbird
"},"CAKW Canebrake Wren":{"Result":"CAKW: Canebrake Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
CANW: Canyon Wren
CARW: Carolina Wren
CACW: Cactus Wren
CABW: Cabanis's Wren (IBP)
"},"CALC California Condor":{"Result":"CALC: California Condor (IBP: CACO)
Confusion species:
CARC: Caribbean Coot (BBL)
"},"CALT California Towhee":{"Result":"CALT: California Towhee
Confusion species:
CANT: Canyon Towhee
"},"CAMA Caribbean Martin":{"Result":"CAMA: Caribbean Martin
"},"CANG Canada Goose":{"Result":"CANG: Canada Goose (BBL: CAGO)
Confusion species:
CACG: Cackling Goose
"},"CANT Canyon Towhee":{"Result":"CANT: Canyon Towhee
Confusion species:
CALT: California Towhee
"},"CANV Canvasback":{"Result":"CANV: Canvasback
"},"CANW Canyon Wren":{"Result":"CANW: Canyon Wren
Confusion species:
CARW: Carolina Wren
CACW: Cactus Wren
CABW: Cabanis's Wren (IBP)
CAKW: Canebrake Wren (IBP)
"},"CAPA Carolina Parakeet":{"Result":"CAPA: Carolina Parakeet (IBP)
"},"CAPE Cape Petrel":{"Result":"CAPE: Cape Petrel (BBL)
"},"CAPO Central American Pygmy-Owl":{"Result":"CAPO: Central American Pygmy-Owl (IBP)
"},"CAQU California Quail":{"Result":"CAQU: California Quail (IBP)
"},"CARC Caribbean Coot":{"Result":"CARC: Caribbean Coot (BBL)
Confusion species:
CACO\/CALC: California Condor
"},"CARW Carolina Wren":{"Result":"CARW: Carolina Wren
Confusion species:
CANW: Canyon Wren
CACW: Cactus Wren
CABW: Cabanis's Wren (IBP)
CAKW: Canebrake Wren (IBP)
"},"CASJ California Scrub-Jay":{"Result":"CASJ: California Scrub-Jay
"},"CASP Cassin's Sparrow":{"Result":"CASP: Cassin's Sparrow
"},"CASW Cave Swallow":{"Result":"CASW: Cave Swallow
"},"CATA Carmiol's Tanager":{"Result":"CATA: Carmiol's Tanager (IBP)
"},"CATE Caspian Tern":{"Result":"CATE: Caspian Tern
Confusion species:
CAYT: Cayenne Tern (BBL)
"},"CATH California Thrasher":{"Result":"CATH: California Thrasher
"},"CATO ":{"Result":"CATO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
CANT: Canyon Towhee
CALT: California Towhee
"},"CATY Cattle Tyrant":{"Result":"CATY: Cattle Tyrant (IBP)
"},"CAVI Cassin's Vireo":{"Result":"CAVI: Cassin's Vireo
"},"CAWA Canada Warbler":{"Result":"CAWA: Canada Warbler
"},"CAWR ":{"Result":"CAWR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
CANW: Canyon Wren
CARW: Carolina Wren
CACW: Cactus Wren
CABW: Cabanis's Wren (IBP)
CAKW: Canebrake Wren (IBP)
"},"CAYT Cayenne Tern":{"Result":"CAYT: Cayenne Tern (BBL)
Confusion species:
CATE: Caspian Tern
"},"CBAN Chestnut-backed Antbird":{"Result":"CBAN: Chestnut-backed Antbird (IBP)
"},"CBCH Chestnut-backed Chickadee":{"Result":"CBCH: Chestnut-backed Chickadee
"},"CBCU Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo":{"Result":"CBCU: Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"CBFL Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer":{"Result":"CBFL: Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer (IBP)
"},"CBHA Common Black Hawk":{"Result":"CBHA: Common Black Hawk (IBP: COBH)
Confusion species:
CUBH: Cuban Black Hawk (IBP)
"},"CBRA California Black Rail":{"Result":"CBRA: California Black Rail (BBL)
"},"CBSA Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse":{"Result":"CBSA: Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse (IBP)
"},"CBTA Crimson-backed Tanager":{"Result":"CBTA: Crimson-backed Tanager (IBP)
"},"CBTH Curve-billed Thrasher":{"Result":"CBTH: Curve-billed Thrasher
"},"CBWO Crimson-bellied Woodpecker":{"Result":"CBWO: Crimson-bellied Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"CCAW Chestnut-capped Warbler":{"Result":"CCAW: Chestnut-capped Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
CCWA: Crescent-chested Warbler (IBP)
"},"CCBR Chestnut-capped Brushfinch":{"Result":"CCBR: Chestnut-capped Brushfinch (IBP)
"},"CCGO Cackling\/Canada Goose":{"Result":"CCGO: Cackling\/Canada Goose (IBP)
"},"CCGR Crimson-collared Grosbeak":{"Result":"CCGR: Crimson-collared Grosbeak (IBP)
"},"CCHA Common Chaffinch":{"Result":"CCHA: Common Chaffinch (BBL: COCH)
Confusion species:
CCHI: Common Chiffchaff (IBP)
COCL: Common Chlorospingus (IBP)
"},"CCHI Common Chiffchaff":{"Result":"CCHI: Common Chiffchaff (IBP)
Confusion species:
CCHA\/COCH: Common Chaffinch
COCL: Common Chlorospingus (IBP)
"},"CCLO Chestnut-collared Longspur":{"Result":"CCLO: Chestnut-collared Longspur
"},"CCOW Chestnut-colored Woodpecker":{"Result":"CCOW: Chestnut-colored Woodpecker (IBP)
Confusion species:
CCRW: Crimson-crested Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"CCRA Common Crane":{"Result":"CCRA: Common Crane (IBP)
Confusion species:
COLC: Colombian Crake (IBP)
CORC: Corn Crake (IBP)
"},"CCRW Crimson-crested Woodpecker":{"Result":"CCRW: Crimson-crested Woodpecker (IBP)
Confusion species:
CCOW: Chestnut-colored Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"CCSP Clay-colored Sparrow":{"Result":"CCSP: Clay-colored Sparrow
"},"CCSW Chestnut-collared Swift":{"Result":"CCSW: Chestnut-collared Swift (IBP)
"},"CCTA Crimson-collared Tanager":{"Result":"CCTA: Crimson-collared Tanager (IBP)
"},"CCTH Clay-colored Thrush":{"Result":"CCTH: Clay-colored Thrush
"},"CCWA Crescent-chested Warbler":{"Result":"CCWA: Crescent-chested Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
CCAW: Chestnut-capped Warbler (IBP)
"},"CCWO ":{"Result":"CCWO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
CCOW: Chestnut-colored Woodpecker (IBP)
CCRW: Crimson-crested Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"CEDW Cedar Waxwing":{"Result":"CEDW: Cedar Waxwing
Confusion species:
CERW: Cerulean Warbler
"},"CERW Cerulean Warbler":{"Result":"CERW: Cerulean Warbler
Confusion species:
CEDW: Cedar Waxwing
"},"CEWA ":{"Result":"CEWA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
CEDW: Cedar Waxwing
CERW: Cerulean Warbler
"},"CFMA Chestnut-fronted Macaw":{"Result":"CFMA: Chestnut-fronted Macaw (IBP)
"},"CFPA Crimson-fronted Parakeet":{"Result":"CFPA: Crimson-fronted Parakeet (IBP)
"},"CGDO Common Ground Dove":{"Result":"CGDO: Common Ground Dove (IBP)
"},"CGRE Common Greenshank":{"Result":"CGRE: Common Greenshank (IBP: COMG)
Confusion species:
COGR: Common Grackle
"},"CGWO Cuban Green Woodpecker":{"Result":"CGWO: Cuban Green Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"CHAL Chatham Albatross":{"Result":"CHAL: Chatham Albatross (IBP)
"},"CHAS Chapman's Swift":{"Result":"CHAS: Chapman's Swift (IBP)
Confusion species:
CHSW: Chimney Swift
"},"CHCO Cherry-head Conure":{"Result":"CHCO: Cherry-head Conure (BBL)
"},"CHEG Chinese Egret":{"Result":"CHEG: Chinese Egret (IBP)
"},"CHEM Coppery-headed Emerald":{"Result":"CHEM: Coppery-headed Emerald (IBP)
"},"CHFG Chiriqui Foliage-gleaner":{"Result":"CHFG: Chiriqui Foliage-gleaner (IBP)
"},"CHHU Charming Hummingbird":{"Result":"CHHU: Charming Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"CHIS Chinese Sparrowhawk":{"Result":"CHIS: Chinese Sparrowhawk (IBP)
Confusion species:
CHSP: Chipping Sparrow
"},"CHMU Chestnut Munia":{"Result":"CHMU: Chestnut Munia (IBP)
"},"CHOR Chestnut-headed Oropendola":{"Result":"CHOR: Chestnut-headed Oropendola (IBP)
"},"CHPE Chinstrap Penguin":{"Result":"CHPE: Chinstrap Penguin (BBL)
"},"CHPH Chinese Pond-Heron":{"Result":"CHPH: Chinese Pond-Heron (IBP)
"},"CHQD Chiriqui Quail-Dove":{"Result":"CHQD: Chiriqui Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"CHRA Chihuahuan Raven":{"Result":"CHRA: Chihuahuan Raven
"},"CHRE Common\/Hoary Redpoll":{"Result":"CHRE: Common\/Hoary Redpoll (IBP)
"},"CHSH Christmas Shearwater":{"Result":"CHSH: Christmas Shearwater
"},"CHSI Choco Sirystes":{"Result":"CHSI: Choco Sirystes (IBP)
"},"CHSO Choco Screech-Owl":{"Result":"CHSO: Choco Screech-Owl (IBP)
"},"CHSP Chipping Sparrow":{"Result":"CHSP: Chipping Sparrow
Confusion species:
CHIS: Chinese Sparrowhawk (IBP)
"},"CHSW Chimney Swift":{"Result":"CHSW: Chimney Swift
Confusion species:
CHAS: Chapman's Swift (IBP)
"},"CHTA Choco Tapaculo":{"Result":"CHTA: Choco Tapaculo (IBP)
"},"CHTI Choco Tinamou":{"Result":"CHTI: Choco Tinamou (IBP)
"},"CHUC ":{"Result":"CHUC: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
CWWI: Chuck-will's-widow
"},"CHUK Chukar":{"Result":"CHUK: Chukar (IBP)
"},"CIBE ":{"Result":"CIBE: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
CIRB: Cinereous Becard (IBP)
CIMB: Cinnamon Becard (IBP)
"},"CIHU Cinnamon Hummingbird":{"Result":"CIHU: Cinnamon Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"CIMB Cinnamon Becard":{"Result":"CIMB: Cinnamon Becard (IBP)
Confusion species:
CIRB: Cinereous Becard (IBP)
"},"CIOW Cinereous Owl":{"Result":"CIOW: Cinereous Owl (IBP)
"},"CIRB Cinereous Becard":{"Result":"CIRB: Cinereous Becard (IBP)
Confusion species:
CIMB: Cinnamon Becard (IBP)
"},"CITE Cinnamon Teal":{"Result":"CITE: Cinnamon Teal
"},"CITR Citreoline Trogon":{"Result":"CITR: Citreoline Trogon (IBP)
"},"CIWA Citrine Wagtail":{"Result":"CIWA: Citrine Wagtail (IBP)
"},"CIWO Cinnamon Woodpecker":{"Result":"CIWO: Cinnamon Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"CLGR Clark's Grebe":{"Result":"CLGR: Clark's Grebe
"},"CLNU Clark's Nutcracker":{"Result":"CLNU: Clark's Nutcracker
"},"CLRA Clapper Rail":{"Result":"CLRA: Clapper Rail
"},"CLSW Cliff Swallow":{"Result":"CLSW: Cliff Swallow
"},"CLTE California Least Tern":{"Result":"CLTE: California Least Tern (BBL)
"},"CLWR Clarion Wren":{"Result":"CLWR: Clarion Wren (IBP)
"},"CMWA Cape May Warbler":{"Result":"CMWA: Cape May Warbler
"},"COAR Collared Aracari":{"Result":"COAR: Collared Aracari (IBP)
"},"COBH Common Black Hawk":{"Result":"COBH: Common Black Hawk (BBL: CBHA)
Confusion species:
CUBH: Cuban Black Hawk (IBP)
"},"COCA Common Canary":{"Result":"COCA: Common Canary (BBL)
"},"COCC Cocos Cuckoo":{"Result":"COCC: Cocos Cuckoo (IBP)
Confusion species:
COCU: Common Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"COCF Cocos Flycatcher":{"Result":"COCF: Cocos Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
COFL: Cordilleran Flycatcher
"},"COCH Common Chaffinch":{"Result":"COCH: Common Chaffinch (IBP: CCHA)
Confusion species:
CCHI: Common Chiffchaff (IBP)
COCL: Common Chlorospingus (IBP)
"},"COCL Common Chlorospingus":{"Result":"COCL: Common Chlorospingus (IBP)
Confusion species:
CCHI: Common Chiffchaff (IBP)
CCHA\/COCH: Common Chaffinch
"},"COCR ":{"Result":"COCR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
COLC: Colombian Crake (IBP)
CORC: Corn Crake (IBP)
CCRA: Common Crane (IBP)
"},"COCT Cocoa Thrush":{"Result":"COCT: Cocoa Thrush (IBP)
Confusion species:
COZT: Cozumel Thrasher (IBP)
"},"COCU Common Cuckoo":{"Result":"COCU: Common Cuckoo (IBP)
Confusion species:
COCC: Cocos Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"CODU Comb Duck":{"Result":"CODU: Comb Duck (IBP)
"},"COEI Common Eider":{"Result":"COEI: Common Eider
"},"COEM Cozumel Emerald":{"Result":"COEM: Cozumel Emerald (IBP)
"},"COFF Collared Forest-Falcon":{"Result":"COFF: Collared Forest-Falcon (IBP)
"},"COFI Cocos Finch":{"Result":"COFI: Cocos Finch (IBP)
"},"COFL Cordilleran Flycatcher":{"Result":"COFL: Cordilleran Flycatcher
Confusion species:
COCF: Cocos Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"COGA Common Gallinule":{"Result":"COGA: Common Gallinule
"},"COGD Common Ground-Dove":{"Result":"COGD: Common Ground-Dove (BBL)
"},"COGO Common Goldeneye":{"Result":"COGO: Common Goldeneye
"},"COGR Common Grackle":{"Result":"COGR: Common Grackle
Confusion species:
COMG\/CGRE: Common Greenshank
"},"COGU Common Gull":{"Result":"COGU: Common Gull (IBP)
"},"COHA Cooper's Hawk":{"Result":"COHA: Cooper's Hawk
"},"COHE Cocoi Heron":{"Result":"COHE: Cocoi Heron (IBP)
"},"COHM Common House-Martin":{"Result":"COHM: Common House-Martin (IBP)
"},"COHU Costa's Hummingbird":{"Result":"COHU: Costa's Hummingbird
"},"COKI Couch's Kingbird":{"Result":"COKI: Couch's Kingbird
Confusion species:
COLK: Collared Kingfisher (BBL)
"},"COLC Colombian Crake":{"Result":"COLC: Colombian Crake (IBP)
Confusion species:
CORC: Corn Crake (IBP)
CCRA: Common Crane (IBP)
"},"COLK Collared Kingfisher":{"Result":"COLK: Collared Kingfisher (BBL)
Confusion species:
COKI: Couch's Kingbird
"},"COLO Common Loon":{"Result":"COLO: Common Loon
"},"COLR Collared Redstart":{"Result":"COLR: Collared Redstart (IBP)
Confusion species:
CREH: Common Redshank (IBP)
CRET: Common Redstart (IBP)
CORE: Common Redpoll
"},"COLW Colima Warbler":{"Result":"COLW: Colima Warbler
Confusion species:
COMW: Common Waxbill
CONW: Connecticut Warbler
"},"COME Common Merganser":{"Result":"COME: Common Merganser
"},"COMG Common Greenshank":{"Result":"COMG: Common Greenshank (BBL: CGRE)
Confusion species:
COGR: Common Grackle
"},"COMO Common Moorhen":{"Result":"COMO: Common Moorhen (IBP)
"},"COMP Common Pochard":{"Result":"COMP: Common Pochard (BBL: CPOC)
Confusion species:
COPO: Common Poorwill
CPOT: Common Potoo (IBP)
CPYO: Colima Pygmy-Owl (IBP)
"},"COMS Common Shelduck":{"Result":"COMS: Common Shelduck (IBP)
Confusion species:
CORS\/COSH: Cory's Shearwater
"},"COMU Common Murre":{"Result":"COMU: Common Murre
"},"COMW Common Waxbill":{"Result":"COMW: Common Waxbill
Confusion species:
COLW: Colima Warbler
CONW: Connecticut Warbler
"},"COMY Common Myna":{"Result":"COMY: Common Myna
"},"CONI Common Nighthawk":{"Result":"CONI: Common Nighthawk
"},"CONW Connecticut Warbler":{"Result":"CONW: Connecticut Warbler
Confusion species:
COMW: Common Waxbill
COLW: Colima Warbler
"},"COPA Common Pauraque":{"Result":"COPA: Common Pauraque
"},"COPE Cook's Petrel":{"Result":"COPE: Cook's Petrel
"},"COPL Collared Plover":{"Result":"COPL: Collared Plover (IBP)
"},"COPO Common Poorwill":{"Result":"COPO: Common Poorwill
Confusion species:
COMP\/CPOC: Common Pochard
CPOT: Common Potoo (IBP)
CPYO: Colima Pygmy-Owl (IBP)
"},"COPR Collared Pratincole":{"Result":"COPR: Collared Pratincole (IBP)
"},"CORA Common Raven":{"Result":"CORA: Common Raven
"},"CORC Corn Crake":{"Result":"CORC: Corn Crake (IBP)
Confusion species:
COLC: Colombian Crake (IBP)
CCRA: Common Crane (IBP)
"},"CORE Common Redpoll":{"Result":"CORE: Common Redpoll
Confusion species:
CREH: Common Redshank (IBP)
CRET: Common Redstart (IBP)
COLR: Collared Redstart (IBP)
"},"CORO Common Rosefinch":{"Result":"CORO: Common Rosefinch
"},"CORS Cory's Shearwater":{"Result":"CORS: Cory's Shearwater (BBL: COSH)
Confusion species:
COMS: Common Shelduck (IBP)
"},"COSA Common Sandpiper":{"Result":"COSA: Common Sandpiper
"},"COSC Common Scoter":{"Result":"COSC: Common Scoter (IBP)
"},"COSH Cory's Shearwater":{"Result":"COSH: Cory's Shearwater (IBP: CORS)
Confusion species:
COMS: Common Shelduck (IBP)
"},"COSN Common Snipe":{"Result":"COSN: Common Snipe
"},"COSP Coiba Spinetail":{"Result":"COSP: Coiba Spinetail (IBP)
"},"COSW Common Swift":{"Result":"COSW: Common Swift (IBP)
"},"COTE Common Tern":{"Result":"COTE: Common Tern
"},"COTF Common Tody-Flycatcher":{"Result":"COTF: Common Tody-Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"COTH ":{"Result":"COTH: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
COZT: Cozumel Thrasher (IBP)
COCT: Cocoa Thrush (IBP)
"},"COTO Collared Towhee":{"Result":"COTO: Collared Towhee (IBP)
"},"COTR Collared Trogon":{"Result":"COTR: Collared Trogon (IBP)
"},"COVI Cozumel Vireo":{"Result":"COVI: Cozumel Vireo (IBP)
"},"COWA ":{"Result":"COWA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
COMW: Common Waxbill
COLW: Colima Warbler
CONW: Connecticut Warbler
"},"COWO Cocoa Woodcreeper":{"Result":"COWO: Cocoa Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"COYE Common Yellowthroat":{"Result":"COYE: Common Yellowthroat
"},"COZT Cozumel Thrasher":{"Result":"COZT: Cozumel Thrasher (IBP)
Confusion species:
COCT: Cocoa Thrush (IBP)
"},"CPAK Cuban Parakeet":{"Result":"CPAK: Cuban Parakeet (IBP)
Confusion species:
CPAT: Cuban Parrot (IBP)
"},"CPAT Cuban Parrot":{"Result":"CPAT: Cuban Parrot (IBP)
Confusion species:
CPAK: Cuban Parakeet (IBP)
"},"CPOC Common Pochard":{"Result":"CPOC: Common Pochard (IBP: COMP)
Confusion species:
COPO: Common Poorwill
CPOT: Common Potoo (IBP)
CPYO: Colima Pygmy-Owl (IBP)
"},"CPOT Common Potoo":{"Result":"CPOT: Common Potoo (IBP)
Confusion species:
COMP\/CPOC: Common Pochard
COPO: Common Poorwill
CPYO: Colima Pygmy-Owl (IBP)
"},"CPYO Colima Pygmy-Owl":{"Result":"CPYO: Colima Pygmy-Owl (IBP)
Confusion species:
COMP\/CPOC: Common Pochard
COPO: Common Poorwill
CPOT: Common Potoo (IBP)
"},"CRAU Crested Auklet":{"Result":"CRAU: Crested Auklet
"},"CRBO Crested Bobwhite":{"Result":"CRBO: Crested Bobwhite (IBP)
"},"CRBR Costa Rican Brushfinch":{"Result":"CRBR: Costa Rican Brushfinch (IBP)
"},"CRCA Crested Caracara":{"Result":"CRCA: Crested Caracara
"},"CREA Crested Eagle":{"Result":"CREA: Crested Eagle (IBP)
"},"CREH Common Redshank":{"Result":"CREH: Common Redshank (IBP)
Confusion species:
CRET: Common Redstart (IBP)
CORE: Common Redpoll
COLR: Collared Redstart (IBP)
"},"CRET Common Redstart":{"Result":"CRET: Common Redstart (IBP)
Confusion species:
CREH: Common Redshank (IBP)
CORE: Common Redpoll
COLR: Collared Redstart (IBP)
"},"CRGU Crested Guan":{"Result":"CRGU: Crested Guan (IBP)
"},"CRHA Crane Hawk":{"Result":"CRHA: Crane Hawk (IBP)
"},"CRMU Craveri's Murrelet":{"Result":"CRMU: Craveri's Murrelet
"},"CRMY Crested Myna":{"Result":"CRMY: Crested Myna (BBL)
"},"CROR Crested Oropendola":{"Result":"CROR: Crested Oropendola (IBP)
"},"CROW Crested Owl":{"Result":"CROW: Crested Owl (IBP)
"},"CRPL Common Ringed Plover":{"Result":"CRPL: Common Ringed Plover
"},"CRPO Costa Rican Pygmy-Owl":{"Result":"CRPO: Costa Rican Pygmy-Owl (IBP)
"},"CRQD Crested Quail-Dove":{"Result":"CRQD: Crested Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"CRRA California Ridgway's Rail":{"Result":"CRRA: California Ridgway's Rail (BBL)
"},"CRSE Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater":{"Result":"CRSE: Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater (IBP)
"},"CRSW Costa Rican Swift":{"Result":"CRSW: Costa Rican Swift (IBP)
"},"CRTE Crested Tern":{"Result":"CRTE: Crested Tern (BBL)
"},"CRTH Crissal Thrasher":{"Result":"CRTH: Crissal Thrasher
"},"CRWA Costa Rican Warbler":{"Result":"CRWA: Costa Rican Warbler (IBP)
"},"CRWO Crowned Woodnymph":{"Result":"CRWO: Crowned Woodnymph (IBP)
"},"CSFL Crowned Slaty Flycatcher":{"Result":"CSFL: Crowned Slaty Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"CSOW California Spotted Owl":{"Result":"CSOW: California Spotted Owl (BBL)
"},"CSSS Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow":{"Result":"CSSS: Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow
"},"CSSV Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo":{"Result":"CSSV: Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo (IBP)
"},"CSWA Chestnut-sided Warbler":{"Result":"CSWA: Chestnut-sided Warbler
"},"CTSP Cinnamon-tailed Sparrow":{"Result":"CTSP: Cinnamon-tailed Sparrow (IBP)
"},"CTST Checker-throated Stipplethroat":{"Result":"CTST: Checker-throated Stipplethroat (IBP)
"},"CUBH Cuban Black Hawk":{"Result":"CUBH: Cuban Black Hawk (IBP)
Confusion species:
COBH\/CBHA: Common Black Hawk
"},"CUBL Cuban Blackbird":{"Result":"CUBL: Cuban Blackbird (IBP)
"},"CUBM Cuban Macaw":{"Result":"CUBM: Cuban Macaw (IBP)
Confusion species:
CUMA: Cuban Martin (IBP)
"},"CUBU Cuban Bullfinch":{"Result":"CUBU: Cuban Bullfinch (IBP)
"},"CUCR Cuban Crow":{"Result":"CUCR: Cuban Crow (IBP)
"},"CUEM Cuban Emerald":{"Result":"CUEM: Cuban Emerald (IBP)
"},"CUGN Cuban Gnatcatcher":{"Result":"CUGN: Cuban Gnatcatcher (IBP)
"},"CUGR Cuban Grassquit":{"Result":"CUGR: Cuban Grassquit
"},"CUMA Cuban Martin":{"Result":"CUMA: Cuban Martin (IBP)
Confusion species:
CUBM: Cuban Macaw (IBP)
"},"CUOR Cuban Oriole":{"Result":"CUOR: Cuban Oriole
"},"CUPA ":{"Result":"CUPA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
CPAK: Cuban Parakeet (IBP)
CPAT: Cuban Parrot (IBP)
"},"CUPE Cuban Pewee":{"Result":"CUPE: Cuban Pewee
"},"CUPO Cuban Pygmy-Owl":{"Result":"CUPO: Cuban Pygmy-Owl (IBP)
"},"CUSA Curlew Sandpiper":{"Result":"CUSA: Curlew Sandpiper
"},"CUSO Cuban Solitaire":{"Result":"CUSO: Cuban Solitaire (IBP)
"},"CUTO Cuban Tody":{"Result":"CUTO: Cuban Tody (IBP)
"},"CUTR Cuban Trogon":{"Result":"CUTR: Cuban Trogon (IBP)
"},"CUVI Cuban Vireo":{"Result":"CUVI: Cuban Vireo (IBP)
"},"CVSH Cape Verde Shearwater":{"Result":"CVSH: Cape Verde Shearwater (IBP)
"},"CWPI Common Wood Pigeon":{"Result":"CWPI: Common Wood Pigeon (IBP)
"},"CWWI Chuck-will's-widow":{"Result":"CWWI: Chuck-will's-widow
"},"DAPE Dark Pewee":{"Result":"DAPE: Dark Pewee (IBP)
"},"DBCU Dark-billed Cuckoo":{"Result":"DBCU: Dark-billed Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"DBGR Double-banded Graytail":{"Result":"DBGR: Double-banded Graytail (IBP)
"},"DBJA Dusky-backed Jacamar":{"Result":"DBJA: Dusky-backed Jacamar (IBP)
"},"DCCO Double-crested Cormorant":{"Result":"DCCO: Double-crested Cormorant
"},"DCFL Dusky-capped Flycatcher":{"Result":"DCFL: Dusky-capped Flycatcher
"},"DEJU Dark-eyed Junco":{"Result":"DEJU: Dark-eyed Junco (IBP)
"},"DFTA Dusky-faced Tanager":{"Result":"DFTA: Dusky-faced Tanager (IBP)
"},"DICK Dickcissel":{"Result":"DICK: Dickcissel
"},"DMAN Dull-mantled Antbird":{"Result":"DMAN: Dull-mantled Antbird (IBP)
"},"DOPR Dove Prion":{"Result":"DOPR: Dove Prion (BBL)
"},"DOVE Dovekie":{"Result":"DOVE: Dovekie
"},"DOWO Downy Woodpecker":{"Result":"DOWO: Downy Woodpecker
"},"DSFL Dark-sided Flycatcher":{"Result":"DSFL: Dark-sided Flycatcher
"},"DSSP Dusky Seaside Sparrow":{"Result":"DSSP: Dusky Seaside Sparrow (BBL)
"},"DSTK Double-striped Thick-knee":{"Result":"DSTK: Double-striped Thick-knee (IBP)
"},"DTKI Double-toothed Kite":{"Result":"DTKI: Double-toothed Kite (IBP)
"},"DUAN Dusky Antbird":{"Result":"DUAN: Dusky Antbird (IBP)
"},"DUFL Dusky Flycatcher":{"Result":"DUFL: Dusky Flycatcher
"},"DUGR Dusky Grouse":{"Result":"DUGR: Dusky Grouse (IBP)
"},"DUHU Dusky Hummingbird":{"Result":"DUHU: Dusky Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"DUNI Dusky Nightjar":{"Result":"DUNI: Dusky Nightjar (IBP)
"},"DUNL Dunlin":{"Result":"DUNL: Dunlin
"},"DUPI Dusky Pigeon":{"Result":"DUPI: Dusky Pigeon (IBP)
"},"DUSS Dusky Seaside-Sparrow":{"Result":"DUSS: Dusky Seaside-Sparrow (IBP)
"},"DUTH Dusky Thrush":{"Result":"DUTH: Dusky Thrush
"},"DUWA Dusky Warbler":{"Result":"DUWA: Dusky Warbler
"},"DWAN Dot-winged Antwren":{"Result":"DWAN: Dot-winged Antwren (IBP)
"},"DWCU Dwarf Cuckoo":{"Result":"DWCU: Dwarf Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"DWJA Dwarf Jay":{"Result":"DWJA: Dwarf Jay (IBP)
"},"DWVI Dwarf Vireo":{"Result":"DWVI: Dwarf Vireo (IBP)
"},"EABL Eastern Bluebird":{"Result":"EABL: Eastern Bluebird
"},"EACT Eastern Chat-Tanager":{"Result":"EACT: Eastern Chat-Tanager (IBP)
"},"EADO Eared Dove":{"Result":"EADO: Eared Dove
"},"EAGR Eared Grebe":{"Result":"EAGR: Eared Grebe
"},"EAKI Eastern Kingbird":{"Result":"EAKI: Eastern Kingbird
"},"EAME Eastern Meadowlark":{"Result":"EAME: Eastern Meadowlark
"},"EAPH Eastern Phoebe":{"Result":"EAPH: Eastern Phoebe
"},"EAPO Eared Poorwill":{"Result":"EAPO: Eared Poorwill (IBP)
"},"EAQU Eared Quetzal":{"Result":"EAQU: Eared Quetzal
"},"EASO Eastern Screech-Owl":{"Result":"EASO: Eastern Screech-Owl
"},"EATO Eastern Towhee":{"Result":"EATO: Eastern Towhee
"},"EAWP Eastern Wood-Pewee":{"Result":"EAWP: Eastern Wood-Pewee
"},"EBRA Eastern Black Rail":{"Result":"EBRA: Eastern Black Rail (BBL)
"},"ECDO Eurasian Collared-Dove":{"Result":"ECDO: Eurasian Collared-Dove (IBP: EUCD)
"},"ECHU Emerald-chinned Hummingbird":{"Result":"ECHU: Emerald-chinned Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"EGGO Egyptian Goose":{"Result":"EGGO: Egyptian Goose (IBP)
"},"EGWT Eurasian Green-winged Teal":{"Result":"EGWT: Eurasian Green-winged Teal
"},"EHOB Eurasian Hobby":{"Result":"EHOB: Eurasian Hobby (IBP)
Confusion species:
EHOO: Eurasian Hoopoe (IBP)
"},"EHOO Eurasian Hoopoe":{"Result":"EHOO: Eurasian Hoopoe (IBP)
Confusion species:
EHOB: Eurasian Hobby (IBP)
"},"ELEU Elegant Euphonia":{"Result":"ELEU: Elegant Euphonia (IBP)
"},"ELOW Elf Owl":{"Result":"ELOW: Elf Owl
"},"ELQU Elegant Quail":{"Result":"ELQU: Elegant Quail (IBP)
"},"ELTE Elegant Tern":{"Result":"ELTE: Elegant Tern
"},"ELTR Elegant Trogon":{"Result":"ELTR: Elegant Trogon
"},"EMGO Emperor Goose":{"Result":"EMGO: Emperor Goose
"},"EMPE Emperor Penguin":{"Result":"EMPE: Emperor Penguin (BBL)
"},"EMTA Emerald Tanager":{"Result":"EMTA: Emerald Tanager (IBP)
"},"ERFL Eye-ringed Flatbill":{"Result":"ERFL: Eye-ringed Flatbill (IBP)
"},"ERFR Erckel's Francolin":{"Result":"ERFR: Erckel's Francolin (IBP)
"},"ESBD Eastern Spot-billed Duck":{"Result":"ESBD: Eastern Spot-billed Duck (IBP)
"},"ESCU Eskimo Curlew":{"Result":"ESCU: Eskimo Curlew (IBP)
"},"ETSP Eurasian Tree Sparrow":{"Result":"ETSP: Eurasian Tree Sparrow
"},"EUBB Eurasian Blackbird":{"Result":"EUBB: Eurasian Blackbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
EUBC: Eurasian Blackcap (IBP)
"},"EUBC Eurasian Blackcap":{"Result":"EUBC: Eurasian Blackcap (IBP)
Confusion species:
EUBB: Eurasian Blackbird (IBP)
"},"EUBL ":{"Result":"EUBL: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
EUBC: Eurasian Blackcap (IBP)
EUBB: Eurasian Blackbird (IBP)
"},"EUBU Eurasian Bullfinch":{"Result":"EUBU: Eurasian Bullfinch
"},"EUCD Eurasian Collared-Dove":{"Result":"EUCD: Eurasian Collared-Dove (BBL: ECDO)
"},"EUCO Eurasian Coot":{"Result":"EUCO: Eurasian Coot (IBP)
"},"EUCU Eurasian Curlew":{"Result":"EUCU: Eurasian Curlew (IBP)
"},"EUDO Eurasian Dotterel":{"Result":"EUDO: Eurasian Dotterel
"},"EUFL Euler's Flycatcher":{"Result":"EUFL: Euler's Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"EUGO European Goldfinch":{"Result":"EUGO: European Goldfinch
"},"EUGP European Golden-Plover":{"Result":"EUGP: European Golden-Plover
"},"EUHO ":{"Result":"EUHO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
EHOO: Eurasian Hoopoe (IBP)
EHOB: Eurasian Hobby (IBP)
"},"EUJA Eurasian Jackdaw":{"Result":"EUJA: Eurasian Jackdaw (IBP)
"},"EUKE Eurasian Kestrel":{"Result":"EUKE: Eurasian Kestrel
"},"EUOY Eurasian Oystercatcher":{"Result":"EUOY: Eurasian Oystercatcher (IBP)
"},"EURO European Robin":{"Result":"EURO: European Robin (IBP)
"},"EURS Eurasian Spoonbill":{"Result":"EURS: Eurasian Spoonbill (IBP)
Confusion species:
EUSP: European Storm-Petrel (IBP)
"},"EUSI Eurasian Siskin":{"Result":"EUSI: Eurasian Siskin (IBP)
"},"EUSK Eurasian Skylark":{"Result":"EUSK: Eurasian Skylark
"},"EUSP European Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"EUSP: European Storm-Petrel (IBP)
Confusion species:
EURS: Eurasian Spoonbill (IBP)
"},"EUST European Starling":{"Result":"EUST: European Starling
"},"EUTD European Turtle-Dove":{"Result":"EUTD: European Turtle-Dove (IBP)
"},"EUWI Eurasian Wigeon":{"Result":"EUWI: Eurasian Wigeon
"},"EUWO Eurasian Woodcock":{"Result":"EUWO: Eurasian Woodcock
"},"EUWR Eurasian Wryneck":{"Result":"EUWR: Eurasian Wryneck (IBP)
"},"EVGR Evening Grosbeak":{"Result":"EVGR: Evening Grosbeak
"},"EWCS Eastern White-crowned Sparrow":{"Result":"EWCS: Eastern White-crowned Sparrow
"},"EWME Eastern\/Western Meadowlark":{"Result":"EWME: Eastern\/Western Meadowlark (IBP)
"},"EWPW Eastern Whip-poor-will":{"Result":"EWPW: Eastern Whip-poor-will
"},"EWWA Elfin-woods Warbler":{"Result":"EWWA: Elfin-woods Warbler
"},"EYTH Eyebrowed Thrush":{"Result":"EYTH: Eyebrowed Thrush
"},"EYWA Eastern Yellow Wagtail":{"Result":"EYWA: Eastern Yellow Wagtail
"},"FAAN Fasciated Antshrike":{"Result":"FAAN: Fasciated Antshrike (IBP)
"},"FADU Falcated Duck":{"Result":"FADU: Falcated Duck (IBP)
"},"FAPE Fairy Penguin":{"Result":"FAPE: Fairy Penguin (BBL)
"},"FAPR Fairy Prion":{"Result":"FAPR: Fairy Prion (BBL)
"},"FATE Falcated Teal":{"Result":"FATE: Falcated Teal (BBL)
"},"FATH ":{"Result":"FATH: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
FTHE: Fasciated Tiger-Heron (IBP)
"},"FBAR Fiery-billed Aracari":{"Result":"FBAR: Fiery-billed Aracari (IBP)
"},"FBVI Flat-billed Vireo":{"Result":"FBVI: Flat-billed Vireo (IBP)
"},"FCTA Flame-colored Tanager":{"Result":"FCTA: Flame-colored Tanager
"},"FECU Far Eastern Curlew":{"Result":"FECU: Far Eastern Curlew (IBP)
"},"FEFL Fernandina's Flicker":{"Result":"FEFL: Fernandina's Flicker (IBP)
"},"FEHA Ferruginous Hawk":{"Result":"FEHA: Ferruginous Hawk
"},"FEPE Fea's Petrel":{"Result":"FEPE: Fea's Petrel (IBP)
"},"FEPO Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl":{"Result":"FEPO: Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl
"},"FFSH Flesh-footed Shearwater":{"Result":"FFSH: Flesh-footed Shearwater
"},"FGSP Florida Grasshopper Sparrow":{"Result":"FGSP: Florida Grasshopper Sparrow
"},"FICR Fish Crow":{"Result":"FICR: Fish Crow
"},"FIEL Fieldfare":{"Result":"FIEL: Fieldfare
"},"FISH Fiji Shrikebill":{"Result":"FISH: Fiji Shrikebill (BBL)
"},"FISP Field Sparrow":{"Result":"FISP: Field Sparrow
"},"FLFL Flammulated Flycatcher":{"Result":"FLFL: Flammulated Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"FLOW Flammulated Owl":{"Result":"FLOW: Flammulated Owl
"},"FLSJ Florida Scrub-Jay":{"Result":"FLSJ: Florida Scrub-Jay
"},"FOEL Forest Elaenia":{"Result":"FOEL: Forest Elaenia (IBP)
"},"FOSP Fox Sparrow":{"Result":"FOSP: Fox Sparrow
"},"FOTE Forster's Tern":{"Result":"FOTE: Forster's Tern
"},"FOTH Forest Thrush":{"Result":"FOTH: Forest Thrush (IBP)
"},"FRGU Franklin's Gull":{"Result":"FRGU: Franklin's Gull
"},"FRTA Flame-rumped Tanager":{"Result":"FRTA: Flame-rumped Tanager (IBP)
"},"FSSP Five-striped Sparrow":{"Result":"FSSP: Five-striped Sparrow
"},"FTFL Fork-tailed Flycatcher":{"Result":"FTFL: Fork-tailed Flycatcher
"},"FTHE Fasciated Tiger-Heron":{"Result":"FTHE: Fasciated Tiger-Heron (IBP)
"},"FTHU Fiery-throated Hummingbird":{"Result":"FTHU: Fiery-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"FTHW Flame-throated Warbler":{"Result":"FTHW: Flame-throated Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
FTWA: Fan-tailed Warbler
"},"FTSP Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"FTSP: Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel
"},"FTSW Fork-tailed Swift":{"Result":"FTSW: Fork-tailed Swift (IBP)
"},"FTWA Fan-tailed Warbler":{"Result":"FTWA: Fan-tailed Warbler
Confusion species:
FTHW: Flame-throated Warbler (IBP)
"},"FUOW Fulvous Owl":{"Result":"FUOW: Fulvous Owl (IBP)
"},"FUWD Fulvous Whistling-Duck":{"Result":"FUWD: Fulvous Whistling-Duck
"},"FVEU Fulvous-vented Euphonia":{"Result":"FVEU: Fulvous-vented Euphonia (IBP)
"},"GABU Greater Antillean Bullfinch":{"Result":"GABU: Greater Antillean Bullfinch
"},"GADW Gadwall":{"Result":"GADW: Gadwall
"},"GAEL Greater Antillean Elaenia":{"Result":"GAEL: Greater Antillean Elaenia
"},"GAEM Garden Emerald":{"Result":"GAEM: Garden Emerald (IBP)
"},"GAGR Greater Antillean Grackle":{"Result":"GAGR: Greater Antillean Grackle
"},"GAGT Gray-and-gold Tanager":{"Result":"GAGT: Gray-and-gold Tanager (IBP)
"},"GALP Galapagos Penguin":{"Result":"GALP: Galapagos Penguin (BBL)
Confusion species:
GAPE: Galapagos Petrel (IBP)
"},"GANI Greater Antillean Nightjar":{"Result":"GANI: Greater Antillean Nightjar (IBP)
"},"GANT Great Antshrike":{"Result":"GANT: Great Antshrike (IBP)
Confusion species:
GRTA: Greater Ani (IBP)
"},"GAPE Galapagos Petrel":{"Result":"GAPE: Galapagos Petrel (IBP)
Confusion species:
GALP: Galapagos Penguin (BBL)
"},"GAQU Gambel's Quail":{"Result":"GAQU: Gambel's Quail (IBP)
"},"GARG Garganey":{"Result":"GARG: Garganey
"},"GARK Green-and-rufous Kingfisher":{"Result":"GARK: Green-and-rufous Kingfisher (IBP)
"},"GASH Galapagos Shearwater":{"Result":"GASH: Galapagos Shearwater (IBP)
"},"GATH Garnet-throated Hummingbird":{"Result":"GATH: Garnet-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
GLTH: Glow-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"GATR Gartered Trogon":{"Result":"GATR: Gartered Trogon (IBP)
"},"GBAN Groove-billed Ani":{"Result":"GBAN: Groove-billed Ani
"},"GBAT Gray-backed Tern":{"Result":"GBAT: Gray-backed Tern (BBL: GRAT)
Confusion species:
GBTE: Gull-billed Tern
"},"GBBG Great Black-backed Gull":{"Result":"GBBG: Great Black-backed Gull
"},"GBCH Golden-browed Chlorophonia":{"Result":"GBCH: Golden-browed Chlorophonia (IBP)
"},"GBCR Gray-breasted Crake":{"Result":"GBCR: Gray-breasted Crake (IBP)
"},"GBEH Gray-bellied Hawk":{"Result":"GBEH: Gray-bellied Hawk (IBP)
Confusion species:
GBHA: Great Black Hawk (IBP)
"},"GBFL Golden-bellied Flycatcher":{"Result":"GBFL: Golden-bellied Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"GBHA Great Black Hawk":{"Result":"GBHA: Great Black Hawk (IBP)
Confusion species:
GBEH: Gray-bellied Hawk (IBP)
"},"GBHE Great Blue Heron":{"Result":"GBHE: Great Blue Heron
"},"GBMA Gray-breasted Martin":{"Result":"GBMA: Gray-breasted Martin (IBP: GYBM)
Confusion species:
GNBM\/GREM: Green-breasted Mango
"},"GBMG Green-breasted Mountain-gem":{"Result":"GBMG: Green-breasted Mountain-gem (IBP)
"},"GBSP ('Gray-backed Storm-Petrel', 'Green-backed Sparrow')":{"Result":"GBSP: Code refers to different taxa in BBL and IBP.
GBSP: Gray-backed Storm-Petrel (BBL)
GBSP: Green-backed Sparrow (IBP)
"},"GBTE Gull-billed Tern":{"Result":"GBTE: Gull-billed Tern
Confusion species:
GBAT\/GRAT: Gray-backed Tern
"},"GBWA Golden-browed Warbler":{"Result":"GBWA: Golden-browed Warbler (IBP)
"},"GBWO Gray-breasted Woodpecker":{"Result":"GBWO: Gray-breasted Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"GBWR Gray-barred Wren":{"Result":"GBWR: Gray-barred Wren (IBP)
"},"GBWW Gray-breasted Wood-Wren":{"Result":"GBWW: Gray-breasted Wood-Wren (IBP)
"},"GCAF Gray-capped Flycatcher":{"Result":"GCAF: Gray-capped Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
GCFL: Great Crested Flycatcher
GOCF: Golden-crowned Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"GCAT Grand Cayman Thrush":{"Result":"GCAT: Grand Cayman Thrush (IBP)
Confusion species:
GCTH: Gray-cheeked Thrush
"},"GCBE Gray-collared Becard":{"Result":"GCBE: Gray-collared Becard (IBP)
"},"GCBR Green-crowned Brilliant":{"Result":"GCBR: Green-crowned Brilliant (IBP)
"},"GCBT Unidentified Gray-cheeked\/Bicknell's Thrush":{"Result":"GCBT: Unidentified Gray-cheeked\/Bicknell's Thrush
"},"GCCU Gray-capped Cuckoo":{"Result":"GCCU: Gray-capped Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"GCDO Gray-chested Dove":{"Result":"GCDO: Gray-chested Dove (IBP)
"},"GCEM Golden-crowned Emerald":{"Result":"GCEM: Golden-crowned Emerald (IBP)
"},"GCFL Great Crested Flycatcher":{"Result":"GCFL: Great Crested Flycatcher
Confusion species:
GCAF: Gray-capped Flycatcher (IBP)
GOCF: Golden-crowned Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"GCHW Golden-cheeked Woodpecker":{"Result":"GCHW: Golden-cheeked Woodpecker (IBP)
Confusion species:
GRCW: Gray-crowned Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"GCKI Golden-crowned Kinglet":{"Result":"GCKI: Golden-crowned Kinglet
"},"GCMA Golden-collared Manakin":{"Result":"GCMA: Golden-collared Manakin (IBP)
"},"GCNU Gray-cheeked Nunlet":{"Result":"GCNU: Gray-cheeked Nunlet (IBP)
"},"GCPT Gray-crowned Palm-Tanager":{"Result":"GCPT: Gray-crowned Palm-Tanager (IBP)
"},"GCRF Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch":{"Result":"GCRF: Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
"},"GCRS Golden-crowned Spadebill":{"Result":"GCRS: Golden-crowned Spadebill (IBP)
Confusion species:
GCSP: Golden-crowned Sparrow
"},"GCRW Golden-crowned Warbler":{"Result":"GCRW: Golden-crowned Warbler (BBL: GOLW)
Confusion species:
GCWA: Golden-cheeked Warbler
"},"GCSP Golden-crowned Sparrow":{"Result":"GCSP: Golden-crowned Sparrow
Confusion species:
GCRS: Golden-crowned Spadebill (IBP)
"},"GCTE Great Crested Tern":{"Result":"GCTE: Great Crested Tern (IBP)
"},"GCTH Gray-cheeked Thrush":{"Result":"GCTH: Gray-cheeked Thrush
Confusion species:
GCAT: Grand Cayman Thrush (IBP)
"},"GCWA Golden-cheeked Warbler":{"Result":"GCWA: Golden-cheeked Warbler
Confusion species:
GCRW\/GOLW: Golden-crowned Warbler
"},"GCWO ":{"Result":"GCWO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
GCHW: Golden-cheeked Woodpecker (IBP)
GRCW: Gray-crowned Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"GCWR Gray-cowled Wood-Rail":{"Result":"GCWR: Gray-cowled Wood-Rail (IBP)
"},"GCYE Gray-crowned Yellowthroat":{"Result":"GCYE: Gray-crowned Yellowthroat
"},"GEPE Gentoo Penguin":{"Result":"GEPE: Gentoo Penguin (BBL)
"},"GFGR Golden-fronted Greenlet":{"Result":"GFGR: Golden-fronted Greenlet (IBP)
"},"GFHU Green-fronted Hummingbird":{"Result":"GFHU: Green-fronted Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"GFLA ":{"Result":"GFLA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
GFRL: Green-fronted Lancebill (IBP)
"},"GFLY Grenada Flycatcher":{"Result":"GFLY: Grenada Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
GRFL: Gray Flycatcher
"},"GFPE Gray-faced Petrel":{"Result":"GFPE: Gray-faced Petrel (IBP)
"},"GFQD Gray-fronted Quail-Dove":{"Result":"GFQD: Gray-fronted Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"GFRL Green-fronted Lancebill":{"Result":"GFRL: Green-fronted Lancebill (IBP)
"},"GFWO Golden-fronted Woodpecker":{"Result":"GFWO: Golden-fronted Woodpecker
"},"GGMA Great Green Macaw":{"Result":"GGMA: Great Green Macaw (IBP)
"},"GGOW Great Gray Owl":{"Result":"GGOW: Great Gray Owl
"},"GGWO Golden-green Woodpecker":{"Result":"GGWO: Golden-green Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"GHAL Gray-headed Albatross":{"Result":"GHAL: Gray-headed Albatross (BBL)
"},"GHCH Gray-headed Chickadee":{"Result":"GHCH: Gray-headed Chickadee
Confusion species:
GHEC: Gray-headed Chachalaca (IBP)
"},"GHDO Gray-headed Dove":{"Result":"GHDO: Gray-headed Dove (IBP)
"},"GHEC Gray-headed Chachalaca":{"Result":"GHEC: Gray-headed Chachalaca (IBP)
Confusion species:
GHCH: Gray-headed Chickadee
"},"GHET Gray-headed Tanager":{"Result":"GHET: Gray-headed Tanager (IBP)
Confusion species:
GHOT: Golden-hooded Tanager (IBP)
"},"GHGU Gray-hooded Gull":{"Result":"GHGU: Gray-hooded Gull (IBP)
"},"GHJU Gray-headed Junco":{"Result":"GHJU: Gray-headed Junco
"},"GHKI Gray-headed Kite":{"Result":"GHKI: Gray-headed Kite (IBP)
"},"GHMA Golden-headed Manakin":{"Result":"GHMA: Golden-headed Manakin (IBP)
"},"GHOT Golden-hooded Tanager":{"Result":"GHOT: Golden-hooded Tanager (IBP)
Confusion species:
GHET: Gray-headed Tanager (IBP)
"},"GHOW Great Horned Owl":{"Result":"GHOW: Great Horned Owl
"},"GHPI Gray-headed Piprites":{"Result":"GHPI: Gray-headed Piprites (IBP)
"},"GHQU Golden-headed Quetzal":{"Result":"GHQU: Golden-headed Quetzal (IBP)
"},"GHTA ":{"Result":"GHTA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
GHOT: Golden-hooded Tanager (IBP)
GHET: Gray-headed Tanager (IBP)
"},"GICO Giant Cowbird":{"Result":"GICO: Giant Cowbird (IBP)
"},"GIFL Gilded Flicker":{"Result":"GIFL: Gilded Flicker
"},"GIKI Giant Kingbird":{"Result":"GIKI: Giant Kingbird (IBP)
"},"GIWO Gila Woodpecker":{"Result":"GIWO: Gila Woodpecker
"},"GIWR Giant Wren":{"Result":"GIWR: Giant Wren (IBP)
"},"GKIN Green Kingfisher":{"Result":"GKIN: Green Kingfisher
Confusion species:
GKIS: Great Kiskadee
GRAK: Gray Kingbird
"},"GKIS Great Kiskadee":{"Result":"GKIS: Great Kiskadee
Confusion species:
GKIN: Green Kingfisher
GRAK: Gray Kingbird
"},"GLGU Glaucous Gull":{"Result":"GLGU: Glaucous Gull
"},"GLHA Gray-lined Hawk":{"Result":"GLHA: Gray-lined Hawk (IBP)
"},"GLIB Glossy Ibis":{"Result":"GLIB: Glossy Ibis
"},"GLTH Glow-throated Hummingbird":{"Result":"GLTH: Glow-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
GATH: Garnet-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"GMAG Green Mango":{"Result":"GMAG: Green Mango (BBL: GRMA)
Confusion species:
GMAK: Green Manakin (IBP)
"},"GMAK Green Manakin":{"Result":"GMAK: Green Manakin (IBP)
Confusion species:
GMAG\/GRMA: Green Mango
"},"GMKI Guam Micronesian Kingfisher":{"Result":"GMKI: Guam Micronesian Kingfisher (BBL)
"},"GNBM Green-breasted Mango":{"Result":"GNBM: Green-breasted Mango (BBL: GREM)
Confusion species:
GYBM\/GBMA: Gray-breasted Martin
"},"GNLA Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush":{"Result":"GNLA: Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush
"},"GNTA Green-naped Tanager":{"Result":"GNTA: Green-naped Tanager (IBP)
"},"GNWO Golden-naped Woodpecker":{"Result":"GNWO: Golden-naped Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"GOCF Golden-crowned Flycatcher":{"Result":"GOCF: Golden-crowned Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
GCFL: Great Crested Flycatcher
GCAF: Gray-capped Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"GOEA Golden Eagle":{"Result":"GOEA: Golden Eagle
"},"GOLW Golden-crowned Warbler":{"Result":"GOLW: Golden-crowned Warbler (IBP: GCRW)
Confusion species:
GCWA: Golden-cheeked Warbler
"},"GOSW Golden Swallow":{"Result":"GOSW: Golden Swallow (IBP)
"},"GOVI Golden Vireo":{"Result":"GOVI: Golden Vireo (IBP)
"},"GOWE Golden White-eye":{"Result":"GOWE: Golden White-eye (BBL)
"},"GOWO Golden-olive Woodpecker":{"Result":"GOWO: Golden-olive Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"GRAE Gray Elaenia":{"Result":"GRAE: Gray Elaenia (IBP)
Confusion species:
GREL: Greenish Elaenia
"},"GRAF Gray Francolin":{"Result":"GRAF: Gray Francolin (IBP)
Confusion species:
GREF\/GRFR: Great Frigatebird
"},"GRAH Gray Heron":{"Result":"GRAH: Gray Heron (IBP)
Confusion species:
GREH: Green Hermit (IBP)
GRHE: Green Heron
"},"GRAK Gray Kingbird":{"Result":"GRAK: Gray Kingbird
Confusion species:
GKIN: Green Kingfisher
GKIS: Great Kiskadee
"},"GRAM Greater Amakihi":{"Result":"GRAM: Greater Amakihi (IBP)
"},"GRAN ":{"Result":"GRAN: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
GRTA: Greater Ani (IBP)
GANT: Great Antshrike (IBP)
"},"GRAP Gray Partridge":{"Result":"GRAP: Gray Partridge (IBP)
Confusion species:
GREP: Green Parakeet (IBP)
GRUP: Green-rumped Parrotlet (IBP)
"},"GRAS Grayish Saltator":{"Result":"GRAS: Grayish Saltator (IBP)
Confusion species:
GRSA: Green Sandpiper (IBP)
"},"GRAT ('Gray-backed Tern', 'Gray Thrasher')":{"Result":"GRAT: Code refers to different taxa in BBL and IBP.
GRAT: Gray-backed Tern (BBL)
GRAT: Gray Thrasher (IBP)
Confusion species:
GRET: Green Thorntail (IBP)
GBTE: Gull-billed Tern
"},"GRAU Great Auk":{"Result":"GRAU: Great Auk (IBP)
"},"GRAW Gray Wagtail":{"Result":"GRAW: Gray Wagtail
Confusion species:
GRWA: Grace's Warbler
"},"GRBU Gray Bunting":{"Result":"GRBU: Gray Bunting
"},"GRCA Gray Catbird":{"Result":"GRCA: Gray Catbird
"},"GRCO Great Cormorant":{"Result":"GRCO: Great Cormorant
"},"GRCU Great Curassow":{"Result":"GRCU: Great Curassow (IBP)
"},"GRCW Gray-crowned Woodpecker":{"Result":"GRCW: Gray-crowned Woodpecker (IBP)
Confusion species:
GCHW: Golden-cheeked Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"GRDO Grenada Dove":{"Result":"GRDO: Grenada Dove (IBP)
"},"GREF Great Frigatebird":{"Result":"GREF: Great Frigatebird (BBL: GRFR)
Confusion species:
GRAF: Gray Francolin (IBP)
"},"GREG Great Egret":{"Result":"GREG: Great Egret
"},"GREH Green Hermit":{"Result":"GREH: Green Hermit (IBP)
Confusion species:
GRAH: Gray Heron (IBP)
GRHE: Green Heron
"},"GREJ ('Green Jay', 'Great Jacamar')":{"Result":"GREJ: Code refers to different taxa in BBL and IBP.
GREJ: Green Jay (BBL)
GREJ: Great Jacamar (IBP)
"},"GREL Greenish Elaenia":{"Result":"GREL: Greenish Elaenia
Confusion species:
GRAE: Gray Elaenia (IBP)
"},"GREM Green-breasted Mango":{"Result":"GREM: Green-breasted Mango (IBP: GNBM)
Confusion species:
GYBM\/GBMA: Gray-breasted Martin
"},"GREP Green Parakeet":{"Result":"GREP: Green Parakeet (IBP)
Confusion species:
GRAP: Gray Partridge (IBP)
GRUP: Green-rumped Parrotlet (IBP)
"},"GRET Green Thorntail":{"Result":"GRET: Green Thorntail (IBP)
Confusion species:
GRAT: Gray Thrasher (IBP)
"},"GRFL Gray Flycatcher":{"Result":"GRFL: Gray Flycatcher
Confusion species:
GFLY: Grenada Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"GRFR Great Frigatebird":{"Result":"GRFR: Great Frigatebird (IBP: GREF)
Confusion species:
GRAF: Gray Francolin (IBP)
"},"GRGO Graylag Goose":{"Result":"GRGO: Graylag Goose (IBP)
"},"GRGU Gray Gull":{"Result":"GRGU: Gray Gull (IBP)
"},"GRHA Gray Hawk":{"Result":"GRHA: Gray Hawk
"},"GRHE Green Heron":{"Result":"GRHE: Green Heron
Confusion species:
GREH: Green Hermit (IBP)
GRAH: Gray Heron (IBP)
"},"GRHO Green Honeycreeper":{"Result":"GRHO: Green Honeycreeper (IBP)
"},"GRIB Green Ibis":{"Result":"GRIB: Green Ibis (IBP)
"},"GRJA Green Jay":{"Result":"GRJA: Green Jay (BBL: GREJ)
Confusion species:
GREJ: Great Jacamar (IBP)
"},"GRKF Greater Koa-Finch":{"Result":"GRKF: Greater Koa-Finch (IBP)
"},"GRKI ":{"Result":"GRKI: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
GKIN: Green Kingfisher
GKIS: Great Kiskadee
GRAK: Gray Kingbird
"},"GRKN Great Knot":{"Result":"GRKN: Great Knot (IBP)
"},"GRLC Great Lizard-Cuckoo":{"Result":"GRLC: Great Lizard-Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"GRMA Green Mango":{"Result":"GRMA: Green Mango (IBP: GMAG)
Confusion species:
GMAK: Green Manakin (IBP)
"},"GRNI Gray Nightjar":{"Result":"GRNI: Gray Nightjar (IBP)
"},"GRPA ":{"Result":"GRPA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
GRAP: Gray Partridge (IBP)
GREP: Green Parakeet (IBP)
GRUP: Green-rumped Parrotlet (IBP)
"},"GRPC Greater Prairie-Chicken":{"Result":"GRPC: Greater Prairie-Chicken (IBP)
"},"GRPE Greater Pewee":{"Result":"GRPE: Greater Pewee
"},"GRPO Great Potoo":{"Result":"GRPO: Great Potoo (IBP)
"},"GRPU Greenish Puffleg":{"Result":"GRPU: Greenish Puffleg (IBP)
"},"GRRO Greater Roadrunner":{"Result":"GRRO: Greater Roadrunner
"},"GRSA Green Sandpiper":{"Result":"GRSA: Green Sandpiper (IBP)
Confusion species:
GRAS: Grayish Saltator (IBP)
"},"GRSC Greater Scaup":{"Result":"GRSC: Greater Scaup
"},"GRSF Gray Silky-flycatcher":{"Result":"GRSF: Gray Silky-flycatcher (IBP)
"},"GRSG Greater Sage-Grouse":{"Result":"GRSG: Greater Sage-Grouse (IBP)
"},"GRSH Great Shearwater":{"Result":"GRSH: Great Shearwater
"},"GRSK Great Skua":{"Result":"GRSK: Great Skua
"},"GRSP Grasshopper Sparrow":{"Result":"GRSP: Grasshopper Sparrow
Confusion species:
GSAP: Greater Sand-Plover (IBP)
"},"GRSV Green Shrike-Vireo":{"Result":"GRSV: Green Shrike-Vireo (IBP)
"},"GRSW Gray-rumped Swift":{"Result":"GRSW: Gray-rumped Swift (IBP)
"},"GRTA Greater Ani":{"Result":"GRTA: Greater Ani (IBP)
Confusion species:
GANT: Great Antshrike (IBP)
"},"GRTH ":{"Result":"GRTH: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
GRET: Green Thorntail (IBP)
GRAT: Gray Thrasher (IBP)
"},"GRTI Great Tinamou":{"Result":"GRTI: Great Tinamou (IBP)
"},"GRTR Gray Trembler":{"Result":"GRTR: Gray Trembler (IBP)
"},"GRUP Green-rumped Parrotlet":{"Result":"GRUP: Green-rumped Parrotlet (IBP)
Confusion species:
GRAP: Gray Partridge (IBP)
GREP: Green Parakeet (IBP)
"},"GRVI Gray Vireo":{"Result":"GRVI: Gray Vireo
Confusion species:
GVIO: Green Violetear (BBL)
"},"GRWA Grace's Warbler":{"Result":"GRWA: Grace's Warbler
Confusion species:
GRAW: Gray Wagtail
"},"GRWR Grass Wren":{"Result":"GRWR: Grass Wren (IBP)
"},"GRYE Greater Yellowlegs":{"Result":"GRYE: Greater Yellowlegs
"},"GRYF Grassland Yellow-Finch":{"Result":"GRYF: Grassland Yellow-Finch (IBP)
"},"GSAP Greater Sand-Plover":{"Result":"GSAP: Greater Sand-Plover (IBP)
Confusion species:
GRSP: Grasshopper Sparrow
"},"GSBR Green-striped Brushfinch":{"Result":"GSBR: Green-striped Brushfinch (IBP)
"},"GSFL Gray-streaked Flycatcher":{"Result":"GSFL: Gray-streaked Flycatcher
"},"GSGB Greater Snow Goose Blue-morph":{"Result":"GSGB: Greater Snow Goose Blue-morph (IBP)
"},"GSGI Greater Snow Goose Intermediate-morph":{"Result":"GSGI: Greater Snow Goose Intermediate-morph (IBP)
"},"GSGO Greater Snow Goose":{"Result":"GSGO: Greater Snow Goose (BBL)
"},"GSGW Greater Snow Goose White-morph":{"Result":"GSGW: Greater Snow Goose White-morph (IBP)
"},"GSTS Great Swallow-tailed Swift":{"Result":"GSTS: Great Swallow-tailed Swift (IBP)
"},"GSWO Great Spotted Woodpecker":{"Result":"GSWO: Great Spotted Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"GTCA Green-throated Carib":{"Result":"GTCA: Green-throated Carib
"},"GTCH Gray-throated Chat":{"Result":"GTCH: Gray-throated Chat (IBP)
"},"GTGR Great-tailed Grackle":{"Result":"GTGR: Great-tailed Grackle
"},"GTHU ":{"Result":"GTHU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
GATH: Garnet-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
GLTH: Glow-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"GTLE Gray-throated Leaftosser":{"Result":"GTLE: Gray-throated Leaftosser (IBP)
"},"GTMG Green-throated Mountain-gem":{"Result":"GTMG: Green-throated Mountain-gem (IBP)
"},"GTTA Gray-tailed Tattler":{"Result":"GTTA: Gray-tailed Tattler
"},"GTTO Green-tailed Towhee":{"Result":"GTTO: Green-tailed Towhee
"},"GTWA Green-tailed Warbler":{"Result":"GTWA: Green-tailed Warbler (IBP)
"},"GUCA Guadalupe Caracara":{"Result":"GUCA: Guadalupe Caracara (IBP)
"},"GUCO Guanay Cormorant":{"Result":"GUCO: Guanay Cormorant (BBL)
"},"GUHA Gundlach's Hawk":{"Result":"GUHA: Gundlach's Hawk (IBP)
"},"GUJU Guadalupe Junco":{"Result":"GUJU: Guadalupe Junco (IBP)
"},"GUMU Guadalupe Murrelet":{"Result":"GUMU: Guadalupe Murrelet
"},"GURA Guam Rail":{"Result":"GURA: Guam Rail (BBL)
"},"GUSG Gunnison Sage-Grouse":{"Result":"GUSG: Gunnison Sage-Grouse (IBP)
"},"GUSP Guadalupe Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"GUSP: Guadalupe Storm-Petrel (IBP)
"},"GUSW Guam Swiftlet":{"Result":"GUSW: Guam Swiftlet (BBL)
"},"GUTY Guatemalan Tyrannulet":{"Result":"GUTY: Guatemalan Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"GUWO Guadeloupe Woodpecker":{"Result":"GUWO: Guadeloupe Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"GVIO Green Violetear":{"Result":"GVIO: Green Violetear (BBL)
Confusion species:
GRVI: Gray Vireo
"},"GWCS Gambel's White-crowned Sparrow":{"Result":"GWCS: Gambel's White-crowned Sparrow
"},"GWFG Greater White-fronted Goose":{"Result":"GWFG: Greater White-fronted Goose
"},"GWGU Glaucous-winged Gull":{"Result":"GWGU: Glaucous-winged Gull
"},"GWHE Great White Heron":{"Result":"GWHE: Great White Heron
"},"GWTE Green-winged Teal":{"Result":"GWTE: Green-winged Teal (IBP)
Confusion species:
AGWT: American Green-winged Teal (BBL)
"},"GWWA Golden-winged Warbler":{"Result":"GWWA: Golden-winged Warbler
"},"GYBM Gray-breasted Martin":{"Result":"GYBM: Gray-breasted Martin (BBL: GBMA)
Confusion species:
GNBM\/GREM: Green-breasted Mango
"},"GYRF Gyrfalcon":{"Result":"GYRF: Gyrfalcon
"},"HAAK Hawaii Akepa":{"Result":"HAAK: Hawaii Akepa (IBP)
"},"HAAM Hawaii Amakihi":{"Result":"HAAM: Hawaii Amakihi
"},"HACO Hawaiian Coot":{"Result":"HACO: Hawaiian Coot
"},"HACR ":{"Result":"HACR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
HCRO: Hawaiian Crow
HCRE: Hawaii Creeper
"},"HADU Harlequin Duck":{"Result":"HADU: Harlequin Duck (BBL: HARD)
Confusion species:
HAWD: Hawaiian Duck
"},"HAEA Harpy Eagle":{"Result":"HAEA: Harpy Eagle (IBP)
"},"HAEL Hawaii Elepaio":{"Result":"HAEL: Hawaii Elepaio
"},"HAFL Hammond's Flycatcher":{"Result":"HAFL: Hammond's Flycatcher
"},"HAGA Hawaiian Gallinule":{"Result":"HAGA: Hawaiian Gallinule
"},"HAGO Hawaiian Goose":{"Result":"HAGO: Hawaiian Goose
"},"HAHA ":{"Result":"HAHA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
HASH\/HRSH: Harris's Hawk
HAWH\/HWHA: Hawaiian Hawk
HALH\/HRLH: Harlan's Hawk
"},"HALH Harlan's Hawk":{"Result":"HALH: Harlan's Hawk (BBL: HRLH)
Confusion species:
HASH\/HRSH: Harris's Hawk
HAWH\/HWHA: Hawaiian Hawk
"},"HAMA Hawaii Mamo":{"Result":"HAMA: Hawaii Mamo (IBP)
"},"HAOO Hawaii Oo":{"Result":"HAOO: Hawaii Oo (IBP)
"},"HAPE Hawaiian Petrel":{"Result":"HAPE: Hawaiian Petrel
"},"HARA Hawaiian Rail":{"Result":"HARA: Hawaiian Rail (IBP)
"},"HARD Harlequin Duck":{"Result":"HARD: Harlequin Duck (IBP: HADU)
Confusion species:
HAWD: Hawaiian Duck
"},"HASH Harris's Hawk":{"Result":"HASH: Harris's Hawk (BBL: HRSH)
Confusion species:
HAWH\/HWHA: Hawaiian Hawk
HALH\/HRLH: Harlan's Hawk
"},"HASP Harris's Sparrow":{"Result":"HASP: Harris's Sparrow
"},"HAST Hawaiian Stilt":{"Result":"HAST: Hawaiian Stilt
"},"HAWD Hawaiian Duck":{"Result":"HAWD: Hawaiian Duck
Confusion species:
HADU\/HARD: Harlequin Duck
"},"HAWF Hawfinch":{"Result":"HAWF: Hawfinch
"},"HAWH Hawaiian Hawk":{"Result":"HAWH: Hawaiian Hawk (BBL: HWHA)
Confusion species:
HASH\/HRSH: Harris's Hawk
HALH\/HRLH: Harlan's Hawk
"},"HAWO Hairy Woodpecker":{"Result":"HAWO: Hairy Woodpecker
"},"HAWR Happy Wren":{"Result":"HAWR: Happy Wren (IBP)
"},"HBKI Hook-billed Kite":{"Result":"HBKI: Hook-billed Kite
"},"HCRE Hawaii Creeper":{"Result":"HCRE: Hawaii Creeper
Confusion species:
HCRO: Hawaiian Crow
"},"HCRO Hawaiian Crow":{"Result":"HCRO: Hawaiian Crow
Confusion species:
HCRE: Hawaii Creeper
"},"HCRW Hooded Crow":{"Result":"HCRW: Hooded Crow (IBP)
"},"HDFL Hammond's\/Dusky Flycatcher":{"Result":"HDFL: Hammond's\/Dusky Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"HEEG Heermann's Gull":{"Result":"HEEG: Heermann's Gull
Confusion species:
HELG: Helmeted Guineafowl (IBP)
HERG: Herring Gull
"},"HEGU ":{"Result":"HEGU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
HELG: Helmeted Guineafowl (IBP)
HEEG: Heermann's Gull
HERG: Herring Gull
"},"HELG Helmeted Guineafowl":{"Result":"HELG: Helmeted Guineafowl (IBP)
Confusion species:
HEEG: Heermann's Gull
HERG: Herring Gull
"},"HEPE Herald Petrel":{"Result":"HEPE: Herald Petrel (IBP)
"},"HERG Herring Gull":{"Result":"HERG: Herring Gull
Confusion species:
HELG: Helmeted Guineafowl (IBP)
HEEG: Heermann's Gull
"},"HESP Henslow's Sparrow":{"Result":"HESP: Henslow's Sparrow
"},"HETA Hepatic Tanager":{"Result":"HETA: Hepatic Tanager
"},"HETH Hermit Thrush":{"Result":"HETH: Hermit Thrush
"},"HEWA Hermit Warbler":{"Result":"HEWA: Hermit Warbler
"},"HICR Hispaniolan Crossbill":{"Result":"HICR: Hispaniolan Crossbill (IBP)
"},"HIEM Hispaniolan Emerald":{"Result":"HIEM: Hispaniolan Emerald (IBP)
"},"HIGU Highland Guan":{"Result":"HIGU: Highland Guan (IBP)
"},"HILC Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo":{"Result":"HILC: Hispaniolan Lizard-Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"HIMY Hill Myna":{"Result":"HIMY: Hill Myna (BBL)
"},"HIOR Hispaniolan Oriole":{"Result":"HIOR: Hispaniolan Oriole
"},"HIPA ":{"Result":"HIPA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
HPAK\/HPKT: Hispaniolan Parakeet
HPAT\/HPRT: Hispaniolan Parrot
"},"HIPE Hispaniolan Pewee":{"Result":"HIPE: Hispaniolan Pewee
"},"HISN Himalayan Snowcock":{"Result":"HISN: Himalayan Snowcock (IBP)
"},"HISP Hispaniolan Spindalis":{"Result":"HISP: Hispaniolan Spindalis
"},"HITI Highland Tinamou":{"Result":"HITI: Highland Tinamou (IBP)
"},"HITR Hispaniolan Trogon":{"Result":"HITR: Hispaniolan Trogon (IBP)
"},"HIWO Hispaniolan Woodpecker":{"Result":"HIWO: Hispaniolan Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"HOCR ":{"Result":"HOCR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
HCRW: Hooded Crow (IBP)
"},"HOEM Honduran Emerald":{"Result":"HOEM: Honduran Emerald (IBP)
"},"HOFI House Finch":{"Result":"HOFI: House Finch
"},"HOGR Horned Grebe":{"Result":"HOGR: Horned Grebe
Confusion species:
HOOG: Hooded Grosbeak (IBP)
"},"HOGU Horned Guan":{"Result":"HOGU: Horned Guan (IBP)
"},"HOLA Horned Lark":{"Result":"HOLA: Horned Lark
"},"HOME Hooded Merganser":{"Result":"HOME: Hooded Merganser
"},"HOOG Hooded Grosbeak":{"Result":"HOOG: Hooded Grosbeak (IBP)
Confusion species:
HOGR: Horned Grebe
"},"HOOR Hooded Oriole":{"Result":"HOOR: Hooded Oriole
"},"HOPU Horned Puffin":{"Result":"HOPU: Horned Puffin
"},"HORE Hoary Redpoll":{"Result":"HORE: Hoary Redpoll
"},"HOSP House Sparrow":{"Result":"HOSP: House Sparrow
"},"HOWA Hooded Warbler":{"Result":"HOWA: Hooded Warbler
"},"HOWO Hoffmann's Woodpecker":{"Result":"HOWO: Hoffmann's Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"HOWR House Wren":{"Result":"HOWR: House Wren
"},"HOYE Hooded Yellowthroat":{"Result":"HOYE: Hooded Yellowthroat (IBP)
"},"HPAK Hispaniolan Parakeet":{"Result":"HPAK: Hispaniolan Parakeet (BBL: HPKT)
Confusion species:
HPAT\/HPRT: Hispaniolan Parrot
"},"HPAT Hispaniolan Parrot":{"Result":"HPAT: Hispaniolan Parrot (BBL: HPRT)
Confusion species:
HPAK\/HPKT: Hispaniolan Parakeet
"},"HPKT Hispaniolan Parakeet":{"Result":"HPKT: Hispaniolan Parakeet (IBP: HPAK)
Confusion species:
HPAT\/HPRT: Hispaniolan Parrot
"},"HPRT Hispaniolan Parrot":{"Result":"HPRT: Hispaniolan Parrot (IBP: HPAT)
Confusion species:
HPAK\/HPKT: Hispaniolan Parakeet
"},"HRLH Harlan's Hawk":{"Result":"HRLH: Harlan's Hawk (IBP: HALH)
Confusion species:
HASH\/HRSH: Harris's Hawk
HAWH\/HWHA: Hawaiian Hawk
"},"HRSH Harris's Hawk":{"Result":"HRSH: Harris's Hawk (IBP: HASH)
Confusion species:
HAWH\/HWHA: Hawaiian Hawk
HALH\/HRLH: Harlan's Hawk
"},"HUGO Hudsonian Godwit":{"Result":"HUGO: Hudsonian Godwit
"},"HUPE Humboldt Penguin":{"Result":"HUPE: Humboldt Penguin (BBL)
"},"HUSA Humboldt's Sapphire":{"Result":"HUSA: Humboldt's Sapphire (IBP)
"},"HUVI Hutton's Vireo":{"Result":"HUVI: Hutton's Vireo
"},"HWAM Hwamei":{"Result":"HWAM: Hwamei
"},"HWHA Hawaiian Hawk":{"Result":"HWHA: Hawaiian Hawk (IBP: HAWH)
Confusion species:
HASH\/HRSH: Harris's Hawk
HALH\/HRLH: Harlan's Hawk
"},"IBIW Ivory-billed Woodcreeper":{"Result":"IBIW: Ivory-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
Confusion species:
IBWO: Ivory-billed Woodpecker
"},"IBWO Ivory-billed Woodpecker":{"Result":"IBWO: Ivory-billed Woodpecker
Confusion species:
IBIW: Ivory-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"ICGU Iceland Gull":{"Result":"ICGU: Iceland Gull
"},"ICTO Inyo California Towhee":{"Result":"ICTO: Inyo California Towhee (BBL)
"},"IIWI Iiwi":{"Result":"IIWI: Iiwi
"},"ILTE Interior Least Tern":{"Result":"ILTE: Interior Least Tern (BBL)
"},"IMPA Imperial Parrot":{"Result":"IMPA: Imperial Parrot (IBP)
"},"IMWO Imperial Woodpecker":{"Result":"IMWO: Imperial Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"INBU Indigo Bunting":{"Result":"INBU: Indigo Bunting
"},"INDO Inca Dove":{"Result":"INDO: Inca Dove
"},"INEG Intermediate Egret":{"Result":"INEG: Intermediate Egret (IBP)
"},"INPE Indian Peafowl":{"Result":"INPE: Indian Peafowl (IBP)
"},"INSI Indian Silverbill":{"Result":"INSI: Indian Silverbill (IBP)
"},"INTE Inca Tern":{"Result":"INTE: Inca Tern (IBP)
"},"INWO Inagua Woodstar":{"Result":"INWO: Inagua Woodstar (IBP)
"},"IPSP Ipswich Sparrow":{"Result":"IPSP: Ipswich Sparrow
"},"ISCA Island Canary":{"Result":"ISCA: Island Canary (IBP)
"},"ISSJ Island Scrub-Jay":{"Result":"ISSJ: Island Scrub-Jay
"},"ISWR Isthmian Wren":{"Result":"ISWR: Isthmian Wren (IBP)
"},"IVGU Ivory Gull":{"Result":"IVGU: Ivory Gull
"},"JABE Jamaican Becard":{"Result":"JABE: Jamaican Becard (IBP)
"},"JABI Jabiru":{"Result":"JABI: Jabiru (IBP)
"},"JABL Jamaican Blackbird":{"Result":"JABL: Jamaican Blackbird (IBP)
"},"JABW Japanese Bush-Warbler":{"Result":"JABW: Japanese Bush-Warbler
"},"JACR Jamaican Crow":{"Result":"JACR: Jamaican Crow
"},"JAEL Jamaican Elaenia":{"Result":"JAEL: Jamaican Elaenia
"},"JAEU Jamaican Euphonia":{"Result":"JAEU: Jamaican Euphonia
"},"JALC Jamaican Lizard-Cuckoo":{"Result":"JALC: Jamaican Lizard-Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"JAMA Jamaican Mango":{"Result":"JAMA: Jamaican Mango
"},"JAMS Jamaican Spindalis":{"Result":"JAMS: Jamaican Spindalis
Confusion species:
JASP\/JAVS: Java Sparrow
"},"JAMY Javan Myna":{"Result":"JAMY: Javan Myna (BBL)
"},"JAOR Jamaican Oriole":{"Result":"JAOR: Jamaican Oriole
"},"JAOW Jamaican Owl":{"Result":"JAOW: Jamaican Owl (IBP)
"},"JAPA Jamaican Pauraque":{"Result":"JAPA: Jamaican Pauraque (IBP)
"},"JAPE Jamaican Pewee":{"Result":"JAPE: Jamaican Pewee
"},"JAQU Japanese Quail":{"Result":"JAQU: Japanese Quail (IBP)
"},"JASN Jack Snipe":{"Result":"JASN: Jack Snipe (IBP)
"},"JASP Java Sparrow":{"Result":"JASP: Java Sparrow (BBL: JAVS)
Confusion species:
JAMS: Jamaican Spindalis
"},"JATO Jamaican Tody":{"Result":"JATO: Jamaican Tody
"},"JAVI Jamaican Vireo":{"Result":"JAVI: Jamaican Vireo
"},"JAVS Java Sparrow":{"Result":"JAVS: Java Sparrow (IBP: JASP)
Confusion species:
JAMS: Jamaican Spindalis
"},"JAWE Japanese White-eye":{"Result":"JAWE: Japanese White-eye (BBL)
"},"JAWO Jamaican Woodpecker":{"Result":"JAWO: Jamaican Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"JEAN Jet Antbird":{"Result":"JEAN: Jet Antbird (IBP)
"},"JFPE Juan Fernandez Petrel":{"Result":"JFPE: Juan Fernandez Petrel
"},"JOPE Jouanin's Petrel":{"Result":"JOPE: Jouanin's Petrel (IBP)
"},"JUMY Jungle Myna":{"Result":"JUMY: Jungle Myna (BBL)
"},"JUTI Juniper Titmouse":{"Result":"JUTI: Juniper Titmouse
"},"KAAK Kauai Akialoa":{"Result":"KAAK: Kauai Akialoa (IBP)
"},"KAAM Kauai Amakihi":{"Result":"KAAM: Kauai Amakihi
"},"KAEL Kauai Elepaio":{"Result":"KAEL: Kauai Elepaio
"},"KAKA Kakawahie":{"Result":"KAKA: Kakawahie
"},"KAMA Kamao":{"Result":"KAMA: Kamao
"},"KANU Kauai Nukupuu":{"Result":"KANU: Kauai Nukupuu (IBP)
"},"KAOO Kauai Oo":{"Result":"KAOO: Kauai Oo
"},"KAPH Kalij Pheasant":{"Result":"KAPH: Kalij Pheasant (IBP)
"},"KBMO Keel-billed Motmot":{"Result":"KBMO: Keel-billed Motmot (IBP)
"},"KBTO Keel-billed Toucan":{"Result":"KBTO: Keel-billed Toucan (IBP)
"},"KEGU Kelp Gull":{"Result":"KEGU: Kelp Gull (IBP)
"},"KEPE ('Kerguelen Petrel', 'Kermadec Petrel')":{"Result":"KEPE: Code refers to different taxa in BBL and IBP.
KEPE: Kerguelen Petrel (BBL)
KEPE: Kermadec Petrel (IBP)
"},"KETE Kerguelen Tern":{"Result":"KETE: Kerguelen Tern (BBL)
"},"KEWA Kentucky Warbler":{"Result":"KEWA: Kentucky Warbler
"},"KIEI King Eider":{"Result":"KIEI: King Eider
"},"KILL Killdeer":{"Result":"KILL: Killdeer
"},"KIMU Kittlitz's Murrelet":{"Result":"KIMU: Kittlitz's Murrelet
"},"KIOE Kioea":{"Result":"KIOE: Kioea (IBP)
"},"KIPE King Penguin":{"Result":"KIPE: King Penguin (BBL)
"},"KIRA King Rail":{"Result":"KIRA: King Rail
"},"KIVU King Vulture":{"Result":"KIVU: King Vulture (IBP)
"},"KIWA Kirtland's Warbler":{"Result":"KIWA: Kirtland's Warbler
"},"KLWA Kamchatka Leaf Warbler":{"Result":"KLWA: Kamchatka Leaf Warbler (IBP)
"},"KOGR Kona Grosbeak":{"Result":"KOGR: Kona Grosbeak (IBP)
"},"KUGU Kumlien's Gull":{"Result":"KUGU: Kumlien's Gull (IBP)
"},"KWQD Key West Quail-Dove":{"Result":"KWQD: Key West Quail-Dove
"},"LAAL Laysan Albatross":{"Result":"LAAL: Laysan Albatross
"},"LABD Labrador Duck":{"Result":"LABD: Labrador Duck (IBP)
Confusion species:
LAYD\/LADU: Laysan Duck
"},"LABU ":{"Result":"LABU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
LARB: Lark Bunting
LAZB: Lazuli Bunting
LANB\/LESB: Lesser Antillean Bullfinch
"},"LADU Laysan Duck":{"Result":"LADU: Laysan Duck (IBP: LAYD)
Confusion species:
LABD: Labrador Duck (IBP)
"},"LAFA Laughing Falcon":{"Result":"LAFA: Laughing Falcon (IBP)
"},"LAFI Laysan Finch":{"Result":"LAFI: Laysan Finch
"},"LAFL Lesser Antillean Flycatcher":{"Result":"LAFL: Lesser Antillean Flycatcher (BBL: LESF)
"},"LAGO Lawrence's Goldfinch":{"Result":"LAGO: Lawrence's Goldfinch
"},"LAGU Laughing Gull":{"Result":"LAGU: Laughing Gull
"},"LAHO ":{"Result":"LAHO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
LAYH: Laysan Honeycreeper (IBP)
LANH: Lanai Hookbill (IBP)
"},"LALO Lapland Longspur":{"Result":"LALO: Lapland Longspur
"},"LAMO Lanceolated Monklet":{"Result":"LAMO: Lanceolated Monklet (IBP)
"},"LANB Lesser Antillean Bullfinch":{"Result":"LANB: Lesser Antillean Bullfinch (BBL: LESB)
Confusion species:
LARB: Lark Bunting
LAZB: Lazuli Bunting
"},"LANH Lanai Hookbill":{"Result":"LANH: Lanai Hookbill (IBP)
Confusion species:
LAYH: Laysan Honeycreeper (IBP)
"},"LANW Lanceolated Warbler":{"Result":"LANW: Lanceolated Warbler
Confusion species:
LAVW: Lavender Waxbill
LAWA: Lawrence's Warbler
"},"LAPE Lesser Antillean Pewee":{"Result":"LAPE: Lesser Antillean Pewee
"},"LARA Laysan Rail":{"Result":"LARA: Laysan Rail (IBP)
"},"LARB Lark Bunting":{"Result":"LARB: Lark Bunting
Confusion species:
LAZB: Lazuli Bunting
LANB\/LESB: Lesser Antillean Bullfinch
"},"LASA Lesser Antillean Saltator":{"Result":"LASA: Lesser Antillean Saltator (IBP)
"},"LASP Lark Sparrow":{"Result":"LASP: Lark Sparrow
"},"LASW Lesser Antillean Swift":{"Result":"LASW: Lesser Antillean Swift (IBP)
"},"LATA Lesser Antillean Tanager":{"Result":"LATA: Lesser Antillean Tanager (IBP)
"},"LATM Lance-tailed Manakin":{"Result":"LATM: Lance-tailed Manakin (IBP)
Confusion species:
LOTM: Long-tailed Manakin (IBP)
"},"LAVW Lavender Waxbill":{"Result":"LAVW: Lavender Waxbill
Confusion species:
LANW: Lanceolated Warbler
LAWA: Lawrence's Warbler
"},"LAWA Lawrence's Warbler":{"Result":"LAWA: Lawrence's Warbler
Confusion species:
LANW: Lanceolated Warbler
LAVW: Lavender Waxbill
"},"LAYD Laysan Duck":{"Result":"LAYD: Laysan Duck (BBL: LADU)
Confusion species:
LABD: Labrador Duck (IBP)
"},"LAYH Laysan Honeycreeper":{"Result":"LAYH: Laysan Honeycreeper (IBP)
Confusion species:
LANH: Lanai Hookbill (IBP)
"},"LAZB Lazuli Bunting":{"Result":"LAZB: Lazuli Bunting
Confusion species:
LARB: Lark Bunting
LANB\/LESB: Lesser Antillean Bullfinch
"},"LBBG Lesser Black-backed Gull":{"Result":"LBBG: Lesser Black-backed Gull
"},"LBCU Long-billed Curlew":{"Result":"LBCU: Long-billed Curlew
"},"LBDO Long-billed Dowitcher":{"Result":"LBDO: Long-billed Dowitcher
"},"LBGN Long-billed Gnatwren":{"Result":"LBGN: Long-billed Gnatwren (IBP)
"},"LBHE Little Blue Heron":{"Result":"LBHE: Little Blue Heron
Confusion species:
LBIH: Long-billed Hermit (IBP)
"},"LBIH Long-billed Hermit":{"Result":"LBIH: Long-billed Hermit (IBP)
Confusion species:
LBHE: Little Blue Heron
"},"LBMU Long-billed Murrelet":{"Result":"LBMU: Long-billed Murrelet
"},"LBSF Large-billed Seed-Finch":{"Result":"LBSF: Large-billed Seed-Finch (IBP)
"},"LBSP Large-billed Sparrow":{"Result":"LBSP: Large-billed Sparrow
"},"LBST Long-billed Starthroat":{"Result":"LBST: Long-billed Starthroat (IBP)
"},"LBTE Large-billed Tern":{"Result":"LBTE: Large-billed Tern (IBP)
"},"LBTH Long-billed Thrasher":{"Result":"LBTH: Long-billed Thrasher
"},"LBVI Least Bell's Vireo":{"Result":"LBVI: Least Bell's Vireo
"},"LBWO Ladder-backed Woodpecker":{"Result":"LBWO: Ladder-backed Woodpecker
"},"LCGO Large Canada Goose":{"Result":"LCGO: Large Canada Goose
"},"LCPA Lilac-crowned Parrot":{"Result":"LCPA: Lilac-crowned Parrot (IBP)
"},"LCSP LeConte's Sparrow":{"Result":"LCSP: LeConte's Sparrow
Confusion species:
LSAP\/LRSP: Lesser Sand-Plover
LESP\/LHSP: Leach's Storm-Petrel
LSTP\/LTSP: Least Storm-Petrel
"},"LCTH LeConte's Thrasher":{"Result":"LCTH: LeConte's Thrasher
"},"LEAK Lesser Akialoa":{"Result":"LEAK: Lesser Akialoa (IBP)
"},"LEAU Least Auklet":{"Result":"LEAU: Least Auklet
"},"LEBI Least Bittern":{"Result":"LEBI: Least Bittern
"},"LEEL Lesser Elaenia":{"Result":"LEEL: Lesser Elaenia (IBP)
"},"LEFL Least Flycatcher":{"Result":"LEFL: Least Flycatcher
"},"LEFR Lesser Frigatebird":{"Result":"LEFR: Lesser Frigatebird
"},"LEGC Lesser Ground-Cuckoo":{"Result":"LEGC: Lesser Ground-Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"LEGO Lesser Goldfinch":{"Result":"LEGO: Lesser Goldfinch
"},"LEGP Lesser Golden-Plover":{"Result":"LEGP: Lesser Golden-Plover
"},"LEGR Least Grebe":{"Result":"LEGR: Least Grebe
Confusion species:
LESG: Lesser Greenlet (IBP)
"},"LEKF Lesser Koa-Finch":{"Result":"LEKF: Lesser Koa-Finch (IBP)
"},"LEKI Lesser Kiskadee":{"Result":"LEKI: Lesser Kiskadee (IBP)
"},"LEMO Lesson's Motmot":{"Result":"LEMO: Lesson's Motmot (IBP)
"},"LENI Lesser Nighthawk":{"Result":"LENI: Lesser Nighthawk
"},"LEOW Long-eared Owl":{"Result":"LEOW: Long-eared Owl
"},"LEPA Least Pauraque":{"Result":"LEPA: Least Pauraque (IBP)
"},"LEPC Lesser Prairie-Chicken":{"Result":"LEPC: Lesser Prairie-Chicken (IBP)
"},"LERE Lesser Redpoll":{"Result":"LERE: Lesser Redpoll (IBP)
"},"LERO Lesser Roadrunner":{"Result":"LERO: Lesser Roadrunner (IBP)
"},"LESA Least Sandpiper":{"Result":"LESA: Least Sandpiper
"},"LESB Lesser Antillean Bullfinch":{"Result":"LESB: Lesser Antillean Bullfinch (IBP: LANB)
Confusion species:
LARB: Lark Bunting
LAZB: Lazuli Bunting
"},"LESC Lesser Scaup":{"Result":"LESC: Lesser Scaup
"},"LESF Lesser Antillean Flycatcher":{"Result":"LESF: Lesser Antillean Flycatcher (IBP: LAFL)
"},"LESG Lesser Greenlet":{"Result":"LESG: Lesser Greenlet (IBP)
Confusion species:
LEGR: Least Grebe
"},"LESH Lesser Sheathbill":{"Result":"LESH: Lesser Sheathbill (BBL)
"},"LESP Leach's Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"LESP: Leach's Storm-Petrel (BBL: LHSP)
Confusion species:
LSAP\/LRSP: Lesser Sand-Plover
LSTP\/LTSP: Least Storm-Petrel
LCSP: LeConte's Sparrow
"},"LETE Least Tern":{"Result":"LETE: Least Tern
"},"LETH ":{"Result":"LETH: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
LCTH: LeConte's Thrasher
"},"LEVI Lesser Violetear":{"Result":"LEVI: Lesser Violetear (IBP)
"},"LEWH Lesser Whitethroat":{"Result":"LEWH: Lesser Whitethroat (IBP)
"},"LEWO Lewis's Woodpecker":{"Result":"LEWO: Lewis's Woodpecker
"},"LEYE Lesser Yellowlegs":{"Result":"LEYE: Lesser Yellowlegs
"},"LFFI Large-footed Finch":{"Result":"LFFI: Large-footed Finch (IBP)
"},"LFRR Light-footed Ridgway's Rail":{"Result":"LFRR: Light-footed Ridgway's Rail (BBL)
"},"LHSP Leach's Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"LHSP: Leach's Storm-Petrel (IBP: LESP)
Confusion species:
LSAP\/LRSP: Lesser Sand-Plover
LSTP\/LTSP: Least Storm-Petrel
LCSP: LeConte's Sparrow
"},"LIBI Little Bittern":{"Result":"LIBI: Little Bittern (IBP)
"},"LIBU Little Bunting":{"Result":"LIBU: Little Bunting
"},"LICU Little Curlew":{"Result":"LICU: Little Curlew (IBP)
Confusion species:
LITC: Little Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"LIEG Little Egret":{"Result":"LIEG: Little Egret (IBP)
"},"LIFG Lineated Foliage-gleaner":{"Result":"LIFG: Lineated Foliage-gleaner (IBP)
"},"LIGU Little Gull":{"Result":"LIGU: Little Gull
"},"LIMP Limpkin":{"Result":"LIMP: Limpkin
"},"LISE Lined Seedeater":{"Result":"LISE: Lined Seedeater (IBP)
"},"LISH Little Shearwater":{"Result":"LISH: Little Shearwater (BBL)
"},"LISP Lincoln's Sparrow":{"Result":"LISP: Lincoln's Sparrow
"},"LIST Little Stint":{"Result":"LIST: Little Stint
"},"LITC Little Cuckoo":{"Result":"LITC: Little Cuckoo (IBP)
Confusion species:
LICU: Little Curlew (IBP)
"},"LITE Little Tern":{"Result":"LITE: Little Tern
"},"LITI Little Tinamou":{"Result":"LITI: Little Tinamou (IBP)
"},"LIWO Lineated Woodpecker":{"Result":"LIWO: Lineated Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"LLBU Long-legged Buzzard":{"Result":"LLBU: Long-legged Buzzard (IBP)
"},"LMAL Light-mantled Albatross":{"Result":"LMAL: Light-mantled Albatross (BBL: LMSA)
"},"LMSA Light-mantled Albatross":{"Result":"LMSA: Light-mantled Albatross (IBP: LMAL)
"},"LOCO Lovely Cotinga":{"Result":"LOCO: Lovely Cotinga (IBP)
"},"LOKI Loggerhead Kingbird":{"Result":"LOKI: Loggerhead Kingbird
"},"LOSH Loggerhead Shrike":{"Result":"LOSH: Loggerhead Shrike
"},"LOTM Long-tailed Manakin":{"Result":"LOTM: Long-tailed Manakin (IBP)
Confusion species:
LATM: Lance-tailed Manakin (IBP)
"},"LOWA Louisiana Waterthrush":{"Result":"LOWA: Louisiana Waterthrush
"},"LRPL Little Ringed Plover":{"Result":"LRPL: Little Ringed Plover (IBP)
"},"LRSP Lesser Sand-Plover":{"Result":"LRSP: Lesser Sand-Plover (IBP: LSAP)
Confusion species:
LESP\/LHSP: Leach's Storm-Petrel
LSTP\/LTSP: Least Storm-Petrel
LCSP: LeConte's Sparrow
"},"LSAP Lesser Sand-Plover":{"Result":"LSAP: Lesser Sand-Plover (BBL: LRSP)
Confusion species:
LESP\/LHSP: Leach's Storm-Petrel
LSTP\/LTSP: Least Storm-Petrel
LCSP: LeConte's Sparrow
"},"LSFL La Sagra's Flycatcher":{"Result":"LSFL: La Sagra's Flycatcher
"},"LSGB Lesser Snow Goose Blue-morph":{"Result":"LSGB: Lesser Snow Goose Blue-morph (IBP)
"},"LSGI Lesser Snow Goose Intermediate-morph":{"Result":"LSGI: Lesser Snow Goose Intermediate-morph (IBP)
"},"LSGO Lesser Snow Goose":{"Result":"LSGO: Lesser Snow Goose (BBL)
"},"LSGW Lesser Snow Goose White-morph":{"Result":"LSGW: Lesser Snow Goose White-morph (IBP)
"},"LSTA Lemon-spectacled Tanager":{"Result":"LSTA: Lemon-spectacled Tanager (IBP)
"},"LSTH La Selle Thrush":{"Result":"LSTH: La Selle Thrush (IBP)
"},"LSTP Least Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"LSTP: Least Storm-Petrel (BBL: LTSP)
Confusion species:
LSAP\/LRSP: Lesser Sand-Plover
LESP\/LHSP: Leach's Storm-Petrel
LCSP: LeConte's Sparrow
"},"LSTS Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift":{"Result":"LSTS: Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift (IBP)
"},"LTCU Long-tailed Cuckoo":{"Result":"LTCU: Long-tailed Cuckoo (BBL)
"},"LTDU Long-tailed Duck":{"Result":"LTDU: Long-tailed Duck
"},"LTJA Long-tailed Jaeger":{"Result":"LTJA: Long-tailed Jaeger
"},"LTMA ":{"Result":"LTMA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
LATM: Lance-tailed Manakin (IBP)
LOTM: Long-tailed Manakin (IBP)
"},"LTSA Long-tailed Sabrewing":{"Result":"LTSA: Long-tailed Sabrewing (IBP)
"},"LTSF Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher":{"Result":"LTSF: Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher (IBP)
"},"LTSP Least Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"LTSP: Least Storm-Petrel (IBP: LSTP)
Confusion species:
LSAP\/LRSP: Lesser Sand-Plover
LESP\/LHSP: Leach's Storm-Petrel
LCSP: LeConte's Sparrow
"},"LTST Long-toed Stint":{"Result":"LTST: Long-toed Stint
"},"LTTR Lattice-tailed Trogon":{"Result":"LTTR: Lattice-tailed Trogon (IBP)
"},"LTTY Long-tailed Tyrant":{"Result":"LTTY: Long-tailed Tyrant (IBP)
"},"LTWO Long-tailed Woodcreeper":{"Result":"LTWO: Long-tailed Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"LTWP Long-tailed Wood-Partridge":{"Result":"LTWP: Long-tailed Wood-Partridge (IBP)
"},"LUHU Lucifer Hummingbird":{"Result":"LUHU: Lucifer Hummingbird
"},"LUWA Lucy's Warbler":{"Result":"LUWA: Lucy's Warbler
"},"LWFG Lesser White-fronted Goose":{"Result":"LWFG: Lesser White-fronted Goose
"},"LWHA Long-winged Harrier":{"Result":"LWHA: Long-winged Harrier (IBP)
"},"LYHV Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture":{"Result":"LYHV: Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture (IBP)
"},"MAAK Maui Akepa":{"Result":"MAAK: Maui Akepa (IBP)
"},"MAAL Maui Alauahio":{"Result":"MAAL: Maui Alauahio
"},"MAAN Mayan Antthrush":{"Result":"MAAN: Mayan Antthrush (IBP)
"},"MABO Masked Booby":{"Result":"MABO: Masked Booby
"},"MACP Macaroni Penguin":{"Result":"MACP: Macaroni Penguin (BBL)
Confusion species:
MAGP: Magellanic Penguin (BBL)
"},"MACR ":{"Result":"MACR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
MARC: Mariana Crow (BBL)
"},"MACU Mangrove Cuckoo":{"Result":"MACU: Mangrove Cuckoo
"},"MADU Masked Duck":{"Result":"MADU: Masked Duck
"},"MAFD Mariana Fruit Dove":{"Result":"MAFD: Mariana Fruit Dove (BBL)
"},"MAFR Magnificent Frigatebird":{"Result":"MAFR: Magnificent Frigatebird
"},"MAGO Marbled Godwit":{"Result":"MAGO: Marbled Godwit
"},"MAGP Magellanic Penguin":{"Result":"MAGP: Magellanic Penguin (BBL)
Confusion species:
MACP: Macaroni Penguin (BBL)
"},"MAGU Magellan Gull":{"Result":"MAGU: Magellan Gull (BBL)
"},"MAHU ('Magnificent Hummingbird', 'Mangrove Hummingbird')":{"Result":"MAHU: Code refers to different taxa in BBL and IBP.
MAHU: Magnificent Hummingbird (BBL)
MAHU: Mangrove Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"MALL Mallard":{"Result":"MALL: Mallard
"},"MAMU Marbled Murrelet":{"Result":"MAMU: Marbled Murrelet
"},"MANS Mangrove Swallow":{"Result":"MANS: Mangrove Swallow (IBP)
Confusion species:
MASW: Mariana Swiftlet (IBP)
"},"MANU Maui Nukupuu":{"Result":"MANU: Maui Nukupuu (IBP)
"},"MANW Mangrove Warbler":{"Result":"MANW: Mangrove Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
MGWA: MacGillivray's Warbler
MAWA: Magnolia Warbler
"},"MAOR Martinique Oriole":{"Result":"MAOR: Martinique Oriole (IBP)
"},"MAPA Maui Parrotbill":{"Result":"MAPA: Maui Parrotbill
"},"MAPE ":{"Result":"MAPE: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
MACP: Macaroni Penguin (BBL)
MAGP: Magellanic Penguin (BBL)
"},"MARA Mangrove Rail":{"Result":"MARA: Mangrove Rail (IBP)
"},"MARC Mariana Crow":{"Result":"MARC: Mariana Crow (BBL)
"},"MASA Marsh Sandpiper":{"Result":"MASA: Marsh Sandpiper
"},"MASH Manx Shearwater":{"Result":"MASH: Manx Shearwater
"},"MASO Middle American Screech-Owl":{"Result":"MASO: Middle American Screech-Owl (IBP)
"},"MASP Markham's Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"MASP: Markham's Storm-Petrel (IBP)
"},"MAST Maguari Stork":{"Result":"MAST: Maguari Stork (IBP)
"},"MASW Mariana Swiftlet":{"Result":"MASW: Mariana Swiftlet (IBP)
Confusion species:
MANS: Mangrove Swallow (IBP)
"},"MATI Masked Tityra":{"Result":"MATI: Masked Tityra (IBP)
"},"MAVI Mangrove Vireo":{"Result":"MAVI: Mangrove Vireo (IBP)
"},"MAWA Magnolia Warbler":{"Result":"MAWA: Magnolia Warbler
Confusion species:
MGWA: MacGillivray's Warbler
MANW: Mangrove Warbler (IBP)
"},"MAWQ Marbled Wood-Quail":{"Result":"MAWQ: Marbled Wood-Quail (IBP)
"},"MAWR Marsh Wren":{"Result":"MAWR: Marsh Wren
"},"MCBU ":{"Result":"MCBU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
MKBU: McKay's Bunting
"},"MCFD Many-colored Fruit Dove":{"Result":"MCFD: Many-colored Fruit Dove (BBL)
"},"MCGD Maroon-chested Ground Dove":{"Result":"MCGD: Maroon-chested Ground Dove (IBP)
"},"MCGO Minima Cackling Goose":{"Result":"MCGO: Minima Cackling Goose (IBP)
"},"MCLO McCown's Longspur":{"Result":"MCLO: McCown's Longspur (BBL)
"},"MCMO Mariana Common Moorhen":{"Result":"MCMO: Mariana Common Moorhen (BBL)
"},"MCTY Mouse-colored Tyrannulet":{"Result":"MCTY: Mouse-colored Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"MEAP Mealy Parrot":{"Result":"MEAP: Mealy Parrot (IBP)
Confusion species:
MEXP: Mexican Parrotlet (IBP)
"},"MEBL Melodious Blackbird":{"Result":"MEBL: Melodious Blackbird (IBP)
"},"MECH Mexican Chickadee":{"Result":"MECH: Mexican Chickadee
"},"MEDU Mexican Duck":{"Result":"MEDU: Mexican Duck
"},"MEGU Mew Gull":{"Result":"MEGU: Mew Gull (BBL)
"},"MEHE Mexican Hermit":{"Result":"MEHE: Mexican Hermit (IBP)
"},"MEJA Mexican Jay":{"Result":"MEJA: Mexican Jay
"},"MEPA ":{"Result":"MEPA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
MEXP: Mexican Parrotlet (IBP)
MEAP: Mealy Parrot (IBP)
"},"MEPI Meadow Pipit":{"Result":"MEPI: Meadow Pipit (IBP)
"},"MERL Merlin":{"Result":"MERL: Merlin
"},"MESH Mexican Sheartail":{"Result":"MESH: Mexican Sheartail (IBP)
"},"MEVI Mexican Violetear":{"Result":"MEVI: Mexican Violetear (IBP)
"},"MEWO Mexican Woodnymph":{"Result":"MEWO: Mexican Woodnymph (IBP)
"},"MEXP Mexican Parrotlet":{"Result":"MEXP: Mexican Parrotlet (IBP)
Confusion species:
MEAP: Mealy Parrot (IBP)
"},"MFDO ":{"Result":"MFDO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
MAFD: Mariana Fruit Dove (BBL)
"},"MFPA Maroon-fronted Parrot":{"Result":"MFPA: Maroon-fronted Parrot (IBP)
"},"MGRW Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler":{"Result":"MGRW: Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler (IBP)
"},"MGSW Mariana Gray Swiftlet":{"Result":"MGSW: Mariana Gray Swiftlet (BBL)
"},"MGWA MacGillivray's Warbler":{"Result":"MGWA: MacGillivray's Warbler
Confusion species:
MGRW: Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler (IBP)
MAWA: Magnolia Warbler
MANW: Mangrove Warbler (IBP)
"},"MICK Micronesian Kingfisher":{"Result":"MICK: Micronesian Kingfisher (BBL)
Confusion species:
MIKI: Mississippi Kite
"},"MIGW Middendorff's Grasshopper-Warbler":{"Result":"MIGW: Middendorff's Grasshopper-Warbler (BBL)
"},"MIHO Micronesian Honeyeater":{"Result":"MIHO: Micronesian Honeyeater (BBL)
"},"MIKI Mississippi Kite":{"Result":"MIKI: Mississippi Kite
Confusion species:
MICK: Micronesian Kingfisher (BBL)
"},"MILL Millerbird":{"Result":"MILL: Millerbird
"},"MIMA Military Macaw":{"Result":"MIMA: Military Macaw (IBP)
"},"MIME Micronesian Megapode":{"Result":"MIME: Micronesian Megapode (BBL)
"},"MIPA Mitred Parakeet":{"Result":"MIPA: Mitred Parakeet (IBP)
"},"MIST Micronesian Starling":{"Result":"MIST: Micronesian Starling (BBL)
"},"MITH Mistle Thrush":{"Result":"MITH: Mistle Thrush (IBP)
"},"MITY Mistletoe Tyrannulet":{"Result":"MITY: Mistletoe Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"MKBU McKay's Bunting":{"Result":"MKBU: McKay's Bunting
"},"MNAK Maui-nui Akialoa":{"Result":"MNAK: Maui-nui Akialoa (IBP)
"},"MOAN Moustached Antwren":{"Result":"MOAN: Moustached Antwren (IBP)
"},"MOBL Mountain Bluebird":{"Result":"MOBL: Mountain Bluebird
"},"MOCH Mountain Chickadee":{"Result":"MOCH: Mountain Chickadee
"},"MODO Mourning Dove":{"Result":"MODO: Mourning Dove
"},"MODU Mottled Duck":{"Result":"MODU: Mottled Duck
"},"MOEL Mountain Elaenia":{"Result":"MOEL: Mountain Elaenia (IBP)
"},"MONQ Montezuma Quail":{"Result":"MONQ: Montezuma Quail (IBP)
Confusion species:
MOUQ: Mountain Quail (IBP)
"},"MOOR ":{"Result":"MOOR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
MORO: Montezuma Oropendola (IBP)
MORI: Montserrat Oriole (IBP)
"},"MOOW Mottled Owl":{"Result":"MOOW: Mottled Owl (IBP)
"},"MOPA Monk Parakeet":{"Result":"MOPA: Monk Parakeet
"},"MOPE Mottled Petrel":{"Result":"MOPE: Mottled Petrel
"},"MOPL Mountain Plover":{"Result":"MOPL: Mountain Plover
"},"MOQU ":{"Result":"MOQU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
MOUQ: Mountain Quail (IBP)
MONQ: Montezuma Quail (IBP)
"},"MORI Montserrat Oriole":{"Result":"MORI: Montserrat Oriole (IBP)
Confusion species:
MORO: Montezuma Oropendola (IBP)
"},"MORO Montezuma Oropendola":{"Result":"MORO: Montezuma Oropendola (IBP)
Confusion species:
MORI: Montserrat Oriole (IBP)
"},"MOSE Morelet's Seedeater":{"Result":"MOSE: Morelet's Seedeater (IBP)
"},"MOTH Mountain Thrush":{"Result":"MOTH: Mountain Thrush (IBP)
"},"MOTR Mountain Trogon":{"Result":"MOTR: Mountain Trogon (IBP)
"},"MOUQ Mountain Quail":{"Result":"MOUQ: Mountain Quail (IBP)
Confusion species:
MONQ: Montezuma Quail (IBP)
"},"MOWA Mourning Warbler":{"Result":"MOWA: Mourning Warbler
"},"MSCR Mississippi Sandhill Crane":{"Result":"MSCR: Mississippi Sandhill Crane (BBL)
"},"MSOW Mexican Spotted Owl":{"Result":"MSOW: Mexican Spotted Owl (BBL)
"},"MTWO Magenta-throated Woodstar":{"Result":"MTWO: Magenta-throated Woodstar (IBP)
"},"MUDU Muscovy Duck":{"Result":"MUDU: Muscovy Duck
"},"MUFL Mugimaki Flycatcher":{"Result":"MUFL: Mugimaki Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"MUPE Murphy's Petrel":{"Result":"MUPE: Murphy's Petrel
"},"MUSW Mute Swan":{"Result":"MUSW: Mute Swan
"},"MWCS Mountain White-crowned Sparrow":{"Result":"MWCS: Mountain White-crowned Sparrow
"},"MWPW Mexican Whip-poor-will":{"Result":"MWPW: Mexican Whip-poor-will
"},"MYWA Myrtle Warbler":{"Result":"MYWA: Myrtle Warbler
"},"NABO Nazca Booby":{"Result":"NABO: Nazca Booby
"},"NAFL Narcissus Flycatcher":{"Result":"NAFL: Narcissus Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"NAPA Nanday Parakeet":{"Result":"NAPA: Nanday Parakeet (IBP)
"},"NAWA Nashville Warbler":{"Result":"NAWA: Nashville Warbler
"},"NAWR Nava's Wren":{"Result":"NAWR: Nava's Wren (IBP)
"},"NBTO Narrow-billed Tody":{"Result":"NBTO: Narrow-billed Tody (IBP)
"},"NBTY Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet":{"Result":"NBTY: Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet (IBP: NOBT)
"},"NECO Neotropic Cormorant":{"Result":"NECO: Neotropic Cormorant
"},"NESH Newell's Shearwater":{"Result":"NESH: Newell's Shearwater
"},"NESP Nelson's Sparrow":{"Result":"NESP: Nelson's Sparrow
"},"NGPE Northern Giant Petrel":{"Result":"NGPE: Northern Giant Petrel (BBL)
"},"NHOW Northern Hawk Owl":{"Result":"NHOW: Northern Hawk Owl
"},"NIFI Nihoa Finch":{"Result":"NIFI: Nihoa Finch
"},"NIGR Nicaraguan Grackle":{"Result":"NIGR: Nicaraguan Grackle (IBP)
"},"NIRW Nightingale Reed Warbler":{"Result":"NIRW: Nightingale Reed Warbler (BBL)
"},"NISF Nicaraguan Seed-Finch":{"Result":"NISF: Nicaraguan Seed-Finch (IBP)
"},"NIWR Nightingale Wren":{"Result":"NIWR: Nightingale Wren (IBP)
"},"NOBB Northern Boobook":{"Result":"NOBB: Northern Boobook (IBP)
Confusion species:
NOBO: Northern Bobwhite (IBP)
"},"NOBE Northern Bentbill":{"Result":"NOBE: Northern Bentbill (IBP)
"},"NOBO Northern Bobwhite":{"Result":"NOBO: Northern Bobwhite (IBP)
Confusion species:
NOBB: Northern Boobook (IBP)
"},"NOBT Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet":{"Result":"NOBT: Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet (BBL: NBTY)
"},"NOBW Northern Barred-Woodcreeper":{"Result":"NOBW: Northern Barred-Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"NOCA Northern Cardinal":{"Result":"NOCA: Northern Cardinal
"},"NOCR Northwestern Crow":{"Result":"NOCR: Northwestern Crow (BBL)
"},"NOET Northern Emerald-Toucanet":{"Result":"NOET: Northern Emerald-Toucanet (IBP)
"},"NOFL Northern Flicker":{"Result":"NOFL: Northern Flicker (IBP)
"},"NOFU Northern Fulmar":{"Result":"NOFU: Northern Fulmar
"},"NOGA Northern Gannet":{"Result":"NOGA: Northern Gannet
"},"NOGO Northern Goshawk":{"Result":"NOGO: Northern Goshawk
"},"NOHA Northern Harrier":{"Result":"NOHA: Northern Harrier
"},"NOJA Northern Jacana":{"Result":"NOJA: Northern Jacana
"},"NOLA Northern Lapwing":{"Result":"NOLA: Northern Lapwing
"},"NOMO Northern Mockingbird":{"Result":"NOMO: Northern Mockingbird
"},"NOPA Northern Parula":{"Result":"NOPA: Northern Parula
"},"NOPI Northern Pintail":{"Result":"NOPI: Northern Pintail
"},"NOPO Northern Pygmy-Owl":{"Result":"NOPO: Northern Pygmy-Owl
Confusion species:
NORP: Northern Potoo (IBP)
"},"NORP Northern Potoo":{"Result":"NORP: Northern Potoo (IBP)
Confusion species:
NOPO: Northern Pygmy-Owl
"},"NOSC Northern Schiffornis":{"Result":"NOSC: Northern Schiffornis (IBP)
"},"NOSF Northern Scrub-Flycatcher":{"Result":"NOSF: Northern Scrub-Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"NOSH ":{"Result":"NOSH: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
NSHO: Northern Shoveler
NSHR: Northern Shrike
"},"NOWA Northern Waterthrush":{"Result":"NOWA: Northern Waterthrush
"},"NOWH Northern Wheatear":{"Result":"NOWH: Northern Wheatear
"},"NRBI Northern Red Bishop":{"Result":"NRBI: Northern Red Bishop
"},"NRWA ":{"Result":"NRWA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
NIRW: Nightingale Reed Warbler (BBL)
"},"NRWS Northern Rough-winged Swallow":{"Result":"NRWS: Northern Rough-winged Swallow
"},"NSHO Northern Shoveler":{"Result":"NSHO: Northern Shoveler
Confusion species:
NSHR: Northern Shrike
"},"NSHR Northern Shrike":{"Result":"NSHR: Northern Shrike
Confusion species:
NSHO: Northern Shoveler
"},"NSOW Northern Spotted Owl":{"Result":"NSOW: Northern Spotted Owl (BBL)
"},"NSWO Northern Saw-whet Owl":{"Result":"NSWO: Northern Saw-whet Owl
"},"NUFL Nutting's Flycatcher":{"Result":"NUFL: Nutting's Flycatcher
"},"NUKU Nukupuu":{"Result":"NUKU: Nukupuu (BBL)
"},"NUWO Nuttall's Woodpecker":{"Result":"NUWO: Nuttall's Woodpecker
"},"NWCS Nuttall's White-crowned Sparrow":{"Result":"NWCS: Nuttall's White-crowned Sparrow
"},"OAAK Oahu Akialoa":{"Result":"OAAK: Oahu Akialoa (IBP: OAKI)
Confusion species:
OAKE: Oahu Akepa (IBP)
"},"OAAL Oahu Alauahio":{"Result":"OAAL: Oahu Alauahio
"},"OAAM Oahu Amakihi":{"Result":"OAAM: Oahu Amakihi
"},"OAEL Oahu Elepaio":{"Result":"OAEL: Oahu Elepaio
"},"OAKE Oahu Akepa":{"Result":"OAKE: Oahu Akepa (IBP)
Confusion species:
OAKI\/OAAK: Oahu Akialoa
"},"OAKI Oahu Akialoa":{"Result":"OAKI: Oahu Akialoa (BBL: OAAK)
Confusion species:
OAKE: Oahu Akepa (IBP)
"},"OANU Oahu Nukupuu":{"Result":"OANU: Oahu Nukupuu (IBP)
"},"OAOO Oahu Oo":{"Result":"OAOO: Oahu Oo (IBP)
"},"OASP Oaxaca Sparrow":{"Result":"OASP: Oaxaca Sparrow (IBP)
"},"OATI Oak Titmouse":{"Result":"OATI: Oak Titmouse
"},"OBAE Olive-backed Euphonia":{"Result":"OBAE: Olive-backed Euphonia (IBP)
Confusion species:
OBEE: Orange-bellied Euphonia (IBP)
"},"OBAN Ochre-breasted Antpitta":{"Result":"OBAN: Ochre-breasted Antpitta (IBP)
"},"OBBU Orange-breasted Bunting":{"Result":"OBBU: Orange-breasted Bunting (IBP)
"},"OBEE Orange-bellied Euphonia":{"Result":"OBEE: Orange-bellied Euphonia (IBP)
Confusion species:
OBAE: Olive-backed Euphonia (IBP)
"},"OBEU ":{"Result":"OBEU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
OBAE: Olive-backed Euphonia (IBP)
OBEE: Orange-bellied Euphonia (IBP)
"},"OBFA Orange-breasted Falcon":{"Result":"OBFA: Orange-breasted Falcon (IBP)
"},"OBFL Ochre-bellied Flycatcher":{"Result":"OBFL: Ochre-bellied Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"OBNT Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush":{"Result":"OBNT: Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush
"},"OBPI Olive-backed Pipit":{"Result":"OBPI: Olive-backed Pipit
"},"OBQD Olive-backed Quail-Dove":{"Result":"OBQD: Olive-backed Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"OBSP Orange-billed Sparrow":{"Result":"OBSP: Orange-billed Sparrow (IBP)
"},"OBTR Orange-bellied Trogon":{"Result":"OBTR: Orange-bellied Trogon (IBP)
"},"OCAN Ocellated Antbird":{"Result":"OCAN: Ocellated Antbird (IBP)
"},"OCAW Olive-capped Warbler":{"Result":"OCAW: Olive-capped Warbler (BBL: OLIW)
Confusion species:
OCHW\/ORAW: Orange-cheeked Waxbill
OCWA: Orange-crowned Warbler
"},"OCBE One-colored Becard":{"Result":"OCBE: One-colored Becard (IBP)
"},"OCCR Ocellated Crake":{"Result":"OCCR: Ocellated Crake (IBP)
"},"OCHW Orange-cheeked Waxbill":{"Result":"OCHW: Orange-cheeked Waxbill (BBL: ORAW)
Confusion species:
OCWA: Orange-crowned Warbler
OCAW\/OLIW: Olive-capped Warbler
"},"OCMA Orange-collared Manakin":{"Result":"OCMA: Orange-collared Manakin (IBP)
"},"OCOR Orange-crowned Oriole":{"Result":"OCOR: Orange-crowned Oriole (IBP)
"},"OCPA Orange-chinned Parakeet":{"Result":"OCPA: Orange-chinned Parakeet (IBP)
"},"OCPE Ochraceous Pewee":{"Result":"OCPE: Ochraceous Pewee (IBP)
"},"OCPO Ocellated Poorwill":{"Result":"OCPO: Ocellated Poorwill (IBP)
"},"OCQU Ocellated Quail":{"Result":"OCQU: Ocellated Quail (IBP)
"},"OCTH Ocellated Thrasher":{"Result":"OCTH: Ocellated Thrasher (IBP)
"},"OCTU Ocellated Turkey":{"Result":"OCTU: Ocellated Turkey (IBP)
"},"OCWA Orange-crowned Warbler":{"Result":"OCWA: Orange-crowned Warbler
Confusion species:
OCHW\/ORAW: Orange-cheeked Waxbill
OCAW\/OLIW: Olive-capped Warbler
"},"OCWR Ochraceous Wren":{"Result":"OCWR: Ochraceous Wren (IBP)
"},"OCYE Olive-crowned Yellowthroat":{"Result":"OCYE: Olive-crowned Yellowthroat (IBP)
"},"OFPA Orange-fronted Parakeet":{"Result":"OFPA: Orange-fronted Parakeet
"},"OILB Oilbird":{"Result":"OILB: Oilbird (IBP)
"},"OLFL Olivaceous Flatbill":{"Result":"OLFL: Olivaceous Flatbill (IBP)
"},"OLIW Olive-capped Warbler":{"Result":"OLIW: Olive-capped Warbler (IBP: OCAW)
Confusion species:
OCHW\/ORAW: Orange-cheeked Waxbill
OCWA: Orange-crowned Warbler
"},"OLOM Olomao":{"Result":"OLOM: Olomao
"},"OLPI Olivaceous Piculet":{"Result":"OLPI: Olivaceous Piculet (IBP)
"},"OLSP Olive Sparrow":{"Result":"OLSP: Olive Sparrow
"},"OLWA Olive Warbler":{"Result":"OLWA: Olive Warbler
"},"OLWO Olivaceous Woodcreeper":{"Result":"OLWO: Olivaceous Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"OMAO Omao":{"Result":"OMAO: Omao
"},"ORAN Orangequit":{"Result":"ORAN: Orangequit
"},"ORAO Orange Oriole":{"Result":"ORAO: Orange Oriole (IBP)
Confusion species:
OROR: Orchard Oriole
"},"ORAW Orange-cheeked Waxbill":{"Result":"ORAW: Orange-cheeked Waxbill (IBP: OCHW)
Confusion species:
OCWA: Orange-crowned Warbler
OCAW\/OLIW: Olive-capped Warbler
"},"ORCU Oriental Cuckoo":{"Result":"ORCU: Oriental Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"ORGO Orinoco Goose":{"Result":"ORGO: Orinoco Goose (IBP)
"},"ORGR Oriental Greenfinch":{"Result":"ORGR: Oriental Greenfinch
"},"ORHE Ornate Hawk-Eagle":{"Result":"ORHE: Ornate Hawk-Eagle (IBP)
"},"ORJU Oregon Junco":{"Result":"ORJU: Oregon Junco
"},"OROR Orchard Oriole":{"Result":"OROR: Orchard Oriole
Confusion species:
ORAO: Orange Oriole (IBP)
"},"ORPL Oriental Plover":{"Result":"ORPL: Oriental Plover (IBP)
"},"ORPR Oriental Pratincole":{"Result":"ORPR: Oriental Pratincole (IBP)
"},"ORSO Oriental Scops-Owl":{"Result":"ORSO: Oriental Scops-Owl (IBP)
"},"ORTD Oriental Turtle-Dove":{"Result":"ORTD: Oriental Turtle-Dove (IBP)
"},"ORWA Oriente Warbler":{"Result":"ORWA: Oriente Warbler (IBP)
"},"OSFL Olive-sided Flycatcher":{"Result":"OSFL: Olive-sided Flycatcher
Confusion species:
OSTF: Olive-striped Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"OSPR Osprey":{"Result":"OSPR: Osprey
"},"OSTF Olive-striped Flycatcher":{"Result":"OSTF: Olive-striped Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
OSFL: Olive-sided Flycatcher
"},"OTPA Olive-throated Parakeet":{"Result":"OTPA: Olive-throated Parakeet (IBP)
"},"OU Ou":{"Result":"OU: Ou
"},"OVEN Ovenbird":{"Result":"OVEN: Ovenbird
"},"OWAM Orange-winged Amazon":{"Result":"OWAM: Orange-winged Amazon (BBL)
"},"PAAN Pacific Antwren":{"Result":"PAAN: Pacific Antwren (IBP)
"},"PAAU Parakeet Auklet":{"Result":"PAAU: Parakeet Auklet
"},"PABU Painted Bunting":{"Result":"PABU: Painted Bunting
Confusion species:
PALB: Pallas's Bunting
"},"PACP Pacific Parakeet":{"Result":"PACP: Pacific Parakeet (IBP)
Confusion species:
PAIP: Painted Parakeet (IBP)
"},"PACR Palm Crow":{"Result":"PACR: Palm Crow (IBP)
"},"PAFL Panama Flycatcher":{"Result":"PAFL: Panama Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"PAGP Pacific Golden-Plover":{"Result":"PAGP: Pacific Golden-Plover
"},"PAGU Pallas's Gull":{"Result":"PAGU: Pallas's Gull (IBP)
"},"PAIP Painted Parakeet":{"Result":"PAIP: Painted Parakeet (IBP)
Confusion species:
PACP: Pacific Parakeet (IBP)
"},"PAJA Parasitic Jaeger":{"Result":"PAJA: Parasitic Jaeger
"},"PALB Pallas's Bunting":{"Result":"PALB: Pallas's Bunting
Confusion species:
PABU: Painted Bunting
"},"PALI Palila":{"Result":"PALI: Palila
"},"PALM Palmchat":{"Result":"PALM: Palmchat (IBP)
"},"PALO Pacific Loon":{"Result":"PALO: Pacific Loon
"},"PAPA ":{"Result":"PAPA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
PAIP: Painted Parakeet (IBP)
PACP: Pacific Parakeet (IBP)
"},"PAPE Parkinson's Petrel":{"Result":"PAPE: Parkinson's Petrel (IBP)
"},"PAPI ('Pacific Pigeon', 'Passenger Pigeon')":{"Result":"PAPI: Code refers to different taxa in BBL and IBP.
PAPI: Pacific Pigeon (BBL)
PAPI: Passenger Pigeon (IBP)
"},"PARE Painted Redstart":{"Result":"PARE: Painted Redstart
"},"PARO Pallas's Rosefinch":{"Result":"PARO: Pallas's Rosefinch (IBP)
"},"PASO Pacific Screech-Owl":{"Result":"PASO: Pacific Screech-Owl (IBP)
"},"PATA Palm Tanager":{"Result":"PATA: Palm Tanager (IBP)
"},"PAWA Palm Warbler":{"Result":"PAWA: Palm Warbler (IBP)
"},"PAWR Pacific Wren":{"Result":"PAWR: Pacific Wren
"},"PBBA Prong-billed Barbet":{"Result":"PBBA: Prong-billed Barbet (IBP)
"},"PBCR Paint-billed Crake":{"Result":"PBCR: Paint-billed Crake (IBP)
"},"PBCU Pearly-breasted Cuckoo":{"Result":"PBCU: Pearly-breasted Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"PBDU Pacific Black Duck":{"Result":"PBDU: Pacific Black Duck (BBL)
"},"PBFI Peg-billed Finch":{"Result":"PBFI: Peg-billed Finch (IBP)
"},"PBGD Plain-breasted Ground Dove":{"Result":"PBGD: Plain-breasted Ground Dove (IBP)
"},"PBGR Pied-billed Grebe":{"Result":"PBGR: Pied-billed Grebe
"},"PBHE Pale-bellied Hermit":{"Result":"PBHE: Pale-bellied Hermit (IBP)
"},"PBIW Pale-billed Woodpecker":{"Result":"PBIW: Pale-billed Woodpecker (IBP)
Confusion species:
PBRW: Plain-brown Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"PBJA Purplish-backed Jay":{"Result":"PBJA: Purplish-backed Jay (IBP)
"},"PBQD Purplish-backed Quail-Dove":{"Result":"PBQD: Purplish-backed Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"PBRW Plain-brown Woodcreeper":{"Result":"PBRW: Plain-brown Woodcreeper (IBP)
Confusion species:
PBIW: Pale-billed Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"PBSP Pale-breasted Spinetail":{"Result":"PBSP: Pale-breasted Spinetail (IBP)
"},"PBWH Puerto Rican Broad-winged Hawk":{"Result":"PBWH: Puerto Rican Broad-winged Hawk (BBL)
"},"PBWO ":{"Result":"PBWO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
PBIW: Pale-billed Woodpecker (IBP)
PBRW: Plain-brown Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"PCFA Purple-crowned Fairy":{"Result":"PCFA: Purple-crowned Fairy (IBP)
"},"PCFD Purple-capped Fruit Dove":{"Result":"PCFD: Purple-capped Fruit Dove (BBL)
"},"PCST Plain-capped Starthroat":{"Result":"PCST: Plain-capped Starthroat
"},"PCTA Plain-colored Tanager":{"Result":"PCTA: Plain-colored Tanager (IBP)
"},"PEBO Peruvian Booby":{"Result":"PEBO: Peruvian Booby (IBP)
"},"PECO Pelagic Cormorant":{"Result":"PECO: Pelagic Cormorant
"},"PEFA Peregrine Falcon":{"Result":"PEFA: Peregrine Falcon
"},"PEKI Pearl Kite":{"Result":"PEKI: Pearl Kite (IBP)
"},"PEPI Pechora Pipit":{"Result":"PEPI: Pechora Pipit
"},"PEPT Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant":{"Result":"PEPT: Pale-eyed Pygmy-Tyrant (IBP)
"},"PESA Pectoral Sandpiper":{"Result":"PESA: Pectoral Sandpiper
"},"PETH Pearly-eyed Thrasher":{"Result":"PETH: Pearly-eyed Thrasher
"},"PFGO Pink-footed Goose":{"Result":"PFGO: Pink-footed Goose
"},"PFSH Pink-footed Shearwater":{"Result":"PFSH: Pink-footed Shearwater
"},"PGWA Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler":{"Result":"PGWA: Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler (IBP)
"},"PHAI Phainopepla":{"Result":"PHAI: Phainopepla
"},"PHCU Pheasant Cuckoo":{"Result":"PHCU: Pheasant Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"PHPE Phoenix Petrel":{"Result":"PHPE: Phoenix Petrel (BBL)
"},"PHTD Philippine Turtle-Dove":{"Result":"PHTD: Philippine Turtle-Dove (BBL)
"},"PHVI Philadelphia Vireo":{"Result":"PHVI: Philadelphia Vireo
"},"PHWA Pink-headed Warbler":{"Result":"PHWA: Pink-headed Warbler (IBP)
"},"PIBI Pinnated Bittern":{"Result":"PIBI: Pinnated Bittern (IBP)
"},"PIBU Pine Bunting":{"Result":"PIBU: Pine Bunting (IBP)
"},"PICH Pirre Chlorospingus":{"Result":"PICH: Pirre Chlorospingus (IBP)
"},"PIFL ":{"Result":"PIFL: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
PIRF: Piratic Flycatcher (IBP)
PILF: Pileated Flycatcher (IBP)
PINF: Pine Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"PIGR Pine Grosbeak":{"Result":"PIGR: Pine Grosbeak
"},"PIGU Pigeon Guillemot":{"Result":"PIGU: Pigeon Guillemot
"},"PIHU Pirre Hummingbird":{"Result":"PIHU: Pirre Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"PIJA Pinyon Jay":{"Result":"PIJA: Pinyon Jay
"},"PILF Pileated Flycatcher":{"Result":"PILF: Pileated Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
PIRF: Piratic Flycatcher (IBP)
PINF: Pine Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"PINF Pine Flycatcher":{"Result":"PINF: Pine Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
PIRF: Piratic Flycatcher (IBP)
PILF: Pileated Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"PIPL Piping Plover":{"Result":"PIPL: Piping Plover
"},"PIPU Pied Puffbird":{"Result":"PIPU: Pied Puffbird (IBP)
"},"PIRF Piratic Flycatcher":{"Result":"PIRF: Piratic Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
PILF: Pileated Flycatcher (IBP)
PINF: Pine Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"PIRW Pirre Warbler":{"Result":"PIRW: Pirre Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
PIWA: Pine Warbler
"},"PISI Pine Siskin":{"Result":"PISI: Pine Siskin
"},"PIWA Pine Warbler":{"Result":"PIWA: Pine Warbler
Confusion species:
PIRW: Pirre Warbler (IBP)
"},"PIWH Pied Wheatear":{"Result":"PIWH: Pied Wheatear (IBP)
"},"PIWO Pileated Woodpecker":{"Result":"PIWO: Pileated Woodpecker
"},"PIWT Pied Water-Tyrant":{"Result":"PIWT: Pied Water-Tyrant (IBP)
"},"PLAN Plain Antvireo":{"Result":"PLAN: Plain Antvireo (IBP)
"},"PLAP Plain Pigeon":{"Result":"PLAP: Plain Pigeon (BBL: PLPI)
Confusion species:
PLUP: Plumbeous Pigeon (IBP)
"},"PLCH Plain Chachalaca":{"Result":"PLCH: Plain Chachalaca (IBP)
"},"PLEW Pallas's Leaf Warbler":{"Result":"PLEW: Pallas's Leaf Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
PLUW: Plumbeous Warbler (IBP)
"},"PLHA Plumbeous Hawk":{"Result":"PLHA: Plumbeous Hawk (IBP)
"},"PLKI Plumbeous Kite":{"Result":"PLKI: Plumbeous Kite (IBP)
"},"PLPI Plain Pigeon":{"Result":"PLPI: Plain Pigeon (IBP: PLAP)
Confusion species:
PLUP: Plumbeous Pigeon (IBP)
"},"PLTI Plain Titmouse":{"Result":"PLTI: Plain Titmouse (BBL)
"},"PLUP Plumbeous Pigeon":{"Result":"PLUP: Plumbeous Pigeon (IBP)
Confusion species:
PLAP\/PLPI: Plain Pigeon
"},"PLUW Plumbeous Warbler":{"Result":"PLUW: Plumbeous Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
PLEW: Pallas's Leaf Warbler (IBP)
"},"PLVI Plumbeous Vireo":{"Result":"PLVI: Plumbeous Vireo
"},"PLWA ":{"Result":"PLWA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
PLEW: Pallas's Leaf Warbler (IBP)
PLUW: Plumbeous Warbler (IBP)
"},"PLXE Plain Xenops":{"Result":"PLXE: Plain Xenops (IBP)
"},"POJA Pomarine Jaeger":{"Result":"POJA: Pomarine Jaeger
"},"POO- ":{"Result":"POO-: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
POUL: Poo-uli
"},"POST Polynesian Starling":{"Result":"POST: Polynesian Starling (BBL)
"},"POUL Poo-uli":{"Result":"POUL: Poo-uli
"},"PRAW Prairie Warbler":{"Result":"PRAW: Prairie Warbler
Confusion species:
PROW: Prothonotary Warbler
"},"PRBH ":{"Result":"PRBH: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
PBWH: Puerto Rican Broad-winged Hawk (BBL)
"},"PRBU Puerto Rican Bullfinch":{"Result":"PRBU: Puerto Rican Bullfinch (BBL: PUEB)
"},"PREM Puerto Rican Emerald":{"Result":"PREM: Puerto Rican Emerald
"},"PRFA Prairie Falcon":{"Result":"PRFA: Prairie Falcon
"},"PRFL Puerto Rican Flycatcher":{"Result":"PRFL: Puerto Rican Flycatcher
"},"PRHE Pacific Reef Heron":{"Result":"PRHE: Pacific Reef Heron (BBL)
"},"PRIO Puerto Rican Owl":{"Result":"PRIO: Puerto Rican Owl (IBP)
"},"PRLC Puerto Rican Lizard-Cuckoo":{"Result":"PRLC: Puerto Rican Lizard-Cuckoo
"},"PRNI Puerto Rican Nightjar":{"Result":"PRNI: Puerto Rican Nightjar
"},"PROR Puerto Rican Oriole":{"Result":"PROR: Puerto Rican Oriole
"},"PROW Prothonotary Warbler":{"Result":"PROW: Prothonotary Warbler
Confusion species:
PRIO: Puerto Rican Owl (IBP)
PRAW: Prairie Warbler
"},"PRPA Puerto Rican Parrot":{"Result":"PRPA: Puerto Rican Parrot (IBP: PRPO)
Confusion species:
PRPK: Puerto Rican Parakeet (IBP)
"},"PRPE Providence Petrel":{"Result":"PRPE: Providence Petrel (IBP)
"},"PRPK Puerto Rican Parakeet":{"Result":"PRPK: Puerto Rican Parakeet (IBP)
Confusion species:
PRPO\/PRPA: Puerto Rican Parrot
"},"PRPO Puerto Rican Parrot":{"Result":"PRPO: Puerto Rican Parrot (BBL: PRPA)
Confusion species:
PRPK: Puerto Rican Parakeet (IBP)
"},"PRPP Puerto Rican Plain Pigeon":{"Result":"PRPP: Puerto Rican Plain Pigeon (BBL)
"},"PRSH ":{"Result":"PRSH: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
PSSH: Puerto Rican Sharp-shinned Hawk (BBL)
"},"PRSO Puerto Rican Screech-Owl":{"Result":"PRSO: Puerto Rican Screech-Owl (BBL)
"},"PRSP Puerto Rican Spindalis":{"Result":"PRSP: Puerto Rican Spindalis
"},"PRTA Puerto Rican Tanager":{"Result":"PRTA: Puerto Rican Tanager
"},"PRTO Puerto Rican Tody":{"Result":"PRTO: Puerto Rican Tody
"},"PRVI Puerto Rican Vireo":{"Result":"PRVI: Puerto Rican Vireo
"},"PRWA ":{"Result":"PRWA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
PROW: Prothonotary Warbler
PRAW: Prairie Warbler
"},"PRWO Puerto Rican Woodpecker":{"Result":"PRWO: Puerto Rican Woodpecker
"},"PSFL Pacific-slope Flycatcher":{"Result":"PSFL: Pacific-slope Flycatcher
"},"PSJU Pink-sided Junco":{"Result":"PSJU: Pink-sided Junco (IBP)
"},"PSSH Puerto Rican Sharp-shinned Hawk":{"Result":"PSSH: Puerto Rican Sharp-shinned Hawk (BBL)
"},"PSWS Puget Sound White-crowned Sparrow":{"Result":"PSWS: Puget Sound White-crowned Sparrow
"},"PTCA Purple-throated Carib":{"Result":"PTCA: Purple-throated Carib (IBP)
"},"PTFR Purple-throated Fruitcrow":{"Result":"PTFR: Purple-throated Fruitcrow (IBP)
"},"PTMG Purple-throated Mountain-gem":{"Result":"PTMG: Purple-throated Mountain-gem (IBP)
"},"PTSN Pin-tailed Snipe":{"Result":"PTSN: Pin-tailed Snipe
"},"PTWH Pin-tailed Whydah":{"Result":"PTWH: Pin-tailed Whydah
"},"PTWO Purple-throated Woodstar":{"Result":"PTWO: Purple-throated Woodstar (IBP)
"},"PUAI Puaiohi":{"Result":"PUAI: Puaiohi
"},"PUEB Puerto Rican Bullfinch":{"Result":"PUEB: Puerto Rican Bullfinch (IBP: PRBU)
"},"PUFI Purple Finch":{"Result":"PUFI: Purple Finch
"},"PUGA Purple Gallinule":{"Result":"PUGA: Purple Gallinule
"},"PUHE Purple Heron":{"Result":"PUHE: Purple Heron (IBP)
"},"PUHO Purple Honeycreeper":{"Result":"PUHO: Purple Honeycreeper (IBP)
"},"PUMA Purple Martin":{"Result":"PUMA: Purple Martin
"},"PUSA Purple Sandpiper":{"Result":"PUSA: Purple Sandpiper
"},"PUSW Purple Swamphen":{"Result":"PUSW: Purple Swamphen
"},"PVPI Pale-vented Pigeon":{"Result":"PVPI: Pale-vented Pigeon (IBP)
"},"PVTH Pale-vented Thrush":{"Result":"PVTH: Pale-vented Thrush (IBP)
"},"PWWR Pacific\/Winter Wren":{"Result":"PWWR: Pacific\/Winter Wren (IBP)
"},"PYNU Pygmy Nuthatch":{"Result":"PYNU: Pygmy Nuthatch
"},"PYRR Pyrrhuloxia":{"Result":"PYRR: Pyrrhuloxia
"},"RAGM Red-and-green Macaw":{"Result":"RAGM: Red-and-green Macaw (IBP)
"},"RAWW Rufous-and-white Wren":{"Result":"RAWW: Rufous-and-white Wren (IBP)
"},"RAZO Razorbill":{"Result":"RAZO: Razorbill
"},"RBAN Rufous-breasted Antthrush":{"Result":"RBAN: Rufous-breasted Antthrush (IBP)
"},"RBBU Rose-bellied Bunting":{"Result":"RBBU: Rose-bellied Bunting (IBP)
"},"RBCH ":{"Result":"RBCH: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
RBEC: Rufous-bellied Chachalaca (IBP)
RBRC: Red-breasted Chat (IBP)
"},"RBEC Rufous-bellied Chachalaca":{"Result":"RBEC: Rufous-bellied Chachalaca (IBP)
Confusion species:
RBRC: Red-breasted Chat (IBP)
"},"RBGR Rose-breasted Grosbeak":{"Result":"RBGR: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
"},"RBGU Ring-billed Gull":{"Result":"RBGU: Ring-billed Gull
"},"RBHE Rufous-breasted Hermit":{"Result":"RBHE: Rufous-breasted Hermit (IBP)
"},"RBJU Red-backed Junco":{"Result":"RBJU: Red-backed Junco (IBP)
"},"RBLE Red-billed Leiothrix":{"Result":"RBLE: Red-billed Leiothrix
"},"RBME Red-breasted Merganser":{"Result":"RBME: Red-breasted Merganser
Confusion species:
RBRM: Red-breasted Meadowlark (IBP)
"},"RBNU Red-breasted Nuthatch":{"Result":"RBNU: Red-breasted Nuthatch
"},"RBPE Rufous-browed Peppershrike":{"Result":"RBPE: Rufous-browed Peppershrike (IBP)
"},"RBPI Red-billed Pigeon":{"Result":"RBPI: Red-billed Pigeon
"},"RBRC Red-breasted Chat":{"Result":"RBRC: Red-breasted Chat (IBP)
Confusion species:
RBEC: Rufous-bellied Chachalaca (IBP)
"},"RBRM Red-breasted Meadowlark":{"Result":"RBRM: Red-breasted Meadowlark (IBP)
Confusion species:
RBME: Red-breasted Merganser
"},"RBRO Rufous-backed Robin":{"Result":"RBRO: Rufous-backed Robin
"},"RBSA Red-breasted Sapsucker":{"Result":"RBSA: Red-breasted Sapsucker
"},"RBSC Red-billed Scythebill":{"Result":"RBSC: Red-billed Scythebill (IBP)
"},"RBSE Ruddy-breasted Seedeater":{"Result":"RBSE: Ruddy-breasted Seedeater (IBP)
"},"RBSH Red-backed Shrike":{"Result":"RBSH: Red-backed Shrike (IBP)
"},"RBSP Rufous-breasted Spinetail":{"Result":"RBSP: Rufous-breasted Spinetail (IBP)
"},"RBSW Rufous-breasted Wren":{"Result":"RBSW: Rufous-breasted Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
RBWW: Rufous-browed Wren (IBP)
"},"RBTR Red-billed Tropicbird":{"Result":"RBTR: Red-billed Tropicbird
"},"RBTY Rufous-browed Tyrannulet":{"Result":"RBTY: Rufous-browed Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"RBWO Red-bellied Woodpecker":{"Result":"RBWO: Red-bellied Woodpecker
"},"RBWR ":{"Result":"RBWR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
RBWW: Rufous-browed Wren (IBP)
RBSW: Rufous-breasted Wren (IBP)
"},"RBWW Rufous-browed Wren":{"Result":"RBWW: Rufous-browed Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
RBSW: Rufous-breasted Wren (IBP)
"},"RCAT Red-crowned Ant-Tanager":{"Result":"RCAT: Red-crowned Ant-Tanager (IBP)
"},"RCBR Rufous-capped Brushfinch":{"Result":"RCBR: Rufous-capped Brushfinch (IBP)
"},"RCCA Red-crested Cardinal":{"Result":"RCCA: Red-crested Cardinal
"},"RCCO Red-cheeked Cordonbleu":{"Result":"RCCO: Red-cheeked Cordonbleu (BBL)
Confusion species:
RCRC: Rufous-crested Coquette (IBP)
"},"RCGS Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow":{"Result":"RCGS: Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow (IBP)
"},"RCKI Ruby-crowned Kinglet":{"Result":"RCKI: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
"},"RCMA Red-capped Manakin":{"Result":"RCMA: Red-capped Manakin (IBP)
"},"RCMO Russet-crowned Motmot":{"Result":"RCMO: Russet-crowned Motmot (IBP)
"},"RCNT Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush":{"Result":"RCNT: Ruddy-capped Nightingale-Thrush (IBP)
"},"RCOS Rufous-collared Sparrow":{"Result":"RCOS: Rufous-collared Sparrow (BBL: RUFS)
Confusion species:
RCSP: Rufous-crowned Sparrow
"},"RCPA Red-crowned Parrot":{"Result":"RCPA: Red-crowned Parrot
"},"RCQD Russet-crowned Quail-Dove":{"Result":"RCQD: Russet-crowned Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"RCRC Rufous-crested Coquette":{"Result":"RCRC: Rufous-crested Coquette (IBP)
Confusion species:
RCCO: Red-cheeked Cordonbleu (BBL)
"},"RCRO Rufous-collared Robin":{"Result":"RCRO: Rufous-collared Robin (IBP)
"},"RCRW Red-crowned Woodpecker":{"Result":"RCRW: Red-crowned Woodpecker (IBP)
Confusion species:
RCWO: Red-cockaded Woodpecker
"},"RCSP Rufous-crowned Sparrow":{"Result":"RCSP: Rufous-crowned Sparrow
Confusion species:
RCOS\/RUFS: Rufous-collared Sparrow
"},"RCWA Rufous-capped Warbler":{"Result":"RCWA: Rufous-capped Warbler
"},"RCWO Red-cockaded Woodpecker":{"Result":"RCWO: Red-cockaded Woodpecker
Confusion species:
RCRW: Red-crowned Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"RDTF Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher":{"Result":"RDTF: Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
RFTF: Rufous-tailed Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"REAV Red Avadavat":{"Result":"REAV: Red Avadavat
"},"REBU Reed Bunting":{"Result":"REBU: Reed Bunting
"},"RECR Red Crossbill":{"Result":"RECR: Red Crossbill
"},"REDH Redhead":{"Result":"REDH: Redhead
"},"REDW Redwing":{"Result":"REDW: Redwing
"},"REEG Reddish Egret":{"Result":"REEG: Reddish Egret
"},"REJU Red Junglefowl":{"Result":"REJU: Red Junglefowl (IBP)
"},"REKN Red Knot":{"Result":"REKN: Red Knot
"},"REPH Red Phalarope":{"Result":"REPH: Red Phalarope
"},"REQU Resplendent Quetzal":{"Result":"REQU: Resplendent Quetzal (IBP)
"},"RESI Red Siskin":{"Result":"RESI: Red Siskin
"},"REVI Red-eyed Vireo":{"Result":"REVI: Red-eyed Vireo
"},"REWA Red Warbler":{"Result":"REWA: Red Warbler (IBP)
"},"RFBL Red-flanked Bluetail":{"Result":"RFBL: Red-flanked Bluetail
"},"RFBO Red-footed Booby":{"Result":"RFBO: Red-footed Booby
"},"RFCO Red-faced Cormorant":{"Result":"RFCO: Red-faced Cormorant
"},"RFFA Red-footed Falcon":{"Result":"RFFA: Red-footed Falcon (IBP)
"},"RFLO Rosy-faced Lovebird":{"Result":"RFLO: Rosy-faced Lovebird (IBP)
"},"RFPA Red-fronted Parrotlet":{"Result":"RFPA: Red-fronted Parrotlet (IBP)
"},"RFSP Red-faced Spinetail":{"Result":"RFSP: Red-faced Spinetail (IBP)
"},"RFTF Rufous-tailed Flycatcher":{"Result":"RFTF: Rufous-tailed Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
RDTF: Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"RFWA Red-faced Warbler":{"Result":"RFWA: Red-faced Warbler
"},"RGDO Ruddy Ground Dove":{"Result":"RGDO: Ruddy Ground Dove (IBP)
"},"RHAU Rhinoceros Auklet":{"Result":"RHAU: Rhinoceros Auklet
"},"RHBA Red-headed Barbet":{"Result":"RHBA: Red-headed Barbet (IBP)
"},"RHTA Red-headed Tanager":{"Result":"RHTA: Red-headed Tanager (IBP)
"},"RHWO Red-headed Woodpecker":{"Result":"RHWO: Red-headed Woodpecker
"},"RIHA Ridgway's Hawk":{"Result":"RIHA: Ridgway's Hawk (IBP)
"},"RIHU Rivoli's Hummingbird":{"Result":"RIHU: Rivoli's Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"RIKI Ringed Kingfisher":{"Result":"RIKI: Ringed Kingfisher
"},"RIRA Ridgway's Rail":{"Result":"RIRA: Ridgway's Rail (IBP)
"},"RISP Ringed Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"RISP: Ringed Storm-Petrel (IBP)
"},"RIWA River Warbler":{"Result":"RIWA: River Warbler (IBP)
"},"RIWR Riverside Wren":{"Result":"RIWR: Riverside Wren (IBP)
"},"RLHA Rough-legged Hawk":{"Result":"RLHA: Rough-legged Hawk
"},"RLHO Red-legged Honeycreeper":{"Result":"RLHO: Red-legged Honeycreeper (IBP)
"},"RLKI Red-legged Kittiwake":{"Result":"RLKI: Red-legged Kittiwake
"},"RLPA Red-lored Parrot":{"Result":"RLPA: Red-lored Parrot (IBP)
"},"RLTH Red-legged Thrush":{"Result":"RLTH: Red-legged Thrush
"},"RLTY Rough-legged Tyrannulet":{"Result":"RLTY: Rough-legged Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"RMFL Rusty-margined Flycatcher":{"Result":"RMFL: Rusty-margined Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"RMOT Rufous Motmot":{"Result":"RMOT: Rufous Motmot (IBP)
Confusion species:
RMOU: Rufous Mourner (IBP)
"},"RMOU Rufous Mourner":{"Result":"RMOU: Rufous Mourner (IBP)
Confusion species:
RMOT: Rufous Motmot (IBP)
"},"RNAW Rufous-naped Wren":{"Result":"RNAW: Rufous-naped Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
RNWR: Rufous-necked Wood-Rail (IBP)
RSWR: Russet-naped Wood-Rail (IBP)
"},"RNDU Ring-necked Duck":{"Result":"RNDU: Ring-necked Duck
"},"RNEP Ring-necked Pheasant":{"Result":"RNEP: Ring-necked Pheasant (IBP)
Confusion species:
RNPH: Red-necked Phalarope
"},"RNGR Red-necked Grebe":{"Result":"RNGR: Red-necked Grebe
"},"RNPA Red-necked Parrot":{"Result":"RNPA: Red-necked Parrot (IBP)
"},"RNPH Red-necked Phalarope":{"Result":"RNPH: Red-necked Phalarope
Confusion species:
RNEP: Ring-necked Pheasant (IBP)
"},"RNSA Red-naped Sapsucker":{"Result":"RNSA: Red-naped Sapsucker
"},"RNST Red-necked Stint":{"Result":"RNST: Red-necked Stint
"},"RNWR Rufous-necked Wood-Rail":{"Result":"RNWR: Rufous-necked Wood-Rail (IBP)
Confusion species:
RSWR: Russet-naped Wood-Rail (IBP)
RNAW: Rufous-naped Wren (IBP)
"},"ROAL Royal Albatross":{"Result":"ROAL: Royal Albatross (BBL)
"},"ROCP Rockhopper Penguin":{"Result":"ROCP: Rockhopper Penguin (BBL)
Confusion species:
ROYP: Royal Penguin (BBL)
"},"ROFL Royal Flycatcher":{"Result":"ROFL: Royal Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"ROGO Ross's Goose":{"Result":"ROGO: Ross's Goose
"},"ROGU Ross's Gull":{"Result":"ROGU: Ross's Gull
"},"ROHA Roadside Hawk":{"Result":"ROHA: Roadside Hawk
"},"ROOK Rook":{"Result":"ROOK: Rook (IBP)
"},"ROPE ":{"Result":"ROPE: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
ROCP: Rockhopper Penguin (BBL)
ROYP: Royal Penguin (BBL)
"},"ROPI Rock Pigeon":{"Result":"ROPI: Rock Pigeon (IBP)
"},"ROPT Rock Ptarmigan":{"Result":"ROPT: Rock Ptarmigan (IBP)
"},"ROSA Rock Sandpiper":{"Result":"ROSA: Rock Sandpiper
"},"ROSP Roseate Spoonbill":{"Result":"ROSP: Roseate Spoonbill
"},"ROST Roseate Tern":{"Result":"ROST: Roseate Tern
Confusion species:
ROYT: Royal Tern
"},"ROTE ":{"Result":"ROTE: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
ROST: Roseate Tern
ROYT: Royal Tern
"},"ROTT Rosy Thrush-Tanager":{"Result":"ROTT: Rosy Thrush-Tanager (IBP)
"},"ROWE Rota White-eye":{"Result":"ROWE: Rota White-eye (BBL)
"},"ROWR Rock Wren":{"Result":"ROWR: Rock Wren
"},"ROYP Royal Penguin":{"Result":"ROYP: Royal Penguin (BBL)
Confusion species:
ROCP: Rockhopper Penguin (BBL)
"},"ROYT Royal Tern":{"Result":"ROYT: Royal Tern
Confusion species:
ROST: Roseate Tern
"},"RRAN Rufous-rumped Antwren":{"Result":"RRAN: Rufous-rumped Antwren (IBP)
"},"RRKN Rufa Red Knot":{"Result":"RRKN: Rufa Red Knot (BBL)
"},"RRPA Rose-ringed Parakeet":{"Result":"RRPA: Rose-ringed Parakeet (IBP)
"},"RRWO Red-rumped Woodpecker":{"Result":"RRWO: Red-rumped Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"RSBL Red-shouldered Blackbird":{"Result":"RSBL: Red-shouldered Blackbird (IBP)
"},"RSFL Red-shafted Flicker":{"Result":"RSFL: Red-shafted Flicker
"},"RSHA Red-shouldered Hawk":{"Result":"RSHA: Red-shouldered Hawk
"},"RSTO Rufous-sided Towhee":{"Result":"RSTO: Rufous-sided Towhee (IBP)
"},"RSWR Russet-naped Wood-Rail":{"Result":"RSWR: Russet-naped Wood-Rail (IBP)
Confusion species:
RNWR: Rufous-necked Wood-Rail (IBP)
RNAW: Rufous-naped Wren (IBP)
"},"RTAH Rufous-tailed Hummingbird":{"Result":"RTAH: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (BBL: RUFH)
Confusion species:
RTOH: Ruby-topaz Hummingbird (IBP)
RTHU: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
"},"RTAP Ring-tailed Pigeon":{"Result":"RTAP: Ring-tailed Pigeon (IBP)
Confusion species:
RTPI: Red-throated Pipit
"},"RTAT Red-throated Ant-Tanager":{"Result":"RTAT: Red-throated Ant-Tanager (IBP)
"},"RTBE Rose-throated Becard":{"Result":"RTBE: Rose-throated Becard
"},"RTCA Red-throated Caracara":{"Result":"RTCA: Red-throated Caracara (IBP)
"},"RTFL ":{"Result":"RTFL: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
RDTF: Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher (IBP)
RFTF: Rufous-tailed Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"RTHA Red-tailed Hawk":{"Result":"RTHA: Red-tailed Hawk
"},"RTHE Rufescent Tiger-Heron":{"Result":"RTHE: Rufescent Tiger-Heron (IBP)
"},"RTHU Ruby-throated Hummingbird":{"Result":"RTHU: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Confusion species:
RTOH: Ruby-topaz Hummingbird (IBP)
RTAH\/RUFH: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
"},"RTJA Rufous-tailed Jacamar":{"Result":"RTJA: Rufous-tailed Jacamar (IBP)
"},"RTLO Red-throated Loon":{"Result":"RTLO: Red-throated Loon
"},"RTOH Ruby-topaz Hummingbird":{"Result":"RTOH: Ruby-topaz Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
RTHU: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
RTAH\/RUFH: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
"},"RTPI Red-throated Pipit":{"Result":"RTPI: Red-throated Pipit
Confusion species:
RTAP: Ring-tailed Pigeon (IBP)
"},"RTRO Rufous-tailed Robin":{"Result":"RTRO: Rufous-tailed Robin (IBP)
"},"RTSO Rufous-throated Solitaire":{"Result":"RTSO: Rufous-throated Solitaire
"},"RTTA Rose-throated Tanager":{"Result":"RTTA: Rose-throated Tanager (IBP)
"},"RTTR Red-tailed Tropicbird":{"Result":"RTTR: Red-tailed Tropicbird
"},"RUAN Russet Antshrike":{"Result":"RUAN: Russet Antshrike (IBP)
"},"RUBL Rusty Blackbird":{"Result":"RUBL: Rusty Blackbird
"},"RUBU Rustic Bunting":{"Result":"RUBU: Rustic Bunting
"},"RUCR Ruddy Crake":{"Result":"RUCR: Ruddy Crake (IBP)
"},"RUDP Ruddy Pigeon":{"Result":"RUDP: Ruddy Pigeon (IBP)
Confusion species:
RUFP: Rufous Piha (IBP)
"},"RUDU Ruddy Duck":{"Result":"RUDU: Ruddy Duck
"},"RUFA Rufous Fantail":{"Result":"RUFA: Rufous Fantail (BBL)
"},"RUFF Ruff":{"Result":"RUFF: Ruff
"},"RUFG Ruddy Foliage-gleaner":{"Result":"RUFG: Ruddy Foliage-gleaner (IBP)
"},"RUFH Rufous-tailed Hummingbird":{"Result":"RUFH: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (IBP: RTAH)
Confusion species:
RTOH: Ruby-topaz Hummingbird (IBP)
RTHU: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
"},"RUFP Rufous Piha":{"Result":"RUFP: Rufous Piha (IBP)
Confusion species:
RUDP: Ruddy Pigeon (IBP)
"},"RUFS Rufous-collared Sparrow":{"Result":"RUFS: Rufous-collared Sparrow (IBP: RCOS)
Confusion species:
RCSP: Rufous-crowned Sparrow
"},"RUGD Ruddy Ground-Dove":{"Result":"RUGD: Ruddy Ground-Dove (BBL)
"},"RUGR Ruffed Grouse":{"Result":"RUGR: Ruffed Grouse (IBP)
"},"RUHU Rufous Hummingbird":{"Result":"RUHU: Rufous Hummingbird
"},"RUMO ":{"Result":"RUMO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
RMOT: Rufous Motmot (IBP)
RMOU: Rufous Mourner (IBP)
"},"RUNI Rufous Nightjar":{"Result":"RUNI: Rufous Nightjar (IBP)
"},"RUNT Russet Nightingale-Thrush":{"Result":"RUNT: Russet Nightingale-Thrush (IBP)
"},"RUPI ":{"Result":"RUPI: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
RUDP: Ruddy Pigeon (IBP)
RUFP: Rufous Piha (IBP)
"},"RUQD Ruddy Quail-Dove":{"Result":"RUQD: Ruddy Quail-Dove
"},"RUSA Rufous Sabrewing":{"Result":"RUSA: Rufous Sabrewing (IBP)
"},"RUSH Ruddy Shelduck":{"Result":"RUSH: Ruddy Shelduck (IBP)
"},"RUSP Rusty Sparrow":{"Result":"RUSP: Rusty Sparrow (IBP)
"},"RUTH ":{"Result":"RUTH: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
RTHE: Rufescent Tiger-Heron (IBP)
"},"RUTR Ruddy Treerunner":{"Result":"RUTR: Ruddy Treerunner (IBP)
"},"RUTU Ruddy Turnstone":{"Result":"RUTU: Ruddy Turnstone
"},"RUWO Ruddy Woodcreeper":{"Result":"RUWO: Ruddy Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"RVBU Red-vented Bulbul":{"Result":"RVBU: Red-vented Bulbul
"},"RVCH Rufous-vented Chachalaca":{"Result":"RVCH: Rufous-vented Chachalaca (IBP)
"},"RVGC Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo":{"Result":"RVGC: Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"RWAN Rufous-winged Antwren":{"Result":"RWAN: Rufous-winged Antwren (IBP)
"},"RWBL Red-winged Blackbird":{"Result":"RWBL: Red-winged Blackbird
"},"RWBU Red-whiskered Bulbul":{"Result":"RWBU: Red-whiskered Bulbul
"},"RWSC Russet-winged Schiffornis":{"Result":"RWSC: Russet-winged Schiffornis (IBP)
"},"RWSP Rufous-winged Sparrow":{"Result":"RWSP: Rufous-winged Sparrow
"},"RWTA Rufous-winged Tanager":{"Result":"RWTA: Rufous-winged Tanager (IBP)
"},"RWWO Rufous-winged Woodpecker":{"Result":"RWWO: Rufous-winged Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"SAAL Salvin's Albatross":{"Result":"SAAL: Salvin's Albatross (IBP)
"},"SABS Sagebrush Sparrow":{"Result":"SABS: Sagebrush Sparrow (BBL: SBSP)
Confusion species:
SAGS: Sage Sparrow (IBP)
SALS: Saltmarsh Sparrow
SAVS: Savannah Sparrow
"},"SACR Sandhill Crane":{"Result":"SACR: Sandhill Crane
"},"SAFI Saffron Finch":{"Result":"SAFI: Saffron Finch
"},"SAFL Sad Flycatcher":{"Result":"SAFL: Sad Flycatcher
"},"SAGS Sage Sparrow":{"Result":"SAGS: Sage Sparrow (IBP)
Confusion species:
SABS\/SBSP: Sagebrush Sparrow
SALS: Saltmarsh Sparrow
SAVS: Savannah Sparrow
"},"SAGU Sabine's Gull":{"Result":"SAGU: Sabine's Gull
"},"SAHA Savanna Hawk":{"Result":"SAHA: Savanna Hawk (IBP)
"},"SALS Saltmarsh Sparrow":{"Result":"SALS: Saltmarsh Sparrow
Confusion species:
SABS\/SBSP: Sagebrush Sparrow
SAGS: Sage Sparrow (IBP)
SAVS: Savannah Sparrow
"},"SAND Sanderling":{"Result":"SAND: Sanderling
"},"SAPA Sapayoa":{"Result":"SAPA: Sapayoa (IBP)
"},"SAPH Say's Phoebe":{"Result":"SAPH: Say's Phoebe
"},"SASP ":{"Result":"SASP: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SABS\/SBSP: Sagebrush Sparrow
SAGS: Sage Sparrow (IBP)
SALS: Saltmarsh Sparrow
SAVS: Savannah Sparrow
"},"SAST Samoan Starling":{"Result":"SAST: Samoan Starling (BBL)
"},"SATE Sandwich Tern":{"Result":"SATE: Sandwich Tern
"},"SATH Sage Thrasher":{"Result":"SATH: Sage Thrasher
"},"SAVI San Andres Vireo":{"Result":"SAVI: San Andres Vireo (IBP)
"},"SAVS Savannah Sparrow":{"Result":"SAVS: Savannah Sparrow
Confusion species:
SABS\/SBSP: Sagebrush Sparrow
SAGS: Sage Sparrow (IBP)
SALS: Saltmarsh Sparrow
"},"SBAG Slaty-backed Gull":{"Result":"SBAG: Slaty-backed Gull (BBL: SBGU)
Confusion species:
SBIG: Short-billed Gull (IBP)
"},"SBAN Smooth-billed Ani":{"Result":"SBAN: Smooth-billed Ani
"},"SBAO Streak-backed Oriole":{"Result":"SBAO: Streak-backed Oriole (BBL: STRO)
Confusion species:
SBOR\/SPOO: Spot-breasted Oriole
"},"SBBG Southern Black-backed Gull":{"Result":"SBBG: Southern Black-backed Gull (BBL)
"},"SBCU Slender-billed Curlew":{"Result":"SBCU: Slender-billed Curlew (IBP)
"},"SBDO Short-billed Dowitcher":{"Result":"SBDO: Short-billed Dowitcher
"},"SBEH Snowy-bellied Hummingbird":{"Result":"SBEH: Snowy-bellied Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
SBRH: Scaly-breasted Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"SBFF Slaty-backed Forest-Falcon":{"Result":"SBFF: Slaty-backed Forest-Falcon (IBP)
"},"SBFL Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher":{"Result":"SBFL: Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher
"},"SBGR Slender-billed Grackle":{"Result":"SBGR: Slender-billed Grackle (IBP)
"},"SBGU Slaty-backed Gull":{"Result":"SBGU: Slaty-backed Gull (IBP: SBAG)
Confusion species:
SBIG: Short-billed Gull (IBP)
"},"SBHU ":{"Result":"SBHU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SBRH: Scaly-breasted Hummingbird (IBP)
SBEH: Snowy-bellied Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"SBIG Short-billed Gull":{"Result":"SBIG: Short-billed Gull (IBP)
Confusion species:
SBAG\/SBGU: Slaty-backed Gull
"},"SBJA San Blas Jay":{"Result":"SBJA: San Blas Jay (IBP)
"},"SBKI Slender-billed Kite":{"Result":"SBKI: Slender-billed Kite (IBP)
"},"SBMU Scaly-breasted Munia":{"Result":"SBMU: Scaly-breasted Munia
"},"SBNT Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush":{"Result":"SBNT: Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush (IBP)
"},"SBOR Spot-breasted Oriole":{"Result":"SBOR: Spot-breasted Oriole (BBL: SPOO)
Confusion species:
SBAO\/STRO: Streak-backed Oriole
"},"SBPI Short-billed Pigeon":{"Result":"SBPI: Short-billed Pigeon (IBP)
"},"SBRH Scaly-breasted Hummingbird":{"Result":"SBRH: Scaly-breasted Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
SBEH: Snowy-bellied Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"SBRO Siberian Blue Robin":{"Result":"SBRO: Siberian Blue Robin (IBP)
"},"SBSA Spoon-billed Sandpiper":{"Result":"SBSA: Spoon-billed Sandpiper (BBL: SPOS)
"},"SBSP Sagebrush Sparrow":{"Result":"SBSP: Sagebrush Sparrow (IBP: SABS)
Confusion species:
SAGS: Sage Sparrow (IBP)
SALS: Saltmarsh Sparrow
SAVS: Savannah Sparrow
"},"SBTA Scarlet-browed Tanager":{"Result":"SBTA: Scarlet-browed Tanager (IBP)
"},"SBTH Scaly-breasted Thrasher":{"Result":"SBTH: Scaly-breasted Thrasher (IBP)
"},"SBTI Slaty-breasted Tinamou":{"Result":"SBTI: Slaty-breasted Tinamou (IBP)
"},"SBTR Streak-breasted Treehunter":{"Result":"SBTR: Streak-breasted Treehunter (IBP)
"},"SBTS Stub-tailed Spadebill":{"Result":"SBTS: Stub-tailed Spadebill (IBP)
Confusion species:
SSPA: Striped Sparrow (IBP)
STSP: Unidentified Sharp-tailed Sparrow (IBP)
"},"SBWO ":{"Result":"SBWO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SMBW: Smoky-brown Woodpecker (IBP)
SBWP: Spot-breasted Woodpecker (IBP)
SNBW: Strong-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
SGBW: Straight-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"SBWP Spot-breasted Woodpecker":{"Result":"SBWP: Spot-breasted Woodpecker (IBP)
Confusion species:
SMBW: Smoky-brown Woodpecker (IBP)
SNBW: Strong-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
SGBW: Straight-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"SBWR ":{"Result":"SBWR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SCBW: Scaly-breasted Wren (IBP)
SOBW: Spot-breasted Wren (IBP)
SIBW: Stripe-breasted Wren (IBP)
"},"SCAA Scaled Antpitta":{"Result":"SCAA: Scaled Antpitta (IBP)
Confusion species:
STCA: Streak-crowned Antvireo (IBP)
SPCA: Spot-crowned Antvireo (IBP)
SCHA: Streak-chested Antpitta (IBP)
"},"SCAN ":{"Result":"SCAN: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
STCA: Streak-crowned Antvireo (IBP)
SPCA: Spot-crowned Antvireo (IBP)
SCAA: Scaled Antpitta (IBP)
SCHA: Streak-chested Antpitta (IBP)
"},"SCBA Spot-crowned Barbet":{"Result":"SCBA: Spot-crowned Barbet (IBP)
"},"SCBS San Clemente Bell's Sparrow":{"Result":"SCBS: San Clemente Bell's Sparrow (BBL)
"},"SCBW Scaly-breasted Wren":{"Result":"SCBW: Scaly-breasted Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
SOBW: Spot-breasted Wren (IBP)
SIBW: Stripe-breasted Wren (IBP)
"},"SCCH Sooty-capped Chlorospingus":{"Result":"SCCH: Sooty-capped Chlorospingus (IBP)
"},"SCCO Short-crested Coquette":{"Result":"SCCO: Short-crested Coquette (IBP)
"},"SCEU ":{"Result":"SCEU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SEUP: Scrub Euphonia (IBP)
SPCE: Spot-crowned Euphonia (IBP)
"},"SCFL ":{"Result":"SCFL: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SECF: Sepia-capped Flycatcher (IBP)
SLCF: Slaty-capped Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"SCGO Small Canada Goose":{"Result":"SCGO: Small Canada Goose
"},"SCGR ":{"Result":"SCGR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SCRG: Scrub Greenlet (IBP)
SCOG: Slate-colored Grosbeak (IBP)
"},"SCHA Streak-chested Antpitta":{"Result":"SCHA: Streak-chested Antpitta (IBP)
Confusion species:
STCA: Streak-crowned Antvireo (IBP)
SPCA: Spot-crowned Antvireo (IBP)
SCAA: Scaled Antpitta (IBP)
"},"SCHT Spangle-cheeked Tanager":{"Result":"SCHT: Spangle-cheeked Tanager (IBP)
Confusion species:
SCTA: Scarlet Tanager
"},"SCHU Scintillant Hummingbird":{"Result":"SCHU: Scintillant Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"SCHW Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker":{"Result":"SCHW: Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker (IBP)
Confusion species:
SCRW: Spot-crowned Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"SCIB Scarlet Ibis":{"Result":"SCIB: Scarlet Ibis
"},"SCJU Slate-colored Junco":{"Result":"SCJU: Slate-colored Junco
"},"SCLS ":{"Result":"SCLS: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SLSH: San Clemente Loggerhead Shrike (BBL)
"},"SCMA Scarlet Macaw":{"Result":"SCMA: Scarlet Macaw (IBP)
"},"SCMU Scripps's Murrelet":{"Result":"SCMU: Scripps's Murrelet
"},"SCOG Slate-colored Grosbeak":{"Result":"SCOG: Slate-colored Grosbeak (IBP)
Confusion species:
SCRG: Scrub Greenlet (IBP)
"},"SCOR Scott's Oriole":{"Result":"SCOR: Scott's Oriole
"},"SCPI Scaled Pigeon":{"Result":"SCPI: Scaled Pigeon (IBP)
"},"SCPT Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant":{"Result":"SCPT: Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant (IBP)
"},"SCQU Scaled Quail":{"Result":"SCQU: Scaled Quail (IBP)
"},"SCRG Scrub Greenlet":{"Result":"SCRG: Scrub Greenlet (IBP)
Confusion species:
SCOG: Slate-colored Grosbeak (IBP)
"},"SCRT Scarlet-rumped Tanager":{"Result":"SCRT: Scarlet-rumped Tanager (IBP)
Confusion species:
SURT: Sulphur-rumped Tanager (IBP)
"},"SCRW Spot-crowned Woodcreeper":{"Result":"SCRW: Spot-crowned Woodcreeper (IBP)
Confusion species:
SCHW: Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"SCSE Slate-colored Seedeater":{"Result":"SCSE: Slate-colored Seedeater (IBP)
"},"SCSO Slate-colored Solitaire":{"Result":"SCSO: Slate-colored Solitaire (IBP)
"},"SCTA Scarlet Tanager":{"Result":"SCTA: Scarlet Tanager
Confusion species:
SCHT: Spangle-cheeked Tanager (IBP)
"},"SCWO ":{"Result":"SCWO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SCHW: Stripe-cheeked Woodpecker (IBP)
SCRW: Spot-crowned Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"SECF Sepia-capped Flycatcher":{"Result":"SECF: Sepia-capped Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
SLCF: Slaty-capped Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"SEHA Semiplumbeous Hawk":{"Result":"SEHA: Semiplumbeous Hawk (IBP)
"},"SEMW Semper's Warbler":{"Result":"SEMW: Semper's Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
SEWA: Sedge Warbler (IBP)
"},"SEOW Short-eared Owl":{"Result":"SEOW: Short-eared Owl
"},"SEPL Semipalmated Plover":{"Result":"SEPL: Semipalmated Plover
"},"SESA Semipalmated Sandpiper":{"Result":"SESA: Semipalmated Sandpiper
"},"SESP Seaside Sparrow":{"Result":"SESP: Seaside Sparrow
"},"SEUP Scrub Euphonia":{"Result":"SEUP: Scrub Euphonia (IBP)
Confusion species:
SPCE: Spot-crowned Euphonia (IBP)
"},"SEWA Sedge Warbler":{"Result":"SEWA: Sedge Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
SEMW: Semper's Warbler (IBP)
"},"SEWR Sedge Wren":{"Result":"SEWR: Sedge Wren
"},"SFAN Spiny-faced Antshrike":{"Result":"SFAN: Spiny-faced Antshrike (IBP)
"},"SFFI Sooty-faced Finch":{"Result":"SFFI: Sooty-faced Finch (IBP)
"},"SFSW Spot-fronted Swift":{"Result":"SFSW: Spot-fronted Swift (IBP)
"},"SFTA Silvery-fronted Tapaculo":{"Result":"SFTA: Silvery-fronted Tapaculo (IBP)
"},"SGBW Straight-billed Woodcreeper":{"Result":"SGBW: Straight-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
Confusion species:
SMBW: Smoky-brown Woodpecker (IBP)
SBWP: Spot-breasted Woodpecker (IBP)
SNBW: Strong-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"SGDO ":{"Result":"SGDO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SHGD: Shy Ground Dove (BBL)
"},"SGPE Southern Giant Petrel":{"Result":"SGPE: Southern Giant Petrel (BBL)
"},"SHAL Shy Albatross":{"Result":"SHAL: Shy Albatross (BBL)
"},"SHAR Sharpbill":{"Result":"SHAR: Sharpbill (IBP)
"},"SHAS Sharp-tailed Sandpiper":{"Result":"SHAS: Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (IBP: SPTS)
Confusion species:
STSA: Stilt Sandpiper
SSAL: Streaked Saltator (IBP)
"},"SHCO Shiny Cowbird":{"Result":"SHCO: Shiny Cowbird
"},"SHGD Shy Ground Dove":{"Result":"SHGD: Shy Ground Dove (BBL)
"},"SHHO Shining Honeycreeper":{"Result":"SHHO: Shining Honeycreeper (IBP)
"},"SHLA Streaked Horned Lark":{"Result":"SHLA: Streaked Horned Lark (BBL)
"},"SHOS Short-tailed Shearwater":{"Result":"SHOS: Short-tailed Shearwater (IBP: STTS)
Confusion species:
STRS: Streaked Shearwater
"},"SHPA Saffron-headed Parrot":{"Result":"SHPA: Saffron-headed Parrot (IBP)
"},"SHSP Stripe-headed Sparrow":{"Result":"SHSP: Stripe-headed Sparrow (IBP)
"},"SHTF Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher":{"Result":"SHTF: Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"SHTH Sapphire-throated Hummingbird":{"Result":"SHTH: Sapphire-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
SKTH: Sparkling-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
STHM: Stripe-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"SHTN Short-tailed Nighthawk":{"Result":"SHTN: Short-tailed Nighthawk (IBP)
Confusion species:
SPTN: Spot-tailed Nightjar (IBP)
"},"SHTY Sooty-headed Tyrannulet":{"Result":"SHTY: Sooty-headed Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"SHWO Streak-headed Woodcreeper":{"Result":"SHWO: Streak-headed Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"SHWR ('Southern House Wren', 'Sooty-headed Wren')":{"Result":"SHWR: Code refers to different taxa in BBL and IBP.
SHWR: Southern House Wren (BBL)
SHWR: Sooty-headed Wren (IBP)
"},"SIAC Siberian Accentor":{"Result":"SIAC: Siberian Accentor
"},"SIBW Stripe-breasted Wren":{"Result":"SIBW: Stripe-breasted Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
SCBW: Scaly-breasted Wren (IBP)
SOBW: Spot-breasted Wren (IBP)
"},"SICR Sinaloa Crow":{"Result":"SICR: Sinaloa Crow (IBP)
"},"SIMA Sinaloa Martin":{"Result":"SIMA: Sinaloa Martin (IBP)
"},"SIQU Singing Quail":{"Result":"SIQU: Singing Quail (IBP)
"},"SIRU Siberian Rubythroat":{"Result":"SIRU: Siberian Rubythroat
"},"SISW Sick's Swift":{"Result":"SISW: Sick's Swift (IBP)
"},"SIWR Sinaloa Wren":{"Result":"SIWR: Sinaloa Wren (IBP)
"},"SKBU St. Kitts Bullfinch":{"Result":"SKBU: St. Kitts Bullfinch (IBP)
"},"SKTH Sparkling-tailed Hummingbird":{"Result":"SKTH: Sparkling-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
STHM: Stripe-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
SHTH: Sapphire-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"SLAN Slaty Antwren":{"Result":"SLAN: Slaty Antwren (IBP)
"},"SLAR Slate-throated Redstart":{"Result":"SLAR: Slate-throated Redstart (IBP: STRE)
Confusion species:
STRM\/STTL: Streamertail
"},"SLBF St. Lucia Black Finch":{"Result":"SLBF: St. Lucia Black Finch (IBP)
"},"SLCF Slaty-capped Flycatcher":{"Result":"SLCF: Slaty-capped Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
SECF: Sepia-capped Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"SLFI Slaty Finch":{"Result":"SLFI: Slaty Finch (IBP)
"},"SLFL Slaty Flowerpiercer":{"Result":"SLFL: Slaty Flowerpiercer (IBP)
"},"SLOR St. Lucia Oriole":{"Result":"SLOR: St. Lucia Oriole (IBP)
"},"SLPA St. Lucia Parrot":{"Result":"SLPA: St. Lucia Parrot (IBP)
"},"SLSH ('San Clemente Loggerhead Shrike', 'Slender Sheartail')":{"Result":"SLSH: Code refers to different taxa in BBL and IBP.
SLSH: San Clemente Loggerhead Shrike (BBL)
SLSH: Slender Sheartail (IBP)
"},"SLSP Slaty Spinetail":{"Result":"SLSP: Slaty Spinetail (IBP)
"},"SLVI Slaty Vireo":{"Result":"SLVI: Slaty Vireo (IBP)
"},"SLWA St. Lucia Warbler":{"Result":"SLWA: St. Lucia Warbler
"},"SMBW Smoky-brown Woodpecker":{"Result":"SMBW: Smoky-brown Woodpecker (IBP)
Confusion species:
SBWP: Spot-breasted Woodpecker (IBP)
SNBW: Strong-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
SGBW: Straight-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"SMEW Smew":{"Result":"SMEW: Smew (IBP)
"},"SMLO Smith's Longspur":{"Result":"SMLO: Smith's Longspur
"},"SMSP Sierra Madre Sparrow":{"Result":"SMSP: Sierra Madre Sparrow (IBP)
"},"SNBU Snow Bunting":{"Result":"SNBU: Snow Bunting
"},"SNBW Strong-billed Woodcreeper":{"Result":"SNBW: Strong-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
Confusion species:
SMBW: Smoky-brown Woodpecker (IBP)
SBWP: Spot-breasted Woodpecker (IBP)
SGBW: Straight-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"SNCO Snowy Cotinga":{"Result":"SNCO: Snowy Cotinga (IBP)
"},"SNEG Snowy Egret":{"Result":"SNEG: Snowy Egret
"},"SNGO Snow Goose":{"Result":"SNGO: Snow Goose (IBP)
"},"SNKI Snail Kite":{"Result":"SNKI: Snail Kite
"},"SNOC Snowcap":{"Result":"SNOC: Snowcap (IBP)
Confusion species:
SNOW: Snowy Owl
"},"SNOW Snowy Owl":{"Result":"SNOW: Snowy Owl
Confusion species:
SNOC: Snowcap (IBP)
"},"SNPE Snow Petrel":{"Result":"SNPE: Snow Petrel (BBL)
"},"SNPI Scaly-naped Pigeon":{"Result":"SNPI: Scaly-naped Pigeon
"},"SNPL Snowy Plover":{"Result":"SNPL: Snowy Plover
"},"SNSH Snowy Sheathbill":{"Result":"SNSH: Snowy Sheathbill (BBL)
"},"SOAL Sooty Albatross":{"Result":"SOAL: Sooty Albatross (BBL)
"},"SOBE Southern Bentbill":{"Result":"SOBE: Southern Bentbill (IBP)
"},"SOBT Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet":{"Result":"SOBT: Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"SOBW Spot-breasted Wren":{"Result":"SOBW: Spot-breasted Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
SCBW: Scaly-breasted Wren (IBP)
SIBW: Stripe-breasted Wren (IBP)
"},"SOCW Socorro Wren":{"Result":"SOCW: Socorro Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
SONW: Song Wren (IBP)
"},"SODO Socorro Dove":{"Result":"SODO: Socorro Dove (IBP)
"},"SOEA Solitary Eagle":{"Result":"SOEA: Solitary Eagle (IBP)
"},"SOFL Social Flycatcher":{"Result":"SOFL: Social Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"SOFU Southern Fulmar":{"Result":"SOFU: Southern Fulmar (BBL)
"},"SOGR Sooty Grouse":{"Result":"SOGR: Sooty Grouse (IBP)
"},"SOHW Southern House-Wren":{"Result":"SOHW: Southern House-Wren (IBP)
"},"SOLA Southern Lapwing":{"Result":"SOLA: Southern Lapwing (IBP)
"},"SOMA Southern Martin":{"Result":"SOMA: Southern Martin (IBP)
"},"SOMO Socorro Mockingbird":{"Result":"SOMO: Socorro Mockingbird (IBP)
"},"SONW Song Wren":{"Result":"SONW: Song Wren (IBP)
Confusion species:
SOCW: Socorro Wren (IBP)
"},"SOOT Sooty Thrush":{"Result":"SOOT: Sooty Thrush (IBP)
Confusion species:
SOTH: Song Thrush (IBP)
"},"SOPA Socorro Parakeet":{"Result":"SOPA: Socorro Parakeet (IBP)
"},"SORA Sora":{"Result":"SORA: Sora
"},"SOSA Solitary Sandpiper":{"Result":"SOSA: Solitary Sandpiper
"},"SOSH Sooty Shearwater":{"Result":"SOSH: Sooty Shearwater
"},"SOSN Solitary Snipe":{"Result":"SOSN: Solitary Snipe (IBP)
"},"SOSP Song Sparrow":{"Result":"SOSP: Song Sparrow
"},"SOTE Sooty Tern":{"Result":"SOTE: Sooty Tern
"},"SOTH Song Thrush":{"Result":"SOTH: Song Thrush (IBP)
Confusion species:
SOOT: Sooty Thrush (IBP)
"},"SOVI Solitary Vireo":{"Result":"SOVI: Solitary Vireo
"},"SOWR ":{"Result":"SOWR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SOCW: Socorro Wren (IBP)
SONW: Song Wren (IBP)
"},"SPAN Spotted Antbird":{"Result":"SPAN: Spotted Antbird (IBP)
"},"SPBA Spotted Barbtail":{"Result":"SPBA: Spotted Barbtail (IBP)
"},"SPCA Spot-crowned Antvireo":{"Result":"SPCA: Spot-crowned Antvireo (IBP)
Confusion species:
STCA: Streak-crowned Antvireo (IBP)
SCAA: Scaled Antpitta (IBP)
SCHA: Streak-chested Antpitta (IBP)
"},"SPCE Spot-crowned Euphonia":{"Result":"SPCE: Spot-crowned Euphonia (IBP)
Confusion species:
SEUP: Scrub Euphonia (IBP)
"},"SPCR Spotted Crake":{"Result":"SPCR: Spotted Crake (IBP)
"},"SPDO Spotted Dove":{"Result":"SPDO: Spotted Dove
"},"SPEI Spectacled Eider":{"Result":"SPEI: Spectacled Eider
"},"SPEO Spectacled Owl":{"Result":"SPEO: Spectacled Owl (IBP)
Confusion species:
SPOW: Spotted Owl
"},"SPFL Spotted Flycatcher":{"Result":"SPFL: Spotted Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"SPGR Spruce Grouse":{"Result":"SPGR: Spruce Grouse (IBP)
"},"SPMO Speckled Mourner":{"Result":"SPMO: Speckled Mourner (IBP)
"},"SPOO Spot-breasted Oriole":{"Result":"SPOO: Spot-breasted Oriole (IBP: SBOR)
Confusion species:
SBAO\/STRO: Streak-backed Oriole
"},"SPOS Spoon-billed Sandpiper":{"Result":"SPOS: Spoon-billed Sandpiper (IBP: SBSA)
"},"SPOW Spotted Owl":{"Result":"SPOW: Spotted Owl
Confusion species:
SPEO: Spectacled Owl (IBP)
"},"SPPA Spectacled Parrotlet":{"Result":"SPPA: Spectacled Parrotlet (IBP)
"},"SPPI Sprague's Pipit":{"Result":"SPPI: Sprague's Pipit
"},"SPRA Spotted Rail":{"Result":"SPRA: Spotted Rail (IBP)
"},"SPRE Spotted Redshank":{"Result":"SPRE: Spotted Redshank (IBP)
"},"SPSA Spotted Sandpiper":{"Result":"SPSA: Spotted Sandpiper
"},"SPSK South Polar Skua":{"Result":"SPSK: South Polar Skua
"},"SPTA Speckled Tanager":{"Result":"SPTA: Speckled Tanager (IBP)
"},"SPTH Spectacled Thrush":{"Result":"SPTH: Spectacled Thrush (IBP)
"},"SPTN Spot-tailed Nightjar":{"Result":"SPTN: Spot-tailed Nightjar (IBP)
Confusion species:
SHTN: Short-tailed Nighthawk (IBP)
"},"SPTO Spotted Towhee":{"Result":"SPTO: Spotted Towhee
"},"SPTS Sharp-tailed Sandpiper":{"Result":"SPTS: Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (BBL: SHAS)
Confusion species:
STSA: Stilt Sandpiper
SSAL: Streaked Saltator (IBP)
"},"SPWO Spotted Woodcreeper":{"Result":"SPWO: Spotted Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"SPWQ Spotted Wood-Quail":{"Result":"SPWQ: Spotted Wood-Quail (IBP)
"},"SPWR Spotted Wren":{"Result":"SPWR: Spotted Wren (IBP)
"},"SQCU Squirrel Cuckoo":{"Result":"SQCU: Squirrel Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"SRCA Scarlet-rumped Cacique":{"Result":"SRCA: Scarlet-rumped Cacique (IBP)
"},"SRFL Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher":{"Result":"SRFL: Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"SRGO Snow\/Ross's Goose":{"Result":"SRGO: Snow\/Ross's Goose (IBP)
"},"SRTA ":{"Result":"SRTA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SURT: Sulphur-rumped Tanager (IBP)
SCRT: Scarlet-rumped Tanager (IBP)
"},"SRWS Southern Rough-winged Swallow":{"Result":"SRWS: Southern Rough-winged Swallow (IBP)
"},"SSAL Streaked Saltator":{"Result":"SSAL: Streaked Saltator (IBP)
Confusion species:
SPTS\/SHAS: Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
STSA: Stilt Sandpiper
"},"SSHA Sharp-shinned Hawk":{"Result":"SSHA: Sharp-shinned Hawk
"},"SSPA Striped Sparrow":{"Result":"SSPA: Striped Sparrow (IBP)
Confusion species:
SBTS: Stub-tailed Spadebill (IBP)
STSP: Unidentified Sharp-tailed Sparrow (IBP)
"},"SSTP Swinhoe's Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"SSTP: Swinhoe's Storm-Petrel (IBP)
Confusion species:
SWSP: Swamp Sparrow
"},"STAL Short-tailed Albatross":{"Result":"STAL: Short-tailed Albatross
"},"STCA Streak-crowned Antvireo":{"Result":"STCA: Streak-crowned Antvireo (IBP)
Confusion species:
SPCA: Spot-crowned Antvireo (IBP)
SCAA: Scaled Antpitta (IBP)
SCHA: Streak-chested Antpitta (IBP)
"},"STCU Striped Cuckoo":{"Result":"STCU: Striped Cuckoo (IBP)
"},"STCW Strickland's Woodpecker":{"Result":"STCW: Strickland's Woodpecker (IBP)
Confusion species:
STPW: Striped Woodhaunter (IBP)
"},"STDA Scarlet-thighed Dacnis":{"Result":"STDA: Scarlet-thighed Dacnis (IBP)
"},"STEI Steller's Eider":{"Result":"STEI: Steller's Eider
"},"STFG Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner":{"Result":"STFG: Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner (IBP)
"},"STFL Scissor-tailed Flycatcher":{"Result":"STFL: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Confusion species:
STOF: Stolid Flycatcher
STRF: Streaked Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"STGN Slate-throated Gnatcatcher":{"Result":"STGN: Slate-throated Gnatcatcher (IBP)
"},"STGR Sharp-tailed Grouse":{"Result":"STGR: Sharp-tailed Grouse (IBP)
"},"STGU Swallow-tailed Gull":{"Result":"STGU: Swallow-tailed Gull (IBP)
"},"STHA Short-tailed Hawk":{"Result":"STHA: Short-tailed Hawk
"},"STHE ":{"Result":"STHE: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
STHR: Stripe-throated Hermit (IBP)
STRH: Striated Heron (IBP)
"},"STHJ Silvery-throated Jay":{"Result":"STHJ: Silvery-throated Jay (IBP)
Confusion species:
STJA: Steller's Jay
"},"STHM Stripe-tailed Hummingbird":{"Result":"STHM: Stripe-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
SKTH: Sparkling-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
SHTH: Sapphire-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"STHR Stripe-throated Hermit":{"Result":"STHR: Stripe-throated Hermit (IBP)
Confusion species:
STRH: Striated Heron (IBP)
"},"STHU ":{"Result":"STHU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SKTH: Sparkling-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
STHM: Stripe-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
SHTH: Sapphire-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"STJA Steller's Jay":{"Result":"STJA: Steller's Jay
Confusion species:
STHJ: Silvery-throated Jay (IBP)
"},"STKI Swallow-tailed Kite":{"Result":"STKI: Swallow-tailed Kite
"},"STLE Scaly-throated Leaftosser":{"Result":"STLE: Scaly-throated Leaftosser (IBP)
"},"STNI ":{"Result":"STNI: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
SHTN: Short-tailed Nighthawk (IBP)
SPTN: Spot-tailed Nightjar (IBP)
"},"STOF Stolid Flycatcher":{"Result":"STOF: Stolid Flycatcher
Confusion species:
STRF: Streaked Flycatcher (IBP)
STFL: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
"},"STON Stonechat":{"Result":"STON: Stonechat (IBP)
"},"STOW Stygian Owl":{"Result":"STOW: Stygian Owl (IBP)
Confusion species:
STRO: Striped Owl (IBP)
"},"STPE Stejneger's Petrel":{"Result":"STPE: Stejneger's Petrel
"},"STPW Striped Woodhaunter":{"Result":"STPW: Striped Woodhaunter (IBP)
Confusion species:
STCW: Strickland's Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"STRE Slate-throated Redstart":{"Result":"STRE: Slate-throated Redstart (BBL: SLAR)
Confusion species:
STRM\/STTL: Streamertail
"},"STRF Streaked Flycatcher":{"Result":"STRF: Streaked Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
STOF: Stolid Flycatcher
STFL: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
"},"STRH Striated Heron":{"Result":"STRH: Striated Heron (IBP)
Confusion species:
STHR: Stripe-throated Hermit (IBP)
"},"STRM Streamertail":{"Result":"STRM: Streamertail (BBL: STTL)
Confusion species:
STRE\/SLAR: Slate-throated Redstart
"},"STRO ('Streak-backed Oriole', 'Striped Owl')":{"Result":"STRO: Code refers to different taxa in BBL and IBP.
STRO: Streak-backed Oriole (BBL)
STRO: Striped Owl (IBP)
Confusion species:
STOW: Stygian Owl (IBP)
SBOR\/SPOO: Spot-breasted Oriole
"},"STRS Streaked Shearwater":{"Result":"STRS: Streaked Shearwater
Confusion species:
STTS\/SHOS: Short-tailed Shearwater
"},"STSA Stilt Sandpiper":{"Result":"STSA: Stilt Sandpiper
Confusion species:
SPTS\/SHAS: Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
SSAL: Streaked Saltator (IBP)
"},"STSC Stejneger's Scoter":{"Result":"STSC: Stejneger's Scoter (IBP)
"},"STSE Steller's Sea-Eagle":{"Result":"STSE: Steller's Sea-Eagle (IBP)
"},"STSH ":{"Result":"STSH: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
STRS: Streaked Shearwater
STTS\/SHOS: Short-tailed Shearwater
"},"STSP Unidentified Sharp-tailed Sparrow":{"Result":"STSP: Unidentified Sharp-tailed Sparrow
Confusion species:
SBTS: Stub-tailed Spadebill (IBP)
SSPA: Striped Sparrow (IBP)
"},"STST Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper":{"Result":"STST: Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper (IBP)
"},"STSW Short-tailed Swift":{"Result":"STSW: Short-tailed Swift
"},"STTA Silver-throated Tanager":{"Result":"STTA: Silver-throated Tanager (IBP)
"},"STTL Streamertail":{"Result":"STTL: Streamertail (IBP: STRM)
Confusion species:
STRE\/SLAR: Slate-throated Redstart
"},"STTR Slaty-tailed Trogon":{"Result":"STTR: Slaty-tailed Trogon (IBP)
"},"STTS Short-tailed Shearwater":{"Result":"STTS: Short-tailed Shearwater (BBL: SHOS)
Confusion species:
STRS: Streaked Shearwater
"},"STWO ":{"Result":"STWO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
STCW: Strickland's Woodpecker (IBP)
STPW: Striped Woodhaunter (IBP)
"},"STWR Stripe-throated Wren":{"Result":"STWR: Stripe-throated Wren (IBP)
"},"STXE Streaked Xenops":{"Result":"STXE: Streaked Xenops (IBP)
"},"SUNB Sunbittern":{"Result":"SUNB: Sunbittern (IBP)
"},"SUNG Sungrebe":{"Result":"SUNG: Sungrebe (IBP)
"},"SURF Surfbird":{"Result":"SURF: Surfbird
"},"SURT Sulphur-rumped Tanager":{"Result":"SURT: Sulphur-rumped Tanager (IBP)
Confusion species:
SCRT: Scarlet-rumped Tanager (IBP)
"},"SUSC Surf Scoter":{"Result":"SUSC: Surf Scoter
"},"SUTA Summer Tanager":{"Result":"SUTA: Summer Tanager
"},"SUWA Sutton's Warbler":{"Result":"SUWA: Sutton's Warbler
"},"SUWR Sumichrast's Wren":{"Result":"SUWR: Sumichrast's Wren (IBP)
"},"SVPA St. Vincent Parrot":{"Result":"SVPA: St. Vincent Parrot (IBP)
"},"SWFG Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner":{"Result":"SWFG: Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner (IBP)
"},"SWFL Southwestern Willow Flycatcher":{"Result":"SWFL: Southwestern Willow Flycatcher
"},"SWHA Swainson's Hawk":{"Result":"SWHA: Swainson's Hawk
"},"SWPA Sulphur-winged Parakeet":{"Result":"SWPA: Sulphur-winged Parakeet (IBP)
"},"SWSN Swinhoe's Snipe":{"Result":"SWSN: Swinhoe's Snipe (BBL)
"},"SWSP Swamp Sparrow":{"Result":"SWSP: Swamp Sparrow
Confusion species:
SSTP: Swinhoe's Storm-Petrel (IBP)
"},"SWTA Swallow Tanager":{"Result":"SWTA: Swallow Tanager (IBP)
"},"SWTH Swainson's Thrush":{"Result":"SWTH: Swainson's Thrush
"},"SWWA Swainson's Warbler":{"Result":"SWWA: Swainson's Warbler
"},"TABG Taiga Bean-Goose":{"Result":"TABG: Taiga Bean-Goose
"},"TACH Tacarcuna Chlorospingus":{"Result":"TACH: Tacarcuna Chlorospingus (IBP)
"},"TACR Tamaulipas Crow":{"Result":"TACR: Tamaulipas Crow
"},"TAFL Taiga Flycatcher":{"Result":"TAFL: Taiga Flycatcher
"},"TAHU Talamanca Hummingbird":{"Result":"TAHU: Talamanca Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"TAPE Tahiti Petrel":{"Result":"TAPE: Tahiti Petrel
"},"TAPO Tamaulipas Pygmy-Owl":{"Result":"TAPO: Tamaulipas Pygmy-Owl (IBP)
"},"TATA Tacarcuna Tapaculo":{"Result":"TATA: Tacarcuna Tapaculo (IBP)
"},"TAWA Tacarcuna Warbler":{"Result":"TAWA: Tacarcuna Warbler (IBP)
"},"TAWQ Tacarcuna Wood-Quail":{"Result":"TAWQ: Tacarcuna Wood-Quail (IBP)
"},"TBEU Thick-billed Euphonia":{"Result":"TBEU: Thick-billed Euphonia (IBP)
"},"TBFL Tawny-breasted Flycatcher":{"Result":"TBFL: Tawny-breasted Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"TBHU Tooth-billed Hummingbird":{"Result":"TBHU: Tooth-billed Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"TBKI Thick-billed Kingbird":{"Result":"TBKI: Thick-billed Kingbird
"},"TBLO Thick-billed Longspur":{"Result":"TBLO: Thick-billed Longspur (IBP)
"},"TBMO Turquoise-browed Motmot":{"Result":"TBMO: Turquoise-browed Motmot (IBP)
"},"TBMU Thick-billed Murre":{"Result":"TBMU: Thick-billed Murre
"},"TBPA Thick-billed Parrot":{"Result":"TBPA: Thick-billed Parrot
"},"TBPR Thin-billed Prion":{"Result":"TBPR: Thin-billed Prion (BBL)
"},"TBSF Thick-billed Seed-Finch":{"Result":"TBSF: Thick-billed Seed-Finch (IBP)
"},"TBVI Thick-billed Vireo":{"Result":"TBVI: Thick-billed Vireo
"},"TBWA Thick-billed Warbler":{"Result":"TBWA: Thick-billed Warbler (IBP)
"},"TCEU Tawny-capped Euphonia":{"Result":"TCEU: Tawny-capped Euphonia (IBP)
"},"TCFL Tawny-chested Flycatcher":{"Result":"TCFL: Tawny-chested Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"TCGR Tawny-crowned Greenlet":{"Result":"TCGR: Tawny-crowned Greenlet (IBP)
"},"TCNI Tawny-collared Nightjar":{"Result":"TCNI: Tawny-collared Nightjar (IBP)
"},"TCTA Tawny-crested Tanager":{"Result":"TCTA: Tawny-crested Tanager (IBP)
"},"TESA Terek Sandpiper":{"Result":"TESA: Terek Sandpiper (IBP)
"},"TEST Temminck's Stint":{"Result":"TEST: Temminck's Stint (IBP)
"},"TEWA Tennessee Warbler":{"Result":"TEWA: Tennessee Warbler
"},"TFGN Tawny-faced Gnatwren":{"Result":"TFGN: Tawny-faced Gnatwren (IBP)
"},"TFQU Tawny-faced Quail":{"Result":"TFQU: Tawny-faced Quail (IBP)
"},"THAN Thicket Antpitta":{"Result":"THAN: Thicket Antpitta (IBP)
"},"THGU Thayer's Gull":{"Result":"THGU: Thayer's Gull
"},"THTI Thicket Tinamou":{"Result":"THTI: Thicket Tinamou (IBP)
"},"TIHA Tiny Hawk":{"Result":"TIHA: Tiny Hawk (IBP)
"},"TIMO Tinian Monarch":{"Result":"TIMO: Tinian Monarch (BBL)
"},"TIWR Timberline Wren":{"Result":"TIWR: Timberline Wren (IBP)
"},"TKGU Thayer's\/Kumlien's Gull":{"Result":"TKGU: Thayer's\/Kumlien's Gull (IBP)
"},"TOMO Tody Motmot":{"Result":"TOMO: Tody Motmot (IBP)
"},"TOSH Townsend's Shearwater":{"Result":"TOSH: Townsend's Shearwater
"},"TOSO Townsend's Solitaire":{"Result":"TOSO: Townsend's Solitaire
"},"TOSP Townsend's Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"TOSP: Townsend's Storm-Petrel (IBP)
"},"TOTY Torrent Tyrannulet":{"Result":"TOTY: Torrent Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"TOWA Townsend's Warbler":{"Result":"TOWA: Townsend's Warbler
"},"TRBL Tricolored Blackbird":{"Result":"TRBL: Tricolored Blackbird
"},"TRES Tree Swallow":{"Result":"TRES: Tree Swallow
Confusion species:
TRUS: Trumpeter Swan
"},"TRFL Traill's Flycatcher":{"Result":"TRFL: Traill's Flycatcher
"},"TRHE Tricolored Heron":{"Result":"TRHE: Tricolored Heron
"},"TRJA Transvolcanic Jay":{"Result":"TRJA: Transvolcanic Jay (IBP)
"},"TRKI Tropical Kingbird":{"Result":"TRKI: Tropical Kingbird
"},"TRMO Tropical Mockingbird":{"Result":"TRMO: Tropical Mockingbird
"},"TRMU Tricolored Munia":{"Result":"TRMU: Tricolored Munia
"},"TROP Tropical Pewee":{"Result":"TROP: Tropical Pewee (IBP)
Confusion species:
TRPE: Trindade Petrel
"},"TRPA Tropical Parula":{"Result":"TRPA: Tropical Parula
"},"TRPE Trindade Petrel":{"Result":"TRPE: Trindade Petrel
Confusion species:
TROP: Tropical Pewee (IBP)
"},"TRPI Tree Pipit":{"Result":"TRPI: Tree Pipit (IBP)
"},"TRSH Tropical Shearwater":{"Result":"TRSH: Tropical Shearwater (BBL)
"},"TRSO Tropical Screech-Owl":{"Result":"TRSO: Tropical Screech-Owl (IBP)
"},"TRSP Tristram's Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"TRSP: Tristram's Storm-Petrel
"},"TRSW ":{"Result":"TRSW: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
TRUS: Trumpeter Swan
TRES: Tree Swallow
"},"TRUS Trumpeter Swan":{"Result":"TRUS: Trumpeter Swan
Confusion species:
TRES: Tree Swallow
"},"TSBL Tawny-shouldered Blackbird":{"Result":"TSBL: Tawny-shouldered Blackbird
"},"TTLE Tawny-throated Leaftosser":{"Result":"TTLE: Tawny-throated Leaftosser (IBP)
"},"TUBG Tundra Bean-Goose":{"Result":"TUBG: Tundra Bean-Goose (IBP)
"},"TUCO Turquoise Cotinga":{"Result":"TUCO: Turquoise Cotinga (IBP)
"},"TUDU Tufted Duck":{"Result":"TUDU: Tufted Duck
"},"TUFL Tufted Flycatcher":{"Result":"TUFL: Tufted Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"TUJA Tufted Jay":{"Result":"TUJA: Tufted Jay (IBP)
"},"TUPU Tufted Puffin":{"Result":"TUPU: Tufted Puffin
"},"TUQD Tuxtla Quail-Dove":{"Result":"TUQD: Tuxtla Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"TUSW Tundra Swan":{"Result":"TUSW: Tundra Swan (IBP)
"},"TUTI Tufted Titmouse":{"Result":"TUTI: Tufted Titmouse
"},"TUVU Turkey Vulture":{"Result":"TUVU: Turkey Vulture
"},"TWBE Three-wattled Bellbird":{"Result":"TWBE: Three-wattled Bellbird (IBP)
"},"TWFG Tule White-fronted Goose":{"Result":"TWFG: Tule White-fronted Goose (BBL)
"},"TWWO Tawny-winged Woodcreeper":{"Result":"TWWO: Tawny-winged Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"UAHA Unidentified Accipiter Hawk":{"Result":"UAHA: Unidentified Accipiter Hawk (IBP)
"},"UAIH Ula-ai-hawane":{"Result":"UAIH: Ula-ai-hawane (IBP)
"},"UCHR ":{"Result":"UCHR: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
UNRE: Unidentified Common\/Hoary Redpoll (BBL)
"},"UDEJ Unidentified Dark-eyed Junco":{"Result":"UDEJ: Unidentified Dark-eyed Junco (BBL)
"},"UEFL Unidentified Empidonax Flycatcher":{"Result":"UEFL: Unidentified Empidonax Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"UGCB ":{"Result":"UGCB: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
GCBT: Unidentified Gray-cheeked\/Bicknell's Thrush (BBL)
"},"UHFI Unidentified HaemorhousFinch":{"Result":"UHFI: Unidentified HaemorhousFinch (IBP)
Confusion species:
UNHA: Unidentified Hawk (IBP)
"},"ULA- ":{"Result":"ULA-: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
UAIH: Ula-ai-hawane (IBP)
"},"ULGU ":{"Result":"ULGU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
UNLG: Unidentified Larus Gull (IBP)
"},"UNBI Unidentified Bird":{"Result":"UNBI: Unidentified Bird (IBP)
"},"UNBL Unidentified Blackbird":{"Result":"UNBL: Unidentified Blackbird (IBP)
"},"UNCR Unidentified Crow":{"Result":"UNCR: Unidentified Crow (IBP)
Confusion species:
UNIC: Uniform Crake (IBP)
"},"UNDO Unidentified Dowitcher":{"Result":"UNDO: Unidentified Dowitcher (IBP)
"},"UNDU Unidentified Duck":{"Result":"UNDU: Unidentified Duck (IBP)
"},"UNEM Unidentified Empidonax":{"Result":"UNEM: Unidentified Empidonax (BBL)
"},"UNFL Unidentified Flycatcher":{"Result":"UNFL: Unidentified Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"UNGO Unidentified Goose":{"Result":"UNGO: Unidentified Goose (IBP)
"},"UNGU Unidentified Gull":{"Result":"UNGU: Unidentified Gull (BBL)
"},"UNHA Unidentified Hawk":{"Result":"UNHA: Unidentified Hawk (IBP)
Confusion species:
UHFI: Unidentified HaemorhousFinch (IBP)
"},"UNHU Unidentified Hummingbird":{"Result":"UNHU: Unidentified Hummingbird
"},"UNIC Uniform Crake":{"Result":"UNIC: Uniform Crake (IBP)
Confusion species:
UNCR: Unidentified Crow (IBP)
"},"UNJA Unicolored Jay":{"Result":"UNJA: Unicolored Jay (IBP)
"},"UNLG Unidentified Larus Gull":{"Result":"UNLG: Unidentified Larus Gull (IBP)
"},"UNOW Unidentified Owl":{"Result":"UNOW: Unidentified Owl (IBP)
"},"UNPE Unidentified Pewee":{"Result":"UNPE: Unidentified Pewee (IBP)
"},"UNRE Unidentified Common\/Hoary Redpoll":{"Result":"UNRE: Unidentified Common\/Hoary Redpoll (BBL)
"},"UNSA Unidentified Sapsucker":{"Result":"UNSA: Unidentified Sapsucker (IBP)
"},"UNSP Unidentified Sparrow":{"Result":"UNSP: Unidentified Sparrow (IBP)
"},"UNSW Unidentified Swallow":{"Result":"UNSW: Unidentified Swallow (IBP)
"},"UNTE Unidentified Teal":{"Result":"UNTE: Unidentified Teal (BBL)
"},"UNTH Unidentified Thrush":{"Result":"UNTH: Unidentified Thrush (IBP)
"},"UNWA Unidentified Warbler":{"Result":"UNWA: Unidentified Warbler (IBP)
"},"UNWO Unidentified Woodpecker":{"Result":"UNWO: Unidentified Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"UNWR Unidentified Wren":{"Result":"UNWR: Unidentified Wren (IBP)
"},"UPCH Unidentified Poecile Chickadee":{"Result":"UPCH: Unidentified Poecile Chickadee (IBP)
"},"UPSA Upland Sandpiper":{"Result":"UPSA: Upland Sandpiper
"},"UPTA Unidentified Piranga Tanager":{"Result":"UPTA: Unidentified Piranga Tanager (IBP)
"},"URST Unidentified Rufous-sided Towhee":{"Result":"URST: Unidentified Rufous-sided Towhee (BBL)
"},"USHU Unidentified Selasphorus Hummingbird":{"Result":"USHU: Unidentified Selasphorus Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"USSP Unspecified Sage Sparrow":{"Result":"USSP: Unspecified Sage Sparrow (BBL)
"},"USTS ":{"Result":"USTS: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
STSP: Unidentified Sharp-tailed Sparrow (BBL)
"},"USWO Unspotted Saw-whet Owl":{"Result":"USWO: Unspotted Saw-whet Owl (IBP)
"},"UYRW Unknown Yellow-rumped Warbler":{"Result":"UYRW: Unknown Yellow-rumped Warbler (BBL)
"},"VABU Varied Bunting":{"Result":"VABU: Varied Bunting
"},"VAFL Variegated Flycatcher":{"Result":"VAFL: Variegated Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"VASE Variable Seedeater":{"Result":"VASE: Variable Seedeater (IBP)
"},"VASO Varied Solitaire":{"Result":"VASO: Varied Solitaire (IBP)
"},"VASW Vaux's Swift":{"Result":"VASW: Vaux's Swift
"},"VATH Varied Thrush":{"Result":"VATH: Varied Thrush
"},"VATI Varied Tit":{"Result":"VATI: Varied Tit (BBL)
"},"VBHU Violet-bellied Hummingbird":{"Result":"VBHU: Violet-bellied Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"VCAH Violet-capped Hummingbird":{"Result":"VCAH: Violet-capped Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
VCHU: Violet-crowned Hummingbird
"},"VCHU Violet-crowned Hummingbird":{"Result":"VCHU: Violet-crowned Hummingbird
Confusion species:
VCAH: Violet-capped Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"VEER Veery":{"Result":"VEER: Veery
"},"VEFL Vermilion Flycatcher":{"Result":"VEFL: Vermilion Flycatcher
"},"VEHU Vervain Hummingbird":{"Result":"VEHU: Vervain Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"VEMA Veraguan Mango":{"Result":"VEMA: Veraguan Mango (IBP)
"},"VERD Verdin":{"Result":"VERD: Verdin
"},"VESC Velvet Scoter":{"Result":"VESC: Velvet Scoter (IBP)
"},"VESP Vesper Sparrow":{"Result":"VESP: Vesper Sparrow
"},"VETR Venezuelan Troupial":{"Result":"VETR: Venezuelan Troupial
"},"VGSW Violet-green Swallow":{"Result":"VGSW: Violet-green Swallow
"},"VHHU Violet-headed Hummingbird":{"Result":"VHHU: Violet-headed Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"VIDA Viridian Dacnis":{"Result":"VIDA: Viridian Dacnis (IBP)
"},"VIPE Victoria Penguin":{"Result":"VIPE: Victoria Penguin (BBL)
"},"VIQD Violaceous Quail-Dove":{"Result":"VIQD: Violaceous Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"VIRA Virginia Rail":{"Result":"VIRA: Virginia Rail
"},"VISA Violet Sabrewing":{"Result":"VISA: Violet Sabrewing (IBP)
"},"VITW Vitelline Warbler":{"Result":"VITW: Vitelline Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
VIWA: Virginia's Warbler
"},"VIWA Virginia's Warbler":{"Result":"VIWA: Virginia's Warbler
Confusion species:
VITW: Vitelline Warbler (IBP)
"},"VIWE Village Weaver":{"Result":"VIWE: Village Weaver (IBP)
"},"VOHU Volcano Hummingbird":{"Result":"VOHU: Volcano Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"VOJU Volcano Junco":{"Result":"VOJU: Volcano Junco (IBP)
"},"WAAL Wandering Albatross":{"Result":"WAAL: Wandering Albatross
Confusion species:
WAVA: Waved Albatross
"},"WAHO Wattled Honeyeater":{"Result":"WAHO: Wattled Honeyeater (BBL)
"},"WAJA Wattled Jacana":{"Result":"WAJA: Wattled Jacana (IBP)
"},"WATA Wandering Tattler":{"Result":"WATA: Wandering Tattler
"},"WAVA Waved Albatross":{"Result":"WAVA: Waved Albatross
Confusion species:
WAAL: Wandering Albatross
"},"WAVI Warbling Vireo":{"Result":"WAVI: Warbling Vireo
"},"WAWE Warbling White-eye":{"Result":"WAWE: Warbling White-eye (IBP)
"},"WBAA Wing-banded Antbird":{"Result":"WBAA: Wing-banded Antbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
WBEA: White-bellied Antbird (IBP)
"},"WBAN ":{"Result":"WBAN: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
WBEA: White-bellied Antbird (IBP)
WBAA: Wing-banded Antbird (IBP)
"},"WBCH White-bellied Chachalaca":{"Result":"WBCH: White-bellied Chachalaca (IBP)
"},"WBEA White-bellied Antbird":{"Result":"WBEA: White-bellied Antbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
WBAA: Wing-banded Antbird (IBP)
"},"WBEM White-bellied Emerald":{"Result":"WBEM: White-bellied Emerald (IBP)
"},"WBGN White-browed Gnatcatcher":{"Result":"WBGN: White-browed Gnatcatcher (IBP)
"},"WBMG White-bellied Mountain-gem":{"Result":"WBMG: White-bellied Mountain-gem (IBP)
"},"WBNU White-breasted Nuthatch":{"Result":"WBNU: White-breasted Nuthatch
"},"WBTH White-breasted Thrasher":{"Result":"WBTH: White-breasted Thrasher (IBP)
"},"WBWO Wedge-billed Woodcreeper":{"Result":"WBWO: Wedge-billed Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"WBWR White-bellied Wren":{"Result":"WBWR: White-bellied Wren (IBP)
"},"WBWW White-breasted Wood-Wren":{"Result":"WBWW: White-breasted Wood-Wren (IBP)
"},"WCAL White-capped Albatross":{"Result":"WCAL: White-capped Albatross (IBP)
"},"WCCO White-crested Coquette":{"Result":"WCCO: White-crested Coquette (IBP)
"},"WCEL White-crested Elaenia":{"Result":"WCEL: White-crested Elaenia (IBP)
"},"WCGR Western\/Clark's Grebe":{"Result":"WCGR: Western\/Clark's Grebe (BBL)
"},"WCHP White-cheeked Pintail":{"Result":"WCHP: White-cheeked Pintail (BBL: WHIP)
Confusion species:
WCPI: White-crowned Pigeon
"},"WCHS White-chinned Swift":{"Result":"WCHS: White-chinned Swift (IBP)
Confusion species:
WCSW: White-collared Swift (IBP)
"},"WCMA ":{"Result":"WCMA: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
WCOM: White-collared Manakin (IBP)
WCRM: White-crowned Manakin (IBP)
"},"WCOM White-collared Manakin":{"Result":"WCOM: White-collared Manakin (IBP)
Confusion species:
WCRM: White-crowned Manakin (IBP)
"},"WCPA White-crowned Parrot":{"Result":"WCPA: White-crowned Parrot (IBP)
"},"WCPE White-chinned Petrel":{"Result":"WCPE: White-chinned Petrel
"},"WCPI White-crowned Pigeon":{"Result":"WCPI: White-crowned Pigeon
Confusion species:
WCHP\/WHIP: White-cheeked Pintail
"},"WCRM White-crowned Manakin":{"Result":"WCRM: White-crowned Manakin (IBP)
Confusion species:
WCOM: White-collared Manakin (IBP)
"},"WCSE White-collared Seedeater":{"Result":"WCSE: White-collared Seedeater (BBL)
"},"WCSP White-crowned Sparrow":{"Result":"WCSP: White-crowned Sparrow
"},"WCSW White-collared Swift":{"Result":"WCSW: White-collared Swift (IBP)
Confusion species:
WCHS: White-chinned Swift (IBP)
"},"WCTH White-chinned Thrush":{"Result":"WCTH: White-chinned Thrush
"},"WEBL Western Bluebird":{"Result":"WEBL: Western Bluebird
"},"WECO White-eared Conebill":{"Result":"WECO: White-eared Conebill (IBP)
"},"WECT Western Chat-Tanager":{"Result":"WECT: Western Chat-Tanager (IBP)
"},"WEFL Western Flycatcher":{"Result":"WEFL: Western Flycatcher
"},"WEGR Western Grebe":{"Result":"WEGR: Western Grebe
"},"WEGS White-eared Ground-Sparrow":{"Result":"WEGS: White-eared Ground-Sparrow (IBP)
"},"WEGU Western Gull":{"Result":"WEGU: Western Gull
"},"WEHU White-eared Hummingbird":{"Result":"WEHU: White-eared Hummingbird
"},"WEKI Western Kingbird":{"Result":"WEKI: Western Kingbird
"},"WEME Western Meadowlark":{"Result":"WEME: Western Meadowlark
"},"WERH Western Reef-Heron":{"Result":"WERH: Western Reef-Heron (IBP)
"},"WESA Western Sandpiper":{"Result":"WESA: Western Sandpiper
"},"WESJ Western Scrub-Jay":{"Result":"WESJ: Western Scrub-Jay (BBL)
"},"WESO Western Screech-Owl":{"Result":"WESO: Western Screech-Owl
"},"WESP Western Spindalis":{"Result":"WESP: Western Spindalis
"},"WETA Western Tanager":{"Result":"WETA: Western Tanager
"},"WETH White-eyed Thrush":{"Result":"WETH: White-eyed Thrush
"},"WEVI White-eyed Vireo":{"Result":"WEVI: White-eyed Vireo
"},"WEWA Worm-eating Warbler":{"Result":"WEWA: Worm-eating Warbler
"},"WEWP Western Wood-Pewee":{"Result":"WEWP: Western Wood-Pewee
"},"WEWR Western Water-Rail":{"Result":"WEWR: Western Water-Rail (IBP)
"},"WFAN ":{"Result":"WFAN: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
WFLA: White-flanked Antwren (IBP)
WFRA: White-fringed Antwren (IBP)
"},"WFAQ White-faced Quail-Dove":{"Result":"WFAQ: White-faced Quail-Dove (IBP)
Confusion species:
WFRQ: White-fronted Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"WFGS White-faced Ground-Sparrow":{"Result":"WFGS: White-faced Ground-Sparrow (IBP)
"},"WFIB White-faced Ibis":{"Result":"WFIB: White-faced Ibis
"},"WFLA White-flanked Antwren":{"Result":"WFLA: White-flanked Antwren (IBP)
Confusion species:
WFRA: White-fringed Antwren (IBP)
"},"WFNU White-fronted Nunbird":{"Result":"WFNU: White-fronted Nunbird (IBP)
"},"WFPA White-fronted Parrot":{"Result":"WFPA: White-fronted Parrot (IBP)
"},"WFQD ":{"Result":"WFQD: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
WFRQ: White-fronted Quail-Dove (IBP)
WFAQ: White-faced Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"WFRA White-fringed Antwren":{"Result":"WFRA: White-fringed Antwren (IBP)
Confusion species:
WFLA: White-flanked Antwren (IBP)
"},"WFRQ White-fronted Quail-Dove":{"Result":"WFRQ: White-fronted Quail-Dove (IBP)
Confusion species:
WFAQ: White-faced Quail-Dove (IBP)
"},"WFSP White-faced Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"WFSP: White-faced Storm-Petrel
"},"WFSW White-fronted Swift":{"Result":"WFSW: White-fronted Swift (IBP)
"},"WFWD White-faced Whistling-Duck":{"Result":"WFWD: White-faced Whistling-Duck (IBP)
"},"WHAU Whiskered Auklet":{"Result":"WHAU: Whiskered Auklet
"},"WHCR Whooping Crane":{"Result":"WHCR: Whooping Crane
"},"WHHA White Hawk":{"Result":"WHHA: White Hawk (IBP)
"},"WHHE Whistling Heron":{"Result":"WHHE: Whistling Heron (IBP)
"},"WHIB White Ibis":{"Result":"WHIB: White Ibis
"},"WHIM Whimbrel":{"Result":"WHIM: Whimbrel
"},"WHIP White-cheeked Pintail":{"Result":"WHIP: White-cheeked Pintail (IBP: WCHP)
Confusion species:
WCPI: White-crowned Pigeon
"},"WHIT Whiskered Tern":{"Result":"WHIT: Whiskered Tern (IBP: WHST)
Confusion species:
WHTT\/WHTE: White Tern
"},"WHIW Whistling Warbler":{"Result":"WHIW: Whistling Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
WHWA: White Wagtail
"},"WHMO Whooping Motmot":{"Result":"WHMO: Whooping Motmot (IBP)
"},"WHOS Whooper Swan":{"Result":"WHOS: Whooper Swan
Confusion species:
WHSW: Whistling Swan
"},"WHSO Whiskered Screech-Owl":{"Result":"WHSO: Whiskered Screech-Owl
"},"WHSP White-throated Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"WHSP: White-throated Storm-Petrel (BBL)
Confusion species:
WTRS: White-throated Spadebill (IBP)
WTSP: White-throated Sparrow
"},"WHST Whiskered Tern":{"Result":"WHST: Whiskered Tern (BBL: WHIT)
Confusion species:
WHTT\/WHTE: White Tern
"},"WHSW Whistling Swan":{"Result":"WHSW: Whistling Swan
Confusion species:
WHOS: Whooper Swan
"},"WHTE White Tern":{"Result":"WHTE: White Tern (IBP: WHTT)
Confusion species:
WHST\/WHIT: Whiskered Tern
"},"WHTH White's Thrush":{"Result":"WHTH: White's Thrush (IBP)
"},"WHTT White Tern":{"Result":"WHTT: White Tern (BBL: WHTE)
Confusion species:
WHST\/WHIT: Whiskered Tern
"},"WHWA White Wagtail":{"Result":"WHWA: White Wagtail
Confusion species:
WHIW: Whistling Warbler (IBP)
"},"WHWO White-headed Woodpecker":{"Result":"WHWO: White-headed Woodpecker
"},"WHWR White-headed Wren":{"Result":"WHWR: White-headed Wren (IBP)
"},"WIFL Willow Flycatcher":{"Result":"WIFL: Willow Flycatcher
"},"WILL Willet":{"Result":"WILL: Willet
"},"WILW Willow Warbler":{"Result":"WILW: Willow Warbler (IBP)
Confusion species:
WIWA: Wilson's Warbler
"},"WIPH Wilson's Phalarope":{"Result":"WIPH: Wilson's Phalarope
"},"WIPL Wilson's Plover":{"Result":"WIPL: Wilson's Plover
"},"WIPT Willow Ptarmigan":{"Result":"WIPT: Willow Ptarmigan (IBP)
"},"WISA Williamson's Sapsucker":{"Result":"WISA: Williamson's Sapsucker
"},"WISN Wilson's Snipe":{"Result":"WISN: Wilson's Snipe
"},"WISP Wilson's Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"WISP: Wilson's Storm-Petrel
"},"WITU Wild Turkey":{"Result":"WITU: Wild Turkey (IBP)
"},"WIWA Wilson's Warbler":{"Result":"WIWA: Wilson's Warbler
Confusion species:
WILW: Willow Warbler (IBP)
"},"WIWD West Indian Whistling-Duck":{"Result":"WIWD: West Indian Whistling-Duck
"},"WIWO West Indian Woodpecker":{"Result":"WIWO: West Indian Woodpecker
"},"WIWR Winter Wren":{"Result":"WIWR: Winter Wren
"},"WLGN White-lored Gnatcatcher":{"Result":"WLGN: White-lored Gnatcatcher (IBP)
"},"WLTA White-lined Tanager":{"Result":"WLTA: White-lined Tanager (IBP)
"},"WMCH West Mexican Chachalaca":{"Result":"WMCH: West Mexican Chachalaca (IBP)
"},"WMEU West Mexican Euphonia":{"Result":"WMEU: West Mexican Euphonia (IBP)
"},"WMHA Western Marsh Harrier":{"Result":"WMHA: Western Marsh Harrier (IBP)
"},"WNBR White-naped Brushfinch":{"Result":"WNBR: White-naped Brushfinch (IBP)
"},"WNCR White-necked Crow":{"Result":"WNCR: White-necked Crow
"},"WNJA White-necked Jacobin":{"Result":"WNJA: White-necked Jacobin (IBP)
"},"WNPE White-necked Petrel":{"Result":"WNPE: White-necked Petrel (IBP)
"},"WNPU White-necked Puffbird":{"Result":"WNPU: White-necked Puffbird (IBP)
"},"WNSW White-naped Swift":{"Result":"WNSW: White-naped Swift (IBP)
"},"WODU Wood Duck":{"Result":"WODU: Wood Duck
"},"WOSA Wood Sandpiper":{"Result":"WOSA: Wood Sandpiper
"},"WOSJ Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay":{"Result":"WOSJ: Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay
"},"WOSP Worthen's Sparrow":{"Result":"WOSP: Worthen's Sparrow
"},"WOST Wood Stork":{"Result":"WOST: Wood Stork
"},"WOTH Wood Thrush":{"Result":"WOTH: Wood Thrush
"},"WOWA Wood Warbler":{"Result":"WOWA: Wood Warbler
"},"WPWA Western Palm Warbler":{"Result":"WPWA: Western Palm Warbler
"},"WREN Wrentit":{"Result":"WREN: Wrentit
Confusion species:
WRET: Wrenthrush (IBP)
"},"WRET Wrenthrush":{"Result":"WRET: Wrenthrush (IBP)
Confusion species:
WREN: Wrentit
"},"WRFL White-ringed Flycatcher":{"Result":"WRFL: White-ringed Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"WRMA White-ruffed Manakin":{"Result":"WRMA: White-ruffed Manakin (IBP)
"},"WRSA White-rumped Sandpiper":{"Result":"WRSA: White-rumped Sandpiper
"},"WRSH White-rumped Shama":{"Result":"WRSH: White-rumped Shama
"},"WRSP Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel":{"Result":"WRSP: Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel
"},"WRSW White-rumped Swiftlet":{"Result":"WRSW: White-rumped Swiftlet (BBL)
"},"WSPL Western Snowy Plover":{"Result":"WSPL: Western Snowy Plover (BBL)
"},"WSTA White-shouldered Tanager":{"Result":"WSTA: White-shouldered Tanager (IBP)
"},"WSWO White-striped Woodcreeper":{"Result":"WSWO: White-striped Woodcreeper (IBP)
"},"WTAH White-tailed Hummingbird":{"Result":"WTAH: White-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
WTHH: Wine-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"WTAT White-tailed Trogon":{"Result":"WTAT: White-tailed Trogon (IBP)
Confusion species:
WTTR: White-tailed Tropicbird
"},"WTCR White-throated Crake":{"Result":"WTCR: White-throated Crake (IBP)
"},"WTDO White-tipped Dove":{"Result":"WTDO: White-tipped Dove
"},"WTEA White-tailed Eagle":{"Result":"WTEA: White-tailed Eagle (IBP)
"},"WTEM White-tailed Emerald":{"Result":"WTEM: White-tailed Emerald (IBP)
"},"WTFL White-throated Flycatcher":{"Result":"WTFL: White-throated Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"WTGD White-throated Ground-Dove":{"Result":"WTGD: White-throated Ground-Dove (BBL)
"},"WTGF Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch":{"Result":"WTGF: Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch (IBP)
"},"WTGS White-thighed Swallow":{"Result":"WTGS: White-thighed Swallow (IBP)
Confusion species:
WTSW: White-throated Swift
"},"WTHA White-tailed Hawk":{"Result":"WTHA: White-tailed Hawk
"},"WTHH Wine-throated Hummingbird":{"Result":"WTHH: Wine-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
WTAH: White-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"WTHU ":{"Result":"WTHU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
WTHH: Wine-throated Hummingbird (IBP)
WTAH: White-tailed Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"WTJA White-throated Jay":{"Result":"WTJA: White-throated Jay (IBP)
"},"WTKI White-tailed Kite":{"Result":"WTKI: White-tailed Kite
"},"WTMG White-throated Mountain-gem":{"Result":"WTMG: White-throated Mountain-gem (IBP)
"},"WTMJ White-throated Magpie-Jay":{"Result":"WTMJ: White-throated Magpie-Jay (IBP)
"},"WTNE White-throated Needletail":{"Result":"WTNE: White-throated Needletail (IBP)
"},"WTNI White-tailed Nightjar":{"Result":"WTNI: White-tailed Nightjar (IBP)
"},"WTPT White-tailed Ptarmigan":{"Result":"WTPT: White-tailed Ptarmigan (IBP)
"},"WTRS White-throated Spadebill":{"Result":"WTRS: White-throated Spadebill (IBP)
Confusion species:
WTSP: White-throated Sparrow
WHSP: White-throated Storm-Petrel (BBL)
"},"WTSA Wedge-tailed Sabrewing":{"Result":"WTSA: Wedge-tailed Sabrewing (IBP)
"},"WTSH Wedge-tailed Shearwater":{"Result":"WTSH: Wedge-tailed Shearwater
"},"WTSI White-tipped Sicklebill":{"Result":"WTSI: White-tipped Sicklebill (IBP)
"},"WTSP White-throated Sparrow":{"Result":"WTSP: White-throated Sparrow
Confusion species:
WTRS: White-throated Spadebill (IBP)
WHSP: White-throated Storm-Petrel (BBL)
"},"WTST White-throated Shrike-Tanager":{"Result":"WTST: White-throated Shrike-Tanager (IBP)
"},"WTSW White-throated Swift":{"Result":"WTSW: White-throated Swift
Confusion species:
WTGS: White-thighed Swallow (IBP)
"},"WTTH White-throated Thrush":{"Result":"WTTH: White-throated Thrush (IBP)
"},"WTTO White-throated Towhee":{"Result":"WTTO: White-throated Towhee (IBP)
"},"WTTR White-tailed Tropicbird":{"Result":"WTTR: White-tailed Tropicbird
Confusion species:
WTAT: White-tailed Trogon (IBP)
"},"WVEU White-vented Euphonia":{"Result":"WVEU: White-vented Euphonia (IBP)
"},"WVPL White-vented Plumeleteer":{"Result":"WVPL: White-vented Plumeleteer (IBP)
"},"WWBE White-winged Becard":{"Result":"WWBE: White-winged Becard (IBP)
"},"WWCR White-winged Crossbill":{"Result":"WWCR: White-winged Crossbill
"},"WWDO White-winged Dove":{"Result":"WWDO: White-winged Dove
"},"WWJU White-winged Junco":{"Result":"WWJU: White-winged Junco
"},"WWPA White-winged Parakeet":{"Result":"WWPA: White-winged Parakeet (IBP)
"},"WWPU White-whiskered Puffbird":{"Result":"WWPU: White-whiskered Puffbird (IBP)
"},"WWSC White-winged Scoter":{"Result":"WWSC: White-winged Scoter
"},"WWTA White-winged Tanager":{"Result":"WWTA: White-winged Tanager (IBP)
"},"WWTE White-winged Tern":{"Result":"WWTE: White-winged Tern
"},"WWWA White-winged Warbler":{"Result":"WWWA: White-winged Warbler (IBP)
"},"WYBC Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo":{"Result":"WYBC: Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo (BBL)
"},"XAHU Xantus's Hummingbird":{"Result":"XAHU: Xantus's Hummingbird (IBP)
"},"XAMU Xantus's Murrelet":{"Result":"XAMU: Xantus's Murrelet (BBL)
"},"YBBU ":{"Result":"YBBU: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
YBWB: Yellow-browed Bunting (IBP)
YBSB: Yellow-breasted Bunting (IBP)
"},"YBCA Yellow-billed Cardinal":{"Result":"YBCA: Yellow-billed Cardinal
Confusion species:
YBIC: Yellow-billed Cacique (IBP)
"},"YBCH Yellow-breasted Chat":{"Result":"YBCH: Yellow-breasted Chat
"},"YBCO Yellow-billed Cotinga":{"Result":"YBCO: Yellow-billed Cotinga (IBP)
"},"YBCR Yellow-breasted Crake":{"Result":"YBCR: Yellow-breasted Crake
"},"YBCU Yellow-billed Cuckoo":{"Result":"YBCU: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
"},"YBEL Yellow-bellied Elaenia":{"Result":"YBEL: Yellow-bellied Elaenia
"},"YBFL Yellow-bellied Flycatcher":{"Result":"YBFL: Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Confusion species:
YBRF: Yellow-breasted Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"YBIC Yellow-billed Cacique":{"Result":"YBIC: Yellow-billed Cacique (IBP)
Confusion species:
YBCA: Yellow-billed Cardinal
"},"YBLO Yellow-billed Loon":{"Result":"YBLO: Yellow-billed Loon
"},"YBMA Yellow-billed Magpie":{"Result":"YBMA: Yellow-billed Magpie
"},"YBOR Yellow-backed Oriole":{"Result":"YBOR: Yellow-backed Oriole (IBP)
"},"YBPA Yellow-billed Parrot":{"Result":"YBPA: Yellow-billed Parrot (IBP)
"},"YBRF Yellow-breasted Flycatcher":{"Result":"YBRF: Yellow-breasted Flycatcher (IBP)
Confusion species:
YBFL: Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
"},"YBSA Yellow-bellied Sapsucker":{"Result":"YBSA: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
"},"YBSB Yellow-breasted Bunting":{"Result":"YBSB: Yellow-breasted Bunting (IBP)
Confusion species:
YBWB: Yellow-browed Bunting (IBP)
"},"YBSE Yellow-bellied Seedeater":{"Result":"YBSE: Yellow-bellied Seedeater
"},"YBSI Yellow-bellied Siskin":{"Result":"YBSI: Yellow-bellied Siskin (IBP)
"},"YBSV Yellow-browed Shrike-Vireo":{"Result":"YBSV: Yellow-browed Shrike-Vireo (IBP)
"},"YBTA Yellow-backed Tanager":{"Result":"YBTA: Yellow-backed Tanager (IBP)
"},"YBTE Yellow-billed Tern":{"Result":"YBTE: Yellow-billed Tern (IBP)
"},"YBTY Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet":{"Result":"YBTY: Yellow-bellied Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"YBWA Yellow-browed Warbler":{"Result":"YBWA: Yellow-browed Warbler (IBP)
"},"YBWB Yellow-browed Bunting":{"Result":"YBWB: Yellow-browed Bunting (IBP)
Confusion species:
YBSB: Yellow-breasted Bunting (IBP)
"},"YCBI Yellow-crowned Bishop":{"Result":"YCBI: Yellow-crowned Bishop
"},"YCCH Yellow-collared Chlorophonia":{"Result":"YCCH: Yellow-collared Chlorophonia (IBP)
"},"YCEU Yellow-crowned Euphonia":{"Result":"YCEU: Yellow-crowned Euphonia (IBP)
"},"YCNH Yellow-crowned Night-Heron":{"Result":"YCNH: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
"},"YCPA Yellow-chevroned Parakeet":{"Result":"YCPA: Yellow-chevroned Parakeet (IBP)
Confusion species:
YCRP: Yellow-crowned Parrot (IBP)
"},"YCRP Yellow-crowned Parrot":{"Result":"YCRP: Yellow-crowned Parrot (IBP)
Confusion species:
YCPA: Yellow-chevroned Parakeet (IBP)
"},"YCTY Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet":{"Result":"YCTY: Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"YEBI Yellow Bittern":{"Result":"YEBI: Yellow Bittern
"},"YEFL Yellowish Flycatcher":{"Result":"YEFL: Yellowish Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"YEGR Yellow Grosbeak":{"Result":"YEGR: Yellow Grosbeak
"},"YEJU Yellow-eyed Junco":{"Result":"YEJU: Yellow-eyed Junco
"},"YEPI Yellowish Pipit":{"Result":"YEPI: Yellowish Pipit (IBP)
"},"YERA Yellow Rail":{"Result":"YERA: Yellow Rail
"},"YETO Yellow-eared Toucanet":{"Result":"YETO: Yellow-eared Toucanet (IBP)
"},"YETY Yellow Tyrannulet":{"Result":"YETY: Yellow Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"YEWA Yellow Warbler":{"Result":"YEWA: Yellow Warbler
"},"YFCA Yellow-fronted Canary":{"Result":"YFCA: Yellow-fronted Canary
"},"YFGR Yellow-faced Grassquit":{"Result":"YFGR: Yellow-faced Grassquit
"},"YFGU Yellow-footed Gull":{"Result":"YFGU: Yellow-footed Gull
"},"YGBR Yellow-green Brushfinch":{"Result":"YGBR: Yellow-green Brushfinch (IBP)
"},"YGGR Yellow-green Grosbeak":{"Result":"YGGR: Yellow-green Grosbeak (IBP)
"},"YGTY Yellow-green Tyrannulet":{"Result":"YGTY: Yellow-green Tyrannulet (IBP)
"},"YGVI Yellow-green Vireo":{"Result":"YGVI: Yellow-green Vireo
"},"YHBL Yellow-headed Blackbird":{"Result":"YHBL: Yellow-headed Blackbird
Confusion species:
YHOB: Yellow-hooded Blackbird (IBP)
"},"YHCA Yellow-headed Caracara":{"Result":"YHCA: Yellow-headed Caracara (IBP)
"},"YHOB Yellow-hooded Blackbird":{"Result":"YHOB: Yellow-hooded Blackbird (IBP)
Confusion species:
YHBL: Yellow-headed Blackbird
"},"YHPA Yellow-headed Parrot":{"Result":"YHPA: Yellow-headed Parrot (IBP)
"},"YHWA Yellow-headed Warbler":{"Result":"YHWA: Yellow-headed Warbler (IBP)
"},"YLGU Yellow-legged Gull":{"Result":"YLGU: Yellow-legged Gull (IBP)
"},"YLPA Yellow-lored Parrot":{"Result":"YLPA: Yellow-lored Parrot (IBP)
"},"YMFL Yellow-margined Flycatcher":{"Result":"YMFL: Yellow-margined Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"YNAL Yellow-nosed Albatross":{"Result":"YNAL: Yellow-nosed Albatross
"},"YNPA Yellow-naped Parrot":{"Result":"YNPA: Yellow-naped Parrot (IBP)
"},"YOFL Yellow-olive Flycatcher":{"Result":"YOFL: Yellow-olive Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"YPWA Yellow Palm Warbler":{"Result":"YPWA: Yellow Palm Warbler
"},"YRCA Yellow-rumped Cacique":{"Result":"YRCA: Yellow-rumped Cacique (IBP)
"},"YRRA Yuma Ridgway's Rail":{"Result":"YRRA: Yuma Ridgway's Rail (BBL)
"},"YRWA Yellow-rumped Warbler":{"Result":"YRWA: Yellow-rumped Warbler (IBP)
"},"YSBL Yellow-shouldered Blackbird":{"Result":"YSBL: Yellow-shouldered Blackbird
"},"YSFL Yellow-shafted Flicker":{"Result":"YSFL: Yellow-shafted Flicker
"},"YSGR Yellow-shouldered Grassquit":{"Result":"YSGR: Yellow-shouldered Grassquit
"},"YTBR Yellow-thighed Brushfinch":{"Result":"YTBR: Yellow-thighed Brushfinch (IBP)
"},"YTBU Yellow-throated Bunting":{"Result":"YTBU: Yellow-throated Bunting (IBP)
"},"YTCH Yellow-throated Chlorospingus":{"Result":"YTCH: Yellow-throated Chlorospingus (IBP)
"},"YTEU Yellow-throated Euphonia":{"Result":"YTEU: Yellow-throated Euphonia (IBP)
"},"YTNT Yellow-throated Nightingale-Thrush":{"Result":"YTNT: Yellow-throated Nightingale-Thrush (IBP)
"},"YTOR Yellow-tailed Oriole":{"Result":"YTOR: Yellow-tailed Oriole (IBP)
"},"YTTO Yellow-throated Toucan":{"Result":"YTTO: Yellow-throated Toucan (IBP)
"},"YTVI Yellow-throated Vireo":{"Result":"YTVI: Yellow-throated Vireo
"},"YTWA Yellow-throated Warbler":{"Result":"YTWA: Yellow-throated Warbler
"},"YUFL Yucatan Flycatcher":{"Result":"YUFL: Yucatan Flycatcher (IBP)
"},"YUGN Yucatan Gnatcatcher":{"Result":"YUGN: Yucatan Gnatcatcher (IBP)
"},"YUJA Yucatan Jay":{"Result":"YUJA: Yucatan Jay (IBP)
"},"YUNI Yucatan Nightjar":{"Result":"YUNI: Yucatan Nightjar (IBP)
"},"YUPO Yucatan Poorwill":{"Result":"YUPO: Yucatan Poorwill (IBP)
"},"YUVI Yucatan Vireo":{"Result":"YUVI: Yucatan Vireo (IBP)
"},"YUWO Yucatan Woodpecker":{"Result":"YUWO: Yucatan Woodpecker (IBP)
"},"YUWR Yucatan Wren":{"Result":"YUWR: Yucatan Wren (IBP)
"},"YWCA Yellow-winged Cacique":{"Result":"YWCA: Yellow-winged Cacique (IBP)
"},"YWTA Yellow-winged Tanager":{"Result":"YWTA: Yellow-winged Tanager (IBP)
"},"YWVI Yellow-winged Vireo":{"Result":"YWVI: Yellow-winged Vireo (IBP)
"},"ZARA Zapata Rail":{"Result":"ZARA: Zapata Rail (IBP)
"},"ZASP Zapata Sparrow":{"Result":"ZASP: Zapata Sparrow (IBP)
"},"ZAWR Zapata Wren":{"Result":"ZAWR: Zapata Wren (IBP)
"},"ZEAN Zeledon's Antbird":{"Result":"ZEAN: Zeledon's Antbird (IBP)
"},"ZEBD Zebra Dove":{"Result":"ZEBD: Zebra Dove
Confusion species:
ZEND: Zenaida Dove
"},"ZEDO ":{"Result":"ZEDO: Code not in use.
Confusion species:
ZEBD: Zebra Dove
ZEND: Zenaida Dove
"},"ZEND Zenaida Dove":{"Result":"ZEND: Zenaida Dove
Confusion species:
ZEBD: Zebra Dove
"},"ZIPE Zino's Petrel":{"Result":"ZIPE: Zino's Petrel (IBP)
"},"ZTHA Zone-tailed Hawk":{"Result":"ZTHA: Zone-tailed Hawk